Chapter 12

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You woke up again to the sound of rustling clothes. You didn't bother looking over, because you knew it was Kokichi as he finished getting ready. 

"(Y/N)! Wake up sleepyhead! Hurry you have like 10 minutes to get to the dining hall!" Kokichi said, tugging at the blanket you were sleeping with. 

"Later, I'll be late but I'll come later," you said sleepily. Dying and coming back to life seemed to take a lot out of you as you were extremely exhausted. 

"Fine! Don't come crying to me when someone kills you!" Kokichi teased, slightly annoyed. He then walked out of the room, heading to the dining hall. 

Begrudgingly you got up and got ready to once again hear about the first-blood perk. 

Okay... it's too soon to give up! I just got to... try again to end this game. Maybe I should try one more time to kill Tsumugi... 

When the thought of killing Tsumugi entered your mind, you got scared. Was I... always so used to this? Maybe it's the side effects of being in a game. I'm not wrong though, that probably is the way to get out, the way for us to leave is to end the killing game. 

After that, you ended up arriving to the dining hall, a similar conversation about how Kokichi didn't do anything, between you, Kaito and Kokichi happened just like before. 

Eventually, everyone showed up, and once again they all got mad about what happened at the death road of despair until Kaede forgave everyone and finally Monokuma showed up. 

"I will now announce the first motive!" Monokuma, once again, announce. "This special motive is called... The First Blood Perk!" 

Questions flooded from the cast. 

"You don't seem very surprised." Rantaro came behind you whispering. His whole demeanor was giving off a scary vibe. 

"I figured he wouldn't just let us all live here in harmony... that would be too good of an ending." You replied back, only slightly thrown off by the question. "Besides, this perk, in general, makes sense, it's the prisoners' dilemma."

"Huh, you're right. I'm shocked you knew about that, its not a term that many people have heard before." Rantaro said quietly. 

"Well, I know stuff." You said with a slight shrug and a short grin. 

"That's pretty clever of you Monokuma, using the prisoners' dillema." Rantaro said outloud. 

"What's that?" Tenko asked. 

You watched as Rantaro explained what it was, and then just like before, you watched as Kaito lunged for the Monokuma. And just like before, Monokuma was killed and not him. 

You let out a sigh, this whole thing was becoming repetitive and boring. At least when you watched playthroughs you could skip the parts that you found boring. 

You just watched as everyone celebrated, this time you couldn't even try to hide your sadness at the fact that you knew this was short-lived. 

Soon enough, everyone dispersed in high-hopes. 

"Nee-hee hee, someone's being a worrywart." Kokichi said coming up to you after everyone left, "You've been quiet all day. You scared?"

You let out a fake short laugh, "Ha. Me? Scared? That's hilarious. The only one who would be scared by something like this is Kaito, and on top of that... Monokuma is gone. There is no reason to be worried now." 

"(Y/N), being a liar I can spot people's lies easily, and you? You were totally lying." 

You didn't know what to say, he was right but you didn't want to admit it. 

"So, I'm here to tell you to stop worrying! After all, with the Ultimate Supreme leader on your side what could go wrong?" Kokichi said with a teasing grin. 

You rolled your eyes, "A lot of things Kokichi. A lot could go wrong." 

Kokichi gave you another grin, "Well, while Monokuma isn't here... wanna have some fun?" 

You looked at him, this didn't happen last time... your mind flashed back to the poker game that only you remember. 

But... I need to kill Tsumugi. 

"Sorry Kokichi, but I have some stuff I need to do. Maybe later?" 

For a split second, you could've sworn Kokichi had a frown on his face, but it was soon changed into a smile. "Ooh! (Y/N) is gonna kill someone!" 

"Hey! Don't joke about that!" You said. He's not wrong though...

"Fine fine... We can play later. See you then!" Kokichi then left the dining hall. 

After watching him disappear, you went into the kitchen to go find another knife, grabbing it you hid it once again in the waistband of your pants and covered it with your coat. 

This time, I'm going to catch her off guard. I can't just lure her in, so my best chance would be to startle her. 

With that thought in mind, you headed off to find Tsumugi. It was relatively easy, she was in the hallway. You slowly took the knife out, and then you ran straight at her, trying to stab her. 

Once again, she dodged, moving to the side just in time, however, instead of attacking you... Tsumugi screamed. 

"Ah!" You shouted at the sound of her scream- it was so high-pitched. 

Soon enough, Gonta and Rantaro came running. 

"Gonta hear Tsumugi scream. Gonta run." Gonta said quickly. 

"What happened here?" Rantaro said, he met your eyes and then looked at the knife in your hands. 

Oh shi- this is not good.  

"(Y/N) tried to kill me!" Tsumugi screamed. 

"I-I no wait- you don't understand!" You tried to start. 

"Gonta... could you grab (Y/N), I think we need to restrict (Y/N) for the time being..." Rantaro asked Gonta. Gonta quickly agreed and started running towards you. 

"No! Grab Tsumugi! She's the mastermind!" you shouted, attempting to dodge Gonta. 

However, Gonta came running at you and knocked you to the floor- you hit your head so hard that you began to see spots flutter through your vision. And seconds later.... you lost consciousness. 


And... yeah! You revealed Tsumugi as the mastermind! 

Sorry for not updating by the way. I had like tests every day this week, and semester exams are next week so I'll probably be busy for a while. 

I'm going to try an update very soon- but as you might be able to tell, this is where things might drift off from the original storyline a bit.


I'm looking for a better cover of this book, so if anyone wants to make one... that would be amazing!

Alright, that's all! Thanks for reading!

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