Chapter 3~Date with a Grenade

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                     Author note: (f/f) means favorite food and (f/d) means favorite drink

The golden rays of sunlight peek through my windows and the birds are happily singing their wordless songs. However, this isn't what woke me up. Instead, I wake up to the sound of a phone ringing. Katsuki's phone to be exact. 

I slowly open my eyes to see that I'm still on the couch. Kat is next to me, still sleeping peacefully. I don't want to wake him so I slowly reach for his phone that's resting on the table in front of me. 

The caller ID says old hag so it must be his mother calling. I've met her quite a few times before since I often get invited to dinner at the Bakugou household. I hold the phone away from my ear a bit and press the answer button. 


Mitsuki Bakugou's voice rings through the speaker so loudly that I'm amazed Kat didn't wake up.

"Good morning Mrs. Bakugou. I'm sorry but Katsuki spent the night at my place. He must have forgotten to tell you." I say. "Oh, (y/n), I'm sorry dear. Did I wake you?" she asks, suddenly calm. I shake my head, "no-no, don't worry, it's perfectly fine. I should be apologizing. I should have made sure that you knew Katsuki was here." I reply. 

Mrs. Bakugou and I continue to converse about the previous day when I hear shuffling mixed with a groan. I look over at the couch to see Kat slowly waking up. 

"Oh, Kat's awake. Do you want to talk to him?" I ask Mrs. Bakugou. "Yes, please," she responds. I walk over to Kat and hand him his phone. "It's your mother," I whisper. 

I give him a quick kiss on the cheek before walking off to get started on breakfast. I could hear him grumbling before greeting his "old hag." 

Then they proceed to have a screaming match. 

I can't help but laugh while I put bread in the toaster and grab butter from the fridge. Once the screaming conversation between mother and son ended, Kat hung up his phone and walked over to me. 

He wrapped his arms around my waist and nuzzled his face into my neck. "Good Morning sleepy head. Did you sleep well?" I ask. "Yeah, how about you, teddy bear?" he replies, now resting his chin on the top of my head. "I slept well, Kat. I hope you don't mind but all I have for breakfast is toast and butter." 

Kat shrugs in response and I pass him a piece of freshly buttered warm toast. We both just eat where we stand, though he backs up enough not to get crumbs all over me. 

"The old hag wants you to come over for dinner," Kat tells me. I nod in response, "sounds good, I can't wait to see her and your father again." Kat shrugs. I guess family dinners aren't that exciting to him. I, on the other hand, am ecstatic. I love spending time with the Bakugo family because of how lively they are. It's a nice change of pace from my usually quiet dinners. 

"Let's go on a date," Kat said bluntly. 

He does this a lot but it still somehow catches off guard every time. 

"U-uh, s-sure." I stutter. Kat smirks, satisfied with my response. "We'll leave at noon. I'm paying for everything." He states before walking off, likely to get changed. 

I stay where I am for a few more minutes, trying to process everything. I still have no idea where we're going. I decide that I should probably change into something nice, or as nice as I can. I walk to my room to see what I can find. 

Upon opening my closet I find that... I have very few nice clothes, besides my UA uniform. Unfortunately, I can't wear my UA uniform on a date or to dinner with my boyfriend's parents. I decide to see how creative I can get. 

I dig through my closet until I find a plain (f/c) t-shirt and a plain black skirt that stops just above my knees. I think it'll go well with my black sneakers that have (f/c) laces and I know I have white knee-high socks to go with the outfit. I smile, satisfied with the outfit. Now I just need to do my hair. I decide to leave it down. 

Once I'm satisfied I make my way back to the living room where Katsuki is waiting for me. He's wearing a black shirt, a pair of cargo pants, and a green bomber jacket. "Hey babe," he greets, "ready to go?" I nod in response as he stands up to walk towards me. 

Before I can even ask where we're going, Kat decides that it's the perfect time to kiss me. 

Not that I'm complaining. 

His warm lips press against mine. His arms snake themselves around my waist to pull us closer together. I follow his lead, wrapping my arms around his neck and returning the kiss. I savor the caramel flavored kiss for as long as I can. We stay like this for a few more seconds before pulling apart for air. 

"Let's go," he says. Kat leads me by the arm as I'm still a bit too flustered to think straight. By the time we reach the front door I've regained my senses. 

"So, where are we going?" I ask. "It's a surprise." He replies bluntly. I shrug, knowing full well he won't tell me anything more. I guess I'll just go along with it. 

Kat and I walk in comfortable silence until we reach the local supermarket. Maybe not the most ideal place for a date, but I know that Kat never goes halfway. It's no different with dates. He's planning something, that's just a given. 

We go in and he immediately leads me to the premade meals area. "Choose something to eat and then wait for me here." He says plainly before walking toward a section filled with spicy foods. I look around before finding some (f/f) and a bottle of (f/d). Soon enough Kat returns with his food, some super spicy ramen and water. He leads me to the checkout and pays for our food, despite my insistence on paying for my own. 

After that, we're once again walking through town. I don't know what to do or say at the moment so instead, I just admire the scenery. Though I do catch Kat staring at me once and a while before he turns away so I won't notice. 

Soon enough we finally reach our destination. 

The forest? 

"Where are you taking me?" I ask as we wander past more and more trees. "We're almost there," he replies, completely dodging my question. 

As we walk I can't help but admire how alive this forest seems. It certainly is different from the streets of the city. Somehow it feels more peaceful and yet, more lively. I've known for a while that Kastuki enjoys hiking, and now I know why. 

"We're here," I'm pulled out of my thoughts by Katsuki's rough voice. I look around a gasp. 

In front of me is a gorgeous clear water stream that sparkles in the sunlight. It's shallow enough that I don't think the water would even go past my ankles. A few blue and white flowers bloom along its bank. Next to the stream are two large rocks, perfect for makeshift seats. 

Kat sits on one of the rocks and motions for me to sit on the other. I do so as I continue to admire the view. 

I notice that we're next to a couple of small cliffs, both of which are connected by a large old log that acts as a bridge. It looks like it would be a fun place for children to play, though I would be afraid that they would fall into the stream below. 

I begin eating as Kat and I sit in comfortable silence, simply enjoying each other's company. Once I'm finished, I take off my sneakers and socks. 

"What are you doing?" Kat asked, furrowing his eyebrows in confusion. "I'm going wadding in the stream," I say happily, placing my belongings on the rock. 

I walk into the water and begin splashing around. The cool water feels nice against my bare feet and once in a while I see a school of tiny fish, maybe minnow? Distracted by the fishes, I don't hear the footsteps behind me. 

Kat places his hand on my back, causing me to flinch in surprise. 

"Just me," he says. I look at him and smile before pointing at the fish that are now swimming around my ankles in curiosity. "Look at the fishies," I say with a childish grin. Kat laughs and joins in me watching the curious little fish. 

The rest of the date was filled with laughter and small water fights. 

Not what you might expect from a date with a grenade.

A/N: Edited spelling 

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