Chapter 13

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You woke up, seeing nothing.

I didn't die again, did I?

You moved your hands, but you could feel a type of rope binding them together. That's when you realized that you were tied up and blindfolded. Upon more movement, you realized that you were actually tied to a chair.

At least I'm not dead?

"Looks like (Y/N)'s awake." You heard Shuichi's voice sound in your ears.

"That bitch! Why would (Y/N) try to kill someone when we were all in a good mood!" Miu asked.

"Why don't you fucking ask me?" You snapped back.

"Heeee!" Miu cried.

"(Y/N), calm down. You're being questioned here." Korekiyo's sultry voice rang in your ears.

You rolled your eyes. "Oh wait, you guys can't see me roll my eyes. Well for your information, I rolled my eyes. Now can someone get this blindfold off at least!"

Apparently, your wish was their command, and soon enough someone took off the blind-fold. You opened your eyes to the bright lights of the room. You blinked a couple of times to adjust your eyes to the light, and when your eyes finally adjusted, you could see the entire Danganronpa V3 cast displayed in front of you.

Your eyes landed on Tsumugi, she seemed to be cowering away.

"(Y/N) why did you try to kill Tsumugi?" Kirumi asked.

"She," you started using your head to point towards Tsumugi, "is the mastermind! She is the reason we are in this place."

A few gasps came around.

"Where's the proof?" Ryoma asked. "How do you know she's the mastermind."

"Yeah. Proof is the logical way to prove something." Keebo replied.

You stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to think up of a plan. It was a risk... but you had to do it.

"The night after we attempted the road of despair... I had to share a room with Kokichi. I tried to sleep on the couch, but at around two am I was awoken by the pain in my neck."

"I fail to see what this has to do with Tsumugi." Keebo said.

"Shush! Let (Y/N) explain!" Tenko shouted. Keebo said nothing in return.

You gave her a quick nod, "So because I couldn't sleep, I decided I would go out for a walk. I mean, I was traumatized but I figured no one else would be awake. So I thought it would be safe."

Your eyes met Kokichi's, you knew he knew you were lying.

"So as I was walking around, I happened to see a figure walking around too. I was really suspicious because..." you hesiated for a second, not knowing how to continue your lie, "because it was nighttime."

"Makes sense, being in a killing game and wandering outside at night would promote some suspicion." Maki said outloud.

"Indeed! Anyone walking out at night is suspicious! Atua agrees too!" Angie said.

"Yeah. So I didn't want anyone to die... so I followed the figure. It was a risk but I had to." you said, continuing your story. "To my surprise, the figure headed out to the first floor girl's bathroom. When the figure went inside, I went in too. However, when I went in.. no one was there."

"Nyeh? They used magic?" Himiko asked.

"No. I did some digging around, and I found a hidden passage-way in the bathroom." You looked at Tsumugi as you said this, trying to find a trace of fear. "I didn't go down the passage-way just yet, I wanted to wait for the person to come out first. So I hid in one of the stalls, and waited."

"Wow, talk about dedication." Kaito said.

"Thanks? I think? Well either way, I waited and eventually someone came out. I waited till they left the bathroom, so that I could get a peek of what they looked like. So I opened the bathroom door a crack, and I saw the figure leaving. Now I couldn't see much, but I did see Tsumugi's blue hair."

"That's wrong! I never left my dorm room that night!" Tsumugi shouted.

"Shut up." You said with a glare.

"It's okay Tsumugi, no one suspects you right now, we might as well listen to (Y/N)'s side though." Kaede said calmly.

"Anyway, so after finding out that it was Tsumugi, I went down to the secret passage-way. There were a lot of stairs, but what surprised me the most was that the room at the end had a huge Monokuma head! I don't know what it is used for, but I knew it couldn't be good. I also figured that if she was the mastermind, she would have control over the exisals. So I tried to kill her myself..."

"Kokichi." Shuichi called out suddenly. "Did (Y/N) actually leave the room?"

"Hmmm? Well.... I was asleep so I had no way of knowing. " Kokichi answered. You looked at him with a serious face. You knew that he was the only one capable of getting everyone to believe you. And you also knew that he was the only one who would lie in this situation.

"Kokichi...." Rantaro said warningly.

"Fine... Yeah I recall (Y/N) being gone at some point during the night, I heard the door open and I woke up. I thought (Y/N) just went out for fresh air or something." Kokichi lied.

You let out the breath you were holding.

"Couldn't (Y/N) be the mastermind? If (Y/N) knew all of that, (y/n) could just try to pin it on Tsumugi. Maybe (y/n) was trying to kill Tsumugi to get the game started." Ryoma pointed out.

"Oh! The degenerate male has a point!" Tenko agreed

"But why would (y/n) draw suspicion on purpose?" Shuichi asked.

"Because... I'm not the mastermind!" You cry out.

"Alright, lets go to bed for now. It's nighttime and we can decide on this later." Rantaro interjected.

"It's nighttime? How long was I out...?"

"For a whole, Tsumugi told us her side of the story while you were out." Kaito said.

"Oh wait, what do we do with (Y/N)? We can't just leave (Y/N) here." Kaede asked.

"Well there's no way I'm sharing a room with a murder!"
Himiko cried out.

"I didn't murder anyone..." you muttered annoyed.

"I guess (Y/N)'ll stay with Kokichi again. Kokichi watch (Y/N) properly this time." Kaito said.

Wow, just this morning he was worried about me sharing a room with him... and now look.

"WAHHH! I don't wanna share a room with a murder!" Kokichi fake-cried, "This isn't fair!"

You blinked. You already knew he was lying.

"Kokichi..." Rantaro started, "Fine (Y/N) can stay in my roo—"

"Nope! It's decided! (Y/N) is staying with me!" Kokichi cut in. Everyone gave him a confused glance for changing his mind but they just accepted it.

They then untied you from the chair, but still left your arms tied up behind you for "safety precautions".

They eventually all went to bed, and you followed Kokichi into his room.

You managed to close the door behind you, but the second you did a dark aura came from Kokichi.

He came over to you and pushed you against the wall. He came close to your face, "(Y/N). You're the mastermind aren't you?"


And Cliffhanger, sorta.

I hope you guys liked this chapter, it was a bit hard writing stuff outside the original game but I think I did okay?

Anyway yeah! Until the next chapter!

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