Chapter 11~Summer

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The rest of the year went by quickly. It was mostly spent bonding with my classmates. I've become especially close to Mya and Travis, even Kat has acknowledged them as friends, though he won't admit it. It's summer vacation now but I still spend time with most of my classmates. 

Now I'm sitting on his lap as we watch a movie together. Mitsuki and Masaru are out running errands so we have the house to ourselves for a few hours. 

"I'm bored," Kat grumbles. I don't really blame him, this romance movie is pretty cheesy. 

"What do you want to do then?" I ask, looking up at him. He shrugs in response as he turns off the movie.

It's quiet for a moment before I'm suddenly in the air, being held solely by Katsuki's muscled arms. 

"What are you doing?!" I shriek. I look up to see Kat grinning at me. He chuckles before carrying me outside, to the backyard. Before I can ask what's going on, I'm no longer in the air. I'm not on the ground either.

I'm in the pool.

"What was that for!?" I scream once I'm treading water.

I look up at Kat who's chuckling and taking his shirt off. I blush involuntarily at the action.

I watch him throw his shirt to the side before jumping into the pool with me. I watch as Kat emerges from the water, genuinely laughing, and I can't help but laugh along.

"You still bored, teddybear?" Kat asks, still laughing. 

I shake my head, unable to respond through my laughter.

We swim around for a while, just enjoying the water. Eventually, we end up having a water fight, and I almost drown at one point because Kat gets a tad competitive. Overall, we have a lot of fun together.

"What are you two doing?" 

Kat and I look up to see Mitsuki and Masaru stand by the edge of the inground pool. Mitsuki is holding up her phone, likely recording a video of Kat and me. Masaru is the one who spoke, and he looks very awkward. 

Kat and I just stare for a moment, before Kat proceeds to scream at his 'old hag.' Meanwhile, I get out of the pool slowly while Masaru and I casually sneak into the house to avoid the screaming match.

"So, why we're you two swimming with your clothes on?" Masaru asks. I shrug, "we were bored so Kat threw me in the pool." 

Masaru stares at me like I'm crazy. I just shrug and go to my room to change. 

After I'm done changing, I grab a pair of pants from Katsuki's room for him and make my way back outside. 

The two blondes are still fighting. I don't think they even realize that Masaru and I left. 

I clear my throat to get their attention, causing them both to turn to look at me.

"So are you going to stay in the water all day or are you going to change?" I ask, looking Kat in the eye. 

He blushes in embarrassment and I help him out of the pool. He grumbles something under his breath but I ignore it and pass him his clothes and a towel. 

Mitsuki laughs as Kat begrudgingly walks away. 

After Kat changes, he and I decide to go for a walk. 

We wander for a while, no real destination in our minds. We end up running into a few of our classmates, much to Kat's annoyance. 

Now we're at the park, because why not.

"You want ice cream, teddybear?" Kat asks, pointing at a small ice cream stand up ahead. I nod in response, I'm always up for ice cream.

Kat goes to order the ice cream while I sit on a nearby bench. There's a bit of a line so I'll probably be waiting a while. To pass the time, I intently watch a nearby bee. 

"Hey, (y/n)," I look over to see Zach, Max, and Ink all walking toward me. 

"Hey guys," I reply, "what are you guys up to?" 

"Just hanging out, nothing much is happening today anyway," Max explains, leaning back on the bench. I just nod, not really knowing what else to say.

I suddenly feel a small tug on my sleeve. I look down to see Ink tugging my sleeve to get my attention. He pulls out his sketch pad and shows me the same picture as I saw at the mall, fully coloured.

The phoenix is coloured (f/c) and black. My (h/c) hair seems to be floating around me as a flame burns just above my outstretched hand. My feet are pointed, giving off the illusion of floating. 

"Wow..." I say, at a loss for words.

"Nice job Ink! It looks amazing," Zach compliments.

Max and I nod in response, not really knowing what else to do. 

Kat returns and see's the photo as well. Now he's as amazed as the rest of us.

"Oi," he says after we snap out of our trance, "can I take a picture of that?"

Ink nods shyly as Kat hands me my ice cream. Kat instantly pulls out his phone to take a picture.

We all end up hanging out together for a while. Turns out that we can be a very troublesome group.

Zach and Max keep flirting with girls, then proceed to be beaten up by said girls. Then those same girls fawn over how cute Ink is and how amazing his drawings are, leaving the two flirts to sulk. Kat and I just watch and laugh. 

Once and I while I notice a few girls eyeing Kat. It honestly makes me feel a little insecure. Thankfully, Kat is a lot more observant than most people realize. Every time he notices that I'm insecure or uncomfortable, he wraps his arm around me and pulls me closer to him. 

I'm really grateful for this walking time bomb.

After a long day of somewhat babysitting the two sulking boys, Kat and begin the short walk home.

"So, did you have fun?" I ask.

"It was fine I guess..." he grunts, though I can see a small genuine smile on his face. I'm glad he's made friends here. 

Honestly, I was worried when we first moved here that he would have trouble getting along with anyone but he seems to be just fine. 

Soon we're home. 

Upon entering the house, we're met with the smell of steak. We all sit down to eat a quiet dinner before we all head to our bedrooms to sleep. 

"It's been a good day," I mumble as I drift off to the land of dreams.

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