Chapter 49

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The second you uttered those words you reopened your eyes to see that you were surrounded by darkness still. For a second, you were convinced that nothing happened until you put your hands out in front of you and felt the locker door. You pushed it open and light-flooded your vision.

And in an instant, you were flooded with this overwhelming sense of Deja Vu. The same classroom with its overgrown vines and barricaded windows.

"I'm back." You said softly. You then looked down at the clothes you were wearing, expecting to see your old Danganronpa outfit, however to your unfortunate surprise you were in your pajamas from home.

Right... stupid prologue. You quickly exited the classroom, hoping to get this section with over as soon as possible. As you made your way to the gym, you heard Monodam's voice shout, and you could hear Kaede's and Shuichi running away, their footsteps were heading in your direction so you continued to make your way to the gym. You swung the door open, and faces you hadn't seen in over eight months greeted you.

"Alright, there's fifteen now. I think we're waiting on two more." You swung your head towards where Rantaro had just uttered those words. You almost shouted with happiness at seeing your friend again, but you forced yourself to remain normal. You swept your eyes through the crowd, and everyone was still in there pre-game clothes.

Just then, Kaede and Shuichi swung in through the doors. There then proceeded to be some argument about whether or not there were only going to be 17 people or not. Somehow, this bickering helped calm your nerves down. Although you were already trying to plan ahead.

How exactly do I finish the game? Do I need to let it take its natural course? But that means... My eyes fluttered over to where Rantaro was standing. If I chose to let things go as they were supposed to... then Rantaro would die at the beginning.

"I knew it! They haven't gotten their first memory yet!" Monotaro shouted.

"We'll change your wardrobe so you all look cute and spiffy!" Monophanie shouted, and in an instant my clothes were immediately changed. Despite having gone through this process already, it didn't make it any less terrifying.

I still don't understand how that is possible. I looked down, and I was wearing my original Danganronpa outfit. At least my Ultimate, or lack of one, is still the same. Speaking of which... should I still pretend I don't know? Maybe I should make up one. No, wait if I do and I end up having a different ultimate talent and it gets revealed that'll be even more suspicious. Okay. For now, let's do everything like I did last time.

"The amazing story will begin for real this time!"

And with that, a bright light was shone in my face, and I let myself lose consciousness.


I woke up once again, surrounded by darkness. Already knowing what to do, I put my hand against the locker door and stepped into the classroom again.

Alright for real this time! I can do this!

"Rise and Shine Ursine!" The cry came, startling you.

Right, that happens. Great, here's comes the long tutorial.

"We are the Monokubs!"

You tilted your head to act confused, "Uh...what."

You watched as they turned to each other excitedly, and repeated "it worked!" You inwardly scoffed at their naivete. Fools.

"Right right, so why don't you guys just tell me everything that's going on, without stopping and I'll listen as you do." You started to walk over to one of the near by desks, you sat in the chair and turned back towards the Monokubs, "Okay. Go. Explain." If you had to listen to a long tutorial about things you already knew, you weren't going to stay standing the whole time.

The monokubs looked at eachother, and back at you. They were slightly angry that you had the nerve to try and order them around, but nevertheless they still explained everything. You didn't bother to interrupt them, rather you were thinking about your plan of action. Or well, mainly you kept switching between whether or not you were going to proceed with how the original game went, or with how your game went.

But I don't want Rantaro to die... but I also want him to at least exist. Dang it. Why is this such a hard decision?

"Uh...hello?" Monotaro asked.

You snapped your head back up, "Hm...? I was listening."

"No. Not that. We're done."

"Right....well I'm going to sit here and ponder about all the information you gave me so you can go!"

"(Pronoun) wasn't paying attention huh?" Monosuke whispered, although you still heard him. You watched as the other Monokubs shrugged and then left. Meanwhile, you still stayed seated.

You didn't really know what to do. There were too many paths and too many variables. You didn't know if you chose to let Kaede kill Rantaro anyway, if the deaths, later on, would still be the same. But if you save Rantaro you could very well just suffer the same fate of dying by Kokichi's hands.

"Damnit! This is too confusing!" You shouted, Okay, goal number one? Finish the game. Goal number two? Don't be hated. So for now... let's just do things like I did before, and I'll figure out tomorrow whether or not I should... save Rantaro.

"Hey you okay?! I heard shout." A voice spoke from the doorway. I looked towards where the voice was coming. The Fake-protagonist was standing there. Kaede.

"Ah! Yeah, I'm fine. I was just trying to remember my Ultimate Talent, but I can't seem to remember." I said, I furrowed my eyebrows in mock frustration. "It's... so annoying!"

"Oh? You can't remember your talent either? You're like Rantaro." Shuichi noted, walking in beside Kaede.

"I'm Kaede Akamatsu, and this is Shuichi Saihara. I'm the Ultimate Pianist!" Kaede introduced herself cheerfully.

"I'm the Ultimate Detective... sort of."

"Ah... my name is (Full name). Nice to meet you." You said, "So... did you guys meet all the other Ultimates already?"

"Other than Rantaro, we met this girl named Tsumugi, the Ultimate Cosplayer! Shuichi and I were going to go find everyone else!"

Huh, I guess I spent enough time here musing about my situation that I skipped those two's introductions. Wait... I'm already changing things this isn't good. Okay, be normal (Y/N), but not too normal. Don't need to be killed again.

"You guys mind if I tag along? I want to go meet everyone as well." You asked.

"Sure!" Kaede agreed, and once again, you tagged along with the two protagonists, beginning anew the journey that didn't seem to end.


Sorry guys! This is later than usual, I was quite busy with summer classes. (Curse you GPA boosting courses!)

Anyway, I'll update in around 5 days for sure. I'm honestly really excited for the rest of this book. Anyway, not much happening but it'll pick up again pretty soon.

As always though...


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