Chapter 32~Her smile

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(3rd POV)
(Time skip of two days)

"And that's when we strike. Remember, our top priority is rescuing the girl. Any questions?"

The large meeting room is filled with pro heroes and heroes in training. The higher-ranked heroes sit at the large table while most of the local heroes and heroes in training stand near the wall. 

Among the heroes in training stands Katsuki Bakugo in full costume. He stares intently at the screen near the front of the room. It shows a smiling, (h/c) haired girl waving at the camera, as though everything is perfect in the world. 

The meeting ends and the heroes begin filing out of the room. Katsuki trails behind, thinking about how badly he's going to hurt the villains, after rescuing his teddy bear, of course. 

"You alright kid?" 

Katsuki looks up to see a woman walking towards him. He recognizes her immediately as the pro hero Bubblegum, a powerful hero whose agency is set up in Cheyenne. Her quirk: adhesive, the ability to secrete a sticky, mouldable, substance from her skin. Pretty simple, though she uses it well.

Beside her stands a boy Katsuki recognizes immediately. The boy wears a black bodysuit that's decked out in weapons and tech. A black mask that would normally cover the bottom half of his face rests on his neck, along with a grey scarf. 

"Hello Baku-err-Katsuki," the boy greets.

Katsuki growls in response, not bothering to hide his anger towards the boy. 

"Now you show up when she isn't even here." Katsuki says, "It seriously takes your own SISTER'S KIDNAPPING TO GET YOU TO APPEAR!?" 

The taller boy looks Katsuki dead in the eyes, showing no reaction whatsoever. This angers Katsuki more. "SAY SOMETHING!" he screams. 

Elias sighs, "I'm here to get her back home safe, let's focus on that first."

Elias walks away, ignoring Katsuki's angered screams.

Bubblegum sighs before turning to the angry blonde. "So, you're close to this (y/n) (l/n), aren't you?"

Katsuki 'tsks' at the pro hero before storming out of the conference room, leaving Bubblegum very confused. 

Katsuki marches through the building, the angry scowl not leaving his face. He makes his way to the changing room, hoping to return home and train as quickly as possible. 

Katsuki walks into the boy's changing room, only to find the cause of his annoyance. 

"Oh, it's you again," he says monotonously, barely bothering to glance at the angry boy. He simply continues to change.

This irritates the already irritated boy. Katsuki marches towards Elias, who has just finished changing into a plain, loose t-shirt and jeans. Katsuki grabs him by the collar, pulling him closer. 

"You are a horrible brother," he growls lowly, surprising Elias. 

"She hasn't seen you in years. You know one of the things she told me while we were packing up her stuff. She said, and I will never forget it, 'I hope I can see Elias more often since we'll be closer.' She was excited to see you, her brother, the only family she has left. Yet you haven't visited her once since we moved here. Now you finally decide to show up and she can't even enjoy spending time with you BECAUSE SHE'S BEEN KIDNAPPED!!!


Elias's eyes widen for a moment as he processes Katsuki's speech. His eyes return to their normal, dull, emotionless look. 

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