Chapter 6~New school

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"WAKE UP!!" 

The sound of Mitsuki yelling echoes through the Bakugo household. I slowly crawl out of my bed despite wanting to go back to sleep and make my way to my dresser. 

After digging through the brand new wardrobe Mitsuki insisted on buying me, I finally find an outfit I like. I change quickly and head down to the kitchen which is also the dining room. 

"Good morning (y/n)," Masaru greets, handing me a plate of pancakes. "Good morning, do you have work today?" I ask. "Yes, Mitsuki and I will drop you and Katsuki off at school first, and then we'll head straight to the new project location," he explains. I nod in response and look around, "speaking of Mitsuki and Kat, where are they?" "Mitsuki went to wake up Katsuki," Masaru tells me. 

As if on cue, Katsuki screams before both he and Mitsuki start yelling at each other. As they do so, Masaru and I just calmly eat our pancakes. 

After a few minutes, Mitsuki joins us silently, smirking to herself about something. I decide not to ask about it. Another few minutes pass and Kat enters the kitchen, soaking wet. 

"What happened to you?" I ask as he sits down beside me. "That old hag dumped water on me," he grumbled, taking a bite of his pancake very aggressively. I giggle, so that's why Mitsuki was smirking. 

I give Kat a quick kiss on his cheek to calm him down. He tenses up as a result, causing me to giggle some more. 

"So your mother and I will drive you both to school, alright Katsuki?" Masaru asks. Kat just shrugs in response as he takes my now empty plate to the sink. 

After everyone's done eating, we all make our way to the car. 

The drive to our new school goes by quickly, it lasts maybe three minutes. "Have a good day at school you two," Masaru calls out from the driver's seat. Mitsuki gets out of the car and gives both me and Kat bone-crushing hugs. 

"Behave, be safe, and if anyone does anything to (y/n) Katsuki has my permission to blow them to hell," Mitsuki says a little too calmly. Katsuki smirks, "gladly," he replies. 

Let's just say, I have never been more afraid of the blond Bakugos.

After Masaru and Mitsuki have left, Kat and I turn towards the brick building in front of us. "You ready?" Kat asks, holding his hand out for me. 

I look at it for a moment, then at the school, then back at Kat. He smiles at me as though to say 'it's alright, I've got you.' 

I trust that smile. 

I grab his hand and hold it tight. "Let's do this." We walk hand in hand towards the principal's office. 

Unlike UA, the principal here is human. Her name is Mrs. Marianne and she acts like a grandmother to the students here. 

"Hello dears, you must Katsuki Bakugo and (y/n) (l/n)." She greets us as we walk into her office. I nod in response, I already like her. "Very good, here are your schedules, I don't know how schools in Japan work but here you will likely be with different people for each class except hero training," she explains, "however I did try to make sure you have a few of your basic classes together," 

"Thank you sen- I mean Mrs. Marianne," I say, resisting the urge to bow. Mrs. Marianna smiles and hands us our schedules before shooing us out of her office. Kat and I scurry away. 

"So what's your schedule like?" Kat asks once we're in the hall. I hold up the sheet of paper in my hand for him to see. He returns the gesture with his own schedule as well. "It looks like we have three classes in the morning and one class in the afternoon before hero training," Kat observes. I nod. 

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