Chapter 36

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Almost a whole day had passed since the Necronomicon, had been introduced. Things were already becoming an uproar. Almost no one went to dinner last night besides you, Ryoma and Kirumi. Shuichi and Kaito dropped in to get food but quickly left. Even Rantaro didn't show up.

You let out a sigh and moved towards Ryoma who was eating.

"This situation is worse off then I thought huh?" You spoke to him.

"Yeah." Came the dry reply from Ryoma.

You let out a scoff, somehow you thought this would be easier. "So what do you think this whole motive is about? Real or not?"

"Hmph... I don't think that's the issue of this motive."

"Oh?" You tilted your head, to be honest even in your reality this motive was always one of the most confusing ones.

"The real issue is the fact that it targets our fears." Ryoma answered, "Our fear of the unknown will stop us from working together. And since we're all divided on what to do it makes the underlying issue worse."

"So whether we use it or not, we should come to a unanimous decision? In order to overcome this motive?" You thought out loud, "It's an intriguing notion, but I don't know what I would do if it turns out to be real."

Although, it wouldn't be the most bizarre thing to happen to me lately.

Ryoma let our a scoff, "Yeah." He then eyed at me, "You're a pretty big mystery in this place as well."

You hesitated, "Because I don't know my talent or..." you were going to mention what happened to Maki but the words died in your throat.

"Both." He answered, as if he knew what you were going to say. "You never explained how you found out about Kaede and Shuichi's plan. Plus your eyes are filled with regret. Too much regret for how you acted during that trial."

You were speechless, you didn't know that Ryoma was this good at reading people. "What about you? Do your regret killing those people from the mafia?"

"Not for a second. They took everything from me. My family, my talent...even my lover." Ryoma pauses for a second, "My only regret is not keeping them safe."

"I'm sorry..." You trailed off.

"'s in the past now. Like how I wanted to die."

You gave a small grin, "Kaito's words got through to you then?"

"Gotta hand it to him. His will is strong." Ryoma noted, "Well I'll be off now, see you tomorrow."

You also bid him farewell as you watched him walk out of the dining hall.

"Is there anything else you need (Y/N)?"

"Ah no, I was just going to make myself some coffee and then head to bed. You can go to your dorm Kirumi."

"It is no trouble, I will make you some coffee."

You opened your mouth to insist you could do it, but you just nodded, Kirumi is the Ultimate Maid after all, perhaps she finds happiness in serving others. It didn't take her very long to produce a cup of coffee and hand it to you. You thanked her, and then watched as she went off to her dorm.

"I suppose I should go to bed now..."

You started walking through the courtyard to get to your dorm. Until you heard voices shouting.

"The student council can't do this! We're free to do whatever we like!" You heard Kaito's boisterous voice echo.

"It's nighttime Kaito, Himiko's murder happened during the nighttime. Therefore we are prohibiting nighttime activity." Angie responded.

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