Chapter 16~Movie night

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"Kat I'm fine, really," I say.

Kat and I are curled up together with me on Kat's lap. After the match ended, everyone boarded their respective buses to return to the school. Kat wouldn't let me walk, even after I told him that I could, so he carried me instead. Class 3A showing up made him stress out but I think me overusing my quirk, which doesn't happen often, pushed him over the edge. 

He keeps holding me close as if I'll disappear if he lets go.

He needs consolation and I'm happy to give it to him.

Kat growls and nuzzles my neck. I can hear a few 'awe's and 'adorable's. I hear someone squeal 'couple goals' but I'm too tired to care. 

Since class 3A is on the other bus everyone, including Kat and I, took off our masks. I also took my cape off. 

The bus ride goes by smoothly, being half asleep makes the whole ride seem like a blur of cuddles and forehead kisses. 

Once we arrive at school, Kat and I put on our masks and I put on my cape. Kat and I walk hand in hand, trying to get to the changing rooms before class 3A gets there. Fortunately, we manage to change and leave the school without being spotted. We won't have to see anyone from class 3A for the rest of the day.

Or so we thought.

"Hello you angry pomeranian, hello (y/n)." Shinso greets.

Why is Shinso in our house?

"Welcome home you two, your friend just got here so I invited him in for some tea," Masaru explains, placing a teacup in front of the purple-haired insomniac.

Kat and I stare, dumbfounded. After a minute I motion for Shinso to follow as Kat and I make our way upstairs. He obeys and we all go to my bedroom.  

"So, how did you find out where we live?" I ask, still a little confused. 

"I asked your purple-haired friend. She's way too energetic for my liking," he explains, shrugging. He's being very casual considering he just showed up in our house. 

Somehow, Kat is perfectly accepting of the situation. The two boys are already planning how to protect me come Monday. 

Apparently, I have my own personal protection squad. 

Why does that not put me at ease?

After a while of the two of them talking while I play games on my cellphone, Kat leaves to go to the store. That leaves me and Shinso alone.

Kat doesn't like leaving me alone with boys, Ink is one of the only exceptions since he's not interested in romance. He and Shinso must be closer than I originally thought.

"So, you two seem to be doing well. That's good." Shinso says, taking a seat on the bed beside me. 

"Yeah. Honestly, when we first started dating, I didn't know how long we would last." I admit, "Don't get me wrong, I love him. I always will. But we started dating in secret for a reason. Then when Reisha joined our class, I got really nervous. It didn't take long for me to get self-conscious. She's beautiful, her complexion is perfect, and her hair is always styled to perfection. Everyone seemed to love her right away. She would flirt with Kat and, I was always scared that he would leave me for her. I'm grateful he didn't. I love him so much, I can't lose him."

Shinso listens intently to my little speech before giving me a small smile. 

"You won't lose him," he says, "Bakugo loves you just as much as you love him. He's told me a thousand times that he'll protect you, even when you become a pro hero. He'll do anything for you to be happy." 

Tears form in my eyes. I can't stop myself. Hearing those words makes me really happy and right now, I need some extra reassurance. I can feel the warm tears running down my cheeks. 

Shinso begins apologizing, thinking he said something to upset me. I reassure him that I'm fine, though the tears don't stop falling. Eventually, out of pure panic, Shinso engulfs me in a hug. I return the hug, laughing at his actions. 

"Hands off eyebags," Kat says, making his presence known.

Shinso lets me go, allowing Katsuki to see my tear-stained face. Kat immediately goes into overprotective boyfriend mode, dropping his shopping bag and rushing over to me. He pushes Shinso off the bed and wraps me in a new hug. 

Shinso sits on the floor, grumbling to himself, while Kat and I just hold each other. I reassure Kat that I'm fine and that I'm crying because I'm happy and there's no reason to kill Shinso. We stay like that for a while, with Shinso awkwardly sitting on the floor.

After a while, Shinso has to go back to where his class is staying so they don't get suspicious. After he leaves, Kat and I decide to watch movies on my laptop. While Kat sets up the movie, I look through the snacks that Kat bought.

Kat had bought all our favorite snacks and a couple of bottles of soda just for the occasion. I love it when Kat remembers small details like my favorite snacks. It shows that he really pays attention to me. 

I grab a few treats from the bag and place them on my bed for us. Kat finishes setting up my laptop and places it on one of my textbooks. We set up the pillows to sit more comfortably before snuggling together and starting the movie. 

Kat bought a (favorite genre) movie for us to watch, probably to assure that It'll distract me from my problems. I enjoy it but I enjoy Kat's company more. 

I smile softly at the scent of smoke and caramel he emits. I find it soothing, a silent comfort. He wraps his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him so I can feel his warmth. I comply, leaning onto his chest and listening to the sound of his steady heartbeat. Soon, it's enough to lull me to sleep. 

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