Chapter 65

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"A-A handsome god?" Himiko questioned, you were currently watching as Angie, once again, was starting her brainwashing process.

"I feel like we're watching the beginnings of a cult." Rantaro jokingly whispered to you. You managed a half-hearted chuckle back, but you knew just how terrifying Angie could be when it came to Atua. You glanced around the room, observing everyone who was present's- well, either amused or confused faces. No one was ever going to do anything to stop Angie though. Perhaps if someone had earlier... there wouldn't be a student council later.

...Well not like you're going to take that risk. So observing it is. You noticed that Ryoma, Gonta, and Kokichi weren't present. Although this happened in the original game too so you weren't too worried. Ryoma was probably sulking somewhere- although you couldn't help but be slightly curious if he tried to take your advice yesterday.

"With that! Himiko's Magic Show is now open!!" Himiko cheered slightly, after Angie's entire speech about greed and acceptance of their situation.

"But in our situation wasting time on magic tricks is quite illogical." Both Tsumugi and Miu added their own thoughts of agreeance to Keebo's words.

You shrugged before speaking up a bit, "I think it's fine if they want to. It'll be a distraction from the motive at the very least."

"Nyahahah! See! (Y/N) agrees!" She waved a finger at me, "Have you ever given any thought of praying to Atua? I think you should!"

You freeze, "Uh. Maybe. We'll see." The awkwardness in your voice could not be any more obvious. But Angie didn't seem disheartened- in fact, she almost seemed happier that you didn't completely reject the idea.

I'll... just be very careful with her. Especially when Atua is involved. You really don't want to die at her hands again.

"The show is tomorrow morning so I'll be calling some of you to help~I'm counting on you to help. Now Bye-Onara!" And with that, Angie raced off and Himiko followed her as well.

"Oh Himiko... what happened to you?" Tenko whimpered sadly as they left.

Korekiyo chuckled, "Faith can truly be quite terrifying huh?"

"I believe there is no cause for concern. This doesn't appear to be related to the motive videos." Keebo pointed out.

"Only worried about that huh?" Rantaro replied.

"Of course. We can't afford to take Monokuma's motive's lightly."

Tsumugi sighed, "But everyone who isn't here could be sharing their videos..."

"Like Kokichi, Gonta and Ryoma?" Kaito listed.

"Hm." Shuichi hummed in thought for a second. "No, I think that's fine as well. Even if there are three people it's still a low probability for them to have each other's videos, and I doubt any of them would share it without getting their own."

Rantaro nodded, "So an exchange in that small of a group is unlikely."

"Ah I see..." Korekiyo mumbled while everyone else nodded in understanding.

"Well let's eat breakfast for now. I have laid out many different dishes." Kirumi said carrying a pile of plates to the table. It didn't take long for everyone to start eating and talking about various subjects. Kaito was on a rant about space. Again. Everyone started to leave as soon as breakfast was over though.

"(Y/N)? You have any plans on what to do today?" Rantaro asked as he stood up.

You shrugged a bit, "Maybe go for another walk, talk to more people- help out with the show?" Actually, the first plan was to avoid the bug gathering that was probably happening today. You avoided it the first time- and in all honesty? You really did not want to spend hours in a room with a bunch of bugs flying around.

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