Chapter 9

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You watched as everyone left. Kaede seemed to run out of the dining hall, she looked close to tears. You still felt sorry for her. 

"(Y/N)? I noticed you did not eat breakfast. Is there anything in particular that you want?" Kirumi asked you.

You snapped to attention, "Ah... thanks for asking! Actually, I'm not that hungry as of now." 

"Would you like something to drink then?" 

You thought for a second. "Can I have some (Favorite Drink)?" 

"Of course, I will make it right away." 

"Thanks Kirumi." You smiled at the Ultimate maid as she left to get you a drink. 

You sighed, you had no idea what to do now. You knew that this would be when Shuichi would be showing Kaede the hidden bookcase. So you were really clueless on what you should be doing at the moment.

"I guess it's like Free Time then? Who to hang out with though...." As you thought about it, Kirumi brought out your drink. 

Woah! This tastes amazing! Jeez, in-game experiences are so cool. 

As you drank the drink, you tried to decide on a plan of action. 

Ah! I have nothing to do. I guess I'll hang out with... You tried to pick randomly, but that failed. 

"Rantaro! That's who I'm hanging out with for now. I want to see what he's up to." You walked outside trying to look for him. Unfortunately, your monopads seemed to not have the function of telling you where people are anymore-so you had to find him on your own.

Luckily he was already outside near the fountain. You walked over to him. "Hey, what's up? Don't mind if I join you right?" 

"Not at all. I'm just relaxing right now." Rantaro responded. 

"You think that the killing game is over?" You asked, you knew that he didn't but you didn't really know what to say.

"I wish it was that easy... but it doesn't seem that way." 

"Yeah...." You said in response. 

You guys both sat in silence for awhile, presumably in your own thoughts about the killing game.  

"Hey, did the memory of your talent come back to you yet?" Rantaro suddenly asked, breaking the silence. 

The question startled you, "N-no, not yet. I hope I can remember it soon." You answered. 

I haven't thought about it that much, I'm willing to bet that I don't have a talent, but I don't want to say that and happen to get an Ultimate Lab later- that would look suspicious. 

"You don't seemed too worried." Rantaro commented. 

"Well-I am, but I also think that if I have a skill, then it's not like a lost it right? Its still apart of me. So I'll eventually figure it out, but for now all I need is to be myself." You responded. 

"If?" Rantaro questioned, "Are you saying you don't remember if you are an ultimate?" 

Crap. I messed up. "W-well, to be honest... I remember everything about what ultimates are, the kinds of privellages they get, the fact that they are extremely revered across the world. And I feel as if I am an Ultimate... but do I remember being one? No." 

"Oh I see" Rantaro responded shortly. 

Maybe-I should tell him I know about his special Monopad.... 

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