Chapter 7~Hero Training pt. 1

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School was relatively uneventful. I did need some help here and there since my English is a little rusty but that's really it. 

Before I knew it, we had hero training. 

Kat and I made our way to the gym, with the help of Travis and Mya. Kat wore his hero costume but I stuck to wearing some black sports shorts and a (f/c) t-shirt. Mya convinced me that I should try something new, she said it would help me to move on from UA. 

I still don't know how she convinced me to tell her what had happened.

It doesn't matter because now she and Travis are designing me a new hero costume and they won't let me see it until It's done. In the meantime, this will be what I wear for training. 

"Ok class," our teacher announces, "today we have two new students joining our class. Could please introduce yourselves and tell us your quirks."

Kat walks in front of the class, as confident as always. These shorts stop mid-thigh which isn't helping my self-confidence so I somewhat hide behind my boyfriend. 

Kat seems to sense my discomfort, as he moves to stand in front of me so that I can hide. 

"My name is Katsuki Bakugo. My quirk is called explosion. I'm going to be the number 1 hero and it doesn't matter which country I'm in." he states with a smirk. 

My turn.

"So...uh." I stumble over my words. They're all watching me, now it's more like staring. Why do I feel like this, no one's going to do anything after all, right? 

Help me.

As though he heard my mental plea, Katsuki grabbed my hand. He gives it a small squeeze to reassure me. "Don't worry. I'm right here," he whispers, just loud enough so I can hear him. 

Those few words give me confidence. He's here. The one who promised to protect me is here. I need to be stronger, for him. I can do this. This isn't the same class that hurt me, they're completely different people. I just have to remember that.

"Hello, my name is (y/n) (l/n). It's nice to meet you all," I begin, "m-my quirk is called phoenix. I can emit fire from any part of my body and control its shape and direction." 

"Great job, (y/n)," someone calls out. I look around and notice Amethyst clapping and cheering me on. She must have noticed my discomfort. 

"Thank you both," our teacher interrupts, "just so you know, my name is Dark. My quirk allows me to turn into a shadow. I'm a pro hero, I'm pretty sure the two of you were both taught by pro heroes in japan as well, right?"

Kat and I just nod in response as we rejoin the group. 

Mr. Dark smiled and welcomes us to America before explaining the lesson to us all. It's pretty simple. We have to get into groups of five and then we're going to play two games of something called 'quirk tag.'

First things first, groups. 

Kat and I are definitely staying together, he won't let go of my hand anyway. That means we just need three more people. 

Before I can ask Kat what he wants to do, Amethyst calls out to us. She's also dragging a girl with bright red hair and matching eyes with her. 

"This is my sister, Ruby. We'll join your group," she explains. I nod while Kay shrugs. He couldn't care less who we're with. I don't really care either, we don't know anyone yet anyway. 

"Now we just need one more person," I say. Amethyst just nods and runs off, probably to grab someone else. 

I'm proven right when Amethyst returns, dragging Isaiah, or Ink, with her. 

"Ink is amazing at quirk tag," she explains, "together, the five of us will be unstoppable." 

"If you don't mind me asking, how do we play quirk tag and what are your quirks?" I ask. 

"Quirk tag is the same as your average game of tag. The sole difference is that to tag a person, you must use your quirk on them, even if it's harmless. We must tag everyone on the opposing team to win. Once you're tagged you must leave the game," Ruby explains in a monotone voice, "my quirk is called nightmare. Using my quirk I can trap people in a dream-like state in which they are unaware of what's happening around them. I can also control the dreams they have, making them pleasant or nightmarish. I am completely aware of what is happening within the dream, making it an effective way to interrogate a person quickly." 

I don't think I want to mess with her, but I don't think she would hurt anyone for no reason. 

I nod. "That's an incredible quirk Ruby, you're going to be an incredible hero someday," I say. 

Ruby seems to crack a small smile but it vanishes just as quickly. I wonder why she doesn't show much emotion. 

"Ok, class. Let's get started, any volunteers?" Mr. Dark asks. Amethyst immediately raises her hand. Mr. Dark nods in response and we make our way to the field. 

We're playing the game on a simple grass field. White lines are separating the field into two parts as well as creating a border. It's nothing fancy like the training grounds from UA.

While we stand on one side of the field, another group stands across from us. I guess they're who we're up against.

The opposing team is made up of five boys. Max is one of them, I know his quirk is super speed which means he'll be difficult to beat. 

One boy is rather tall, I want to say about 6 feet, and he's well built. His hero costume is mostly just a fancy suit with a red tie that contrasts his black hair. He's wearing glasses and he gives off an aura of being smart, confident, and important. But I can't see anything that could hint at his quirk.

Another boy has pure white hair and bright green eyes, his hero costume seems to have a lot of rocks on it which may be a hint to his quirk. Earth manipulation?  

The next boy has silver hair with black tips. There are a lot of daggers and metal objects all over his costume. Maybe a magnet quirk?

The boy beside him has green hair, like Deku's but paler. He has orange eyes and is rather small. Atop his head are wolf ears, so I'm guessing he has a mutation-type quirk that gives him the power of a wolf. That means he can run for long periods of time which will be a problem.

The final boy has extremely long, blond hair. Like, it's in a braid that stops at his hip. He has grey eyes and a confident smile. His hero costume is pretty simple. He's wearing a simple blue bodysuit with black accents. He has a dark blue belt with small pockets hiding who knows what, possibly first aid or quirk enhancing items. There's absolutely nothing indicating his quirk.

I contemplate whether or not to ask Amethyst, Ruby, or Ink about our competition but it's too late. 

"BEGIN!" Mr. Dark shouts

The game is on.

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