Chapter 42

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"Chairs!" Kokichi shouted the second we entered the trial room. "Good Job Monokuma!" 

Monokuma growled, "I only did it because it made sense." 

Meanwhile you were somewhat in shock. Yes you were relieved because this was about to be easier on your poor aching legs, but you were shocked that it changed at all. But you were grateful nonetheless. The chairs weren't fancy or anything, they kinda reminded you of the chairs in the bar, with like a blue swivel top. There was barely any support for your back but that was okay. 


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(^Like This, But like a lighter blue? Kinda to match the theme) 

Well, either way you were glad for them. Although it takes a bit of the seriousness away, but you didn't mind. Plus the height was adjustable. You watched from the corner of your eye as Ryoma put his really high up, you tried to stifle your laughter. Soon enough everyone got to their places. Monokuma did his usual commentary, explaining how the trial works, and soon enough, our third trial was beginning. 

"Okay, there are two ways we can start this." Rantaro started us off, "We can either listen to Angie's testimony now, or we can discuss the facts that we found, rule off certain people and... then use these facts to determine how much of Angie's story is true." 

"I vote for the second option!" You chimed in, while yes you wanted to listen to Angie's story as soon as possible, you also thought it would be better to get all the facts out of the way, especially while they were still fresh in your memory. Luckily for you, no one really cared, except for Kokichi who protested that he wanted to hear Angie's story but everyone else was okay with going over the facts first. 

"Alright, I'll start then." Shuichi spoke up, "So um, both Tsumugi and Korekiyo's bodies had head trauma,  and slashes in their necks according to the monokuma file. I also noticed that Tsumugi's clothes were more covered in dust and small debris than Korekiyo's was." 

"Dust? Why would that matter. In those rooms there's probably a lot of dust." said Ryoma "I don't see how that's relevant." 

Shuichi shook his head, "It is, because it's very possible that Tsumugi's dead body was dragged along the floor, meaning she probably didn't die in the dark room we found her in. Although I'm not positive." 

"Was there anything else of note in the same room?" Kirumi asked. 

"Nope! I checked the room out myself!" Kaito declared proudly, "Except one of the floor board pieces were loose, I picked it up but there was no blood on it." 

"It was loose?" Rantaro asked, "Funny, me and (Y/N) found a loose floorboard as well... but there was blood on it." A few audible gasps were sounded, but Rantaro continued on, "This was in the room right next to the one we found the bodies in."  

"We also found a saw in the gap after picking it up. Which I'm going to assume cut both the necks of Korekiyo and Tsumugi." You added, "But speaking of blood, Shuichi was there any blood on the heads of either Korekiyo or Tsumugi?" 

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