Chapter 35 (FOR REAL)

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Alright! I'm gonna start off with... 


Yes, last chapter was an april fools prank. HA you guys thought I could make such a boring, bland and depressing ending? NO. Not for this story that I'm so dedicated to. 

Anyway, please forgive me but it was Hilarious  watching you guys freak out a bit haahha. 

ALSO TO EVERYONE READING THIS AFTER APRIL, my apologies lol the prank wont make sense anymore.. 

Anyway on to the chapter! 


"Would you like to join the Student Council (Y/N)?" Angie asked you next morning in the dining hall. 

You blinked in surprise. You certainly were not expecting an invite from Angie to join the Student Council. 

"I... I think I'm good." You answered, no way were you getting mixed up in some sort of cult. Besides, if Angie's brainwashing powers actually have an effect I might forget about this being a game... 

Angie eyes became dark, "Are you sureeee? Atua welcome everyone!" 

You swiftly nodded, not bothering to give the Ultimate Artist a verbal response. Wanting to get out of that situation, you left to go join Kirumi. After the realization last night that you are pretty lucky to meet characters from a video game, you decided that you would spend some time getting to know everyone, not just Rantaro and Kokichi. Although they are definitely still your best friends in this place. 

You watched as Kirumi started making breakfast for everyone. You were kind of amazed. 

"Woah! Kirumi this all looks amazing!" You exclaimed, "I wish I could do something that cool..." 

"Well (Y/N), you do have an ultimate talent, I'm sure you will find your talent soon." 

"Ha. At this rate, I'll probably end up being something like, 'The Ultimate Normal Person' or the 'Ultimate Nothing'." You chuckled, Or the Ultimate Lucky Student... 

"Have you no guess as to what it may be?" Kirumi asked politely. 

You shook your head, "Nope! Not one. I get asked that a lot but I don't have a single clue." 

"My apologies, it was not my intent to ask you a repetitive question." 

"No no! It's fine really." 

You continued watching as Kirumi continued cooking, you asked her about her life as a maid. Her tales were fascinating, even if you knew nothing about the world she came from. 

"Please gather in the gym!" Monokuma's announcement rang throughout the school building. 

You heard sighs come from everyone's mouth. No doubt they had already guessed it would be another motive. Of course, no one but you were ready for the next motive. It was finally time for the Necronomicon. 

Honestly, I wonder if it works. I really want to try it. Just because we never got to see it in the game.... I don't know if it would be a good idea though. 

"(Y/N), what do you think this new Motive will be?" You heard a feminine voice ask from behind you. You turned around, and much to your shock it was Tenko. 

You enjoyed Tenko's new change. For one, she was less hyper and less condescending of males, it made you happy. "I'm not really sure... I guess we'll just find out." 

"Rise and Shine Ursine!" The Monokubs announced, and just like the game... the Necronomicon was brought into play. Or a "transfer student" as they announced it. You simply let out a sigh as after they left everyone started arguing about whether it was possible or not. Of course, mostly everyone was on the side of it not being possible... all until Angie spoke up. 

"More like returning the dead to us." Angie spoke. Suddenly, even though you've heard those words come out of her mouth so many times, this time it had a bigger impact. 

Maybe she's right? Maybe... none of them are dead? I can come back to life after dying after all. 

A part of you wished it was true, but somehow another part of you couldn't believe it. After all... knowing the ending of the original game it was harder to believe that any of them could be alive. Sure, it was a television show but... surely the writers wouldn't repeat Danganronpa 2. So there's no way. 

"Angie may have a point." Ryoma spoke up. You almost gasped in shock. Ryoma sounded like he was apart of Angie's cult. 

So he's the person who replaced Himiko? That's interesting. 

"Yeah! Atua speaks through Angie so she must be right!" Tsumugi out cried. 

"Perhaps one of dead friends write message in courtyard?" Gonta asked. 

Shuichi looked at Gonta in confusion, "Messages?" 

Gonta nodded his head, "The message is different then before." 

You let out a sigh, you knew it was Kokichi. 

Wait. Does this mean he still intends to move on with his plan?! No! I wont allow this!  You the let out a breath Wait no, maybe he just wants to mess with them still... But I'll be keeping an eye on you Kokichi. 

Angie had swooped up the Necronomicon and already walked away by the time you came back to your thoughts. You tilted your head a bit as she walked out. In the original game it was at the gymnasium that she first brought up her "Student Council", but it looked as if she wasn't going to do that just yet. 

"Should we really be using the motive?" Kirumi asked. 

Rantaro let out a sigh, "Probably not, but it's with Angie now." 

"Nishishi! Let's hope it doesn't get her killed." Kokichi laughed. 

Practically everyone ignored him though, it was almost as if they were getting used to his jokes. 

"Shall we return to our daily activities then?" You asked, there was no point in standing around in the gymnasium. 

Everyone voiced their agreements and soon dispersed. 

You let out a sigh, it was time to plan what you were going to do about the Student Council. And Korekiyo. 

After all, Korekiyo is supposed to be the next murderer. 


And that's all she wrote! 

For this chapter at least, I apologize if I seem like I'm dragging out things, I'm trying to finish up planning the next portion of the story. 

Anyway, I'll try to make it up for pranking you guys soon hahha! 

Also on a side note, make sure all of you are staying safe from the corona virus! My state just went on lockdown, so I'll be having more time to write and keep all of you entertained! 

Anyway! Until the next chapter! 

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