Chapter 56

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You were panicking.

There was no better term to describe the mental state that you were thrusted into after that conversation with Rantaro. Immediately after that conversation you had gone you Kokichi's room to get rest and to ponder your decision... but you still hadn't come up with one. Even after sleeping on the issue.

I have one chance left... do I risk it again and work with Rantaro like this? No what if I change the game too much and I can't complete it in the end... then everyone will disappear... You put your head into your hands, it was already the day of the deadline... and you still didn't have a plan of action.

Even if I do decide not to go through with it how am I going to find a way to make Rantaro go by himself? I already agreed... You started getting up to head to the dining hall, you couldn't risk coming off as suspicious to Rantaro just yet. You quickly made your way to the dining hall, where... you were greeted by an arguing Ryoma and Rantaro.

"Ah (Y/N) perfect timing." Rantaro said upon seeing me enter. "Ryoma's talking about some crazy ideas." You simply turned to Ryoma and motioned with your head to for him to explain.

"It was a suggesstion. I'm offering up my life so more people can live. I have nothing to live for." Ryoma stated.

You slightly sighed, "Ryoma, if we let you do that the guilt would hurt the rest of us." You tried to reason, although you shot Rantaro a 'please help me' look.

"(Y/N)'s right. Plus... I've already decided. I'm going to end this game. So none of you do anything unnecessary alright?" Rantaro's face became serious.

There were a few echoes questioning how he was planning to end this killing game, but you ignored all of them. There was no point in addressing their concerns. Regardless of your decision later today they'd find out. You exited the dining hall soon after, with Rantaro right behind you.

"(Y/N)," You turned around at the sound of Rantaro's voice. "Let's meet up at my dorm before two hours before the time limit ends."

You nodded at him, "Right, sounds like a plan."

"Are you worried?" Rantaro suddenly asked.

Very. I have an important decision on whether or not I should save you or not. Of course I'm worried. You slightly smiled at him. "Just a bit, but it's not like there are many options right?"

Rantaro responded with something among the lines of 'don't worry' but you weren't really paying attention. You inwardly sighed. Alright, I've made up my choice, I'll have to figure out a way to ditch Rantaro last second... You looked up a bit at him. You told me you'd rather die then be erased, and I'll see to it that you don't. Again, I owe you that much.

"Alright Rantaro, I got the plan. For now though we should head our separate ways." You waved slightly to him and walked off a bit. Rantaro had bid you farewell and went in the opposite direction. You walked for a bit by yourself before running into Kaito.

"Oh hey (Y/N)!" He called upon seeing you. Now... to be honest your feelings were kind of conflicted on Kaito, yes he was definitely one of the main antagonists to you... especially with how little he trusted you... but you also knew he wasn't a bad guy. You waved at him. "(Y/N), can you come join our meeting, we'll be discussing what to do when the time limit arrives." Kaito continued.

"Hm? Yeah sure. Oh and I'll bring Rantaro along too if that's okay." You said with a nod.

Kaito gave you the trademark thumbs up. "Of course! The more the merrier. We'll need everyone to try and help take down Monokuma."

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