Chapter 40

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You rushed out of your dorm, hair unkempt, but you didn't want to worry about that just yet. You needed to see who died. 

You entered the building and maneuvered your way upstairs, barely stopping to breathe. Finally getting to the floor where the dark rooms were, you slowed your pace. 

As you entered the dark room, the first figure you saw was Rantaro, which immediately sent a sigh of relief through you. You noticed that Tenko was standing next to him, along with Angie. They were looking at the sight in front of them. You walked over to go stand on the other side of Rantaro. 

"Rantaro! What happe-" Your voice cut off. Rantaro didn't need to answer. The two bodies were in front of your eyes. Your eyes widened at the sight.

Both of them appeared to have been killed in similar ways, wounds to the head seemed to be the cause. But that wasn't what shocked you. 

No. The real thing that shocked you was that one of the victims.... was someone who shouldn't... no couldn't have been able to die. 

The bodies in front of you were Korekiyo Shinguiji, the Ultimate Anthropologist. The would be next-killer, if the game continued as it was originally planned. And... 

Tsumugi Shirogane. The Ultimate Cosplayer. The Mastermind. The start of everything. Tsumugi was dead. 

"No way...." Came the breathless response from you. "This can't be. How-" 

"(Y/N) are you okay?" Rantaro looked at you worriedly. You just nodded in response. You were shocked that Tsumugi was dead, but you couldn't show it. You were never close to either Korekiyo or Tsumugi, so being shocked would appear suspicious. 

How did the culprit manage to kill Tsumugi? I mean... I couldn't even get close. A flashback to when Tsumugi stabbed you entered your mind. You shook your head to remove the image from your head. Does this mean there's another mastermind? Or is Tsumugi just playing dead?

You made your way closer to the two corpses. Shuichi and Kaito were already investigating them. You couldn't see them earlier when you entered the 

"The wounds are fresh... if we got here just a bit earlier we may have been able to stop it." Shuichi muttered sadly. "My talent is only good after they die...."

"Wait, were you guys the ones to discover the body?" You questioned. "Can you tell me what happened." You were still waiting on a few other people to get up here, since you hurried your way up here, you were one of the first people to arrive. 

Kairo looked at you and began to narrate exactly what happened. "Rantaro, Shuichi and I... we were planning to do our nightly exercise, when Tenko came over to us. She asked us to go and convince Angie to stop preparing for the ritual." 

"We looked for Angie a bit in the building first, and then we thought she would be in her Ultimate Lab. To our surprise she wasn't though." Shuichi continued. 

She wasn't in her lab? That's interesting. 

"We did find her nearby though, but when we saw Angie, she asked us if we'd seen Tsumugi." 

"Which, I'm assuming, lead you all into searching for Tsumugi, and then when you all entered this room you saw both Korekiyo and Tsumugi dead?" You said, hoping to confirm your guess. 

"Exactly." Kaito answered. "Man... who would kill two people? That's just sickening." 

Shuichi opened his mouth to say something, but his words remained unspoken. The rest of the V3 class started entering the dark room. 

"WAHHHHHHHH Tsumugi! Korekiyo! Who would do such a horrible thing!" Came the fake tears from the Ultimate Supreme Leader. "Oh well. It was only a matter of time." 

"Angie! I thought Tsumugi had Atua watching over her." Keebo desperately asked Angie, "Why is she dead then." 

"Atua decided that Tsumugi was too good for this world, and took her to be with him." Angie answered with a smile, "Tsumugi is in paradise right now. After all she's with Atua." 

"Gonta see! Then Gonta no need to be scared to die. Cause then Gonta will be with Atua." 

The words that came our of Gonta's mouth shocked and scared all of you. Angie's cult was scarier then one could of imagined. 

"No Gonta, don't think like that." Ryoma spoke. "I'm pretty sure even Atua wouldn't want us to die. Not a meaningless death anyway. So be scared. Be scared to die without a reason." 

"Either way, we should begin investigating should we not?" Kirumi spoke, perhaps trying to change the subject. 

"Rise and Shine Ursine!" came the familiar call. 

"BLRBLRBLRBLRB!" Monophanie threw up. 

"Ah. Its green this time!" came the somewhat cheerful, yet grossed our response from Monotaro. 

"I never thought there would be two victims!" Monophanie shouted. 

"Here you go you bastards! The Monokuma File!" Monodam went around handing one to each of us, "There's information on both of the bodies in it." 

As Monodam handed one to you, you decided that now was the best time to ask a question. "By any chance, if there were two different culprits... who do we vote for then?" 

You watched as panic appeared in the Monokubs' eyes. They kept turning to each other asking what to do. The Kubs then did the standard procedure where they resummoned Monokuma to ask him, they revived him with the "power of love". 

"Upupu! Did my cute little cubs miss me?" Monokum

"Yay! Father is back!" Monphanie cried joyfully. 

"Father!" Monotaro cried, "We missed you! We need your guidance and leadership!" 

"Wait. But then who's the balding dude?" Kaito asked. 

Monokuma gave a side glance to the balding version of him, "Oh just some part timer, I hired to take my place for awhile."

Monokuma proceeded to shoo the balding version away. 

"Anyway! With that guy gone! What was the question?" Monokuma asked. "Ah, what happens if there are two blackened? It's first come first serve!" 

A gasp collectively rang out throughout the room. 

"That's right! Whoever was the first victim. That's who's culprit gets punished. Or gets to escape! The second kill was just a waste of a victim and of a culprit, and their culprit neither gets punished nor gets to graduate." Monokuma grinned. 

"Oh!" Angie suddenly spoke up, "If that's the case... I killed Korekiyo!"


Haha, this chapter came out sooner than y'all thought huh? 

I was too excited to reveal this hahaa... 

Man, I really do be killing off a lot of the original survivors. 

First Maki, then Himiko and then Tsumugi if you count her because she lived to basically the end of the game. 

Um.... yeah, so any thoughts? 

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