Chapter 32

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As you were risen up high in the air, you realized that you had no idea how the split opinion was any different from what you were doing on the ground. 

Since this is no longer a game... I don't have to match up the statements... so essentially my only role here is to just say things we already said. 

You let out a sigh, you felt a slight bit of the boredom that you had when you first got sucked into this world. Back when you were going through the prologue things had seemed so...monotonous. Of course, as time went by... when you realized that you had a bigger effect on the game then you ever could have imagined... things did pick up a bit. 

I almost... miss being bored though. Being essentially an all knowing god in this world would have been so cool...

"All of the evidence points to Tenko!" Kokichi cried from the opposite side of the split opinion debate, and you snapped back to attention. 

"The culprit could be attempting to frame her!" You interjected, looking around it seemed that all the other members of Kokichi's side had already given up. Kokichi gave you a shrug and an all-knowing smirk as he loosened up, showing that he gave up. 

"This is our answer!" You whisper-shouted underneath your breath. Haha... it seemed appropriate at the time. Of course, this wasn't a really game anymore so no one else joined you. 

Soon enough, your podiums floated back down to its original position. You began to feel your legs hurting from remaining standing for so long. You thought back to Kokichi's earlier conversation with Monokuma. I will so join the protest to get chairs. 

Rantaro let out a cough, "Now that we established the fact that we are going to continue with the trial... shall we continue discussing?" 

"What else is there to discuss?" Korekiyo purred. 

Shuichi looked down, "Perhaps... we should narrow down the time of death." 

You nodded your head, "From what I remember, Angie you and Tenko were together when Himiko was last alive right?" 

"Nyahah! That's right! Me and Tenko were in Himiko's room until 2'oclock in the morning. I left soon after, however Tenko still lingered behind." 

"I can verify that, Angie did leave Himiko's room at around 2'oclock in the morning, I had been outside my room and I saw her leave." You confirmed. 

Ryoma tilted his hat down, "So does this mean that Tenko was the last one to see her alive?" 

"Yes, however... I left ten minutes after Angie did... at the time Himiko was most certainly still alive." Tenko spoke up, for the first time in forever. 

"Anyone who see Tenko leave?" Gonta asked. 

You grinned, "I believe Keebo can answer that." 

"Affirmative, Miu and I both saw Tenko leave Himiko's room." Keebo answered. 

"And are we sure that was around 10 minutes after Angie left?" Rantaro asked. 

"Yes, According to what Keebo said earlier in the day, he and Miu had seen Tenko at around 2:10." 

"Is it possible to have committed the murder in 10 minutes?" Kaito asked.

A silence filled the room. For once Kaito asked something somewhat intelligent. Even you weren't sure how to answer that. 

Tsumugi gave a small shrug, "The stabbing could probably be completed within 10 minutes." 

"Yeah! Especially if the culprit was lightening-fast!" Kokichi commented, "They just went 'stabby stab stab' all over Himiko really quickly!"

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