Chapter 8~Hero training pt. 2(short, sorry)

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As per usual, Kat is rushing in at full speed using his quirk. All our classmates stare at him in shock, clearly not expecting his explosions to be so powerful. 

I take advantage of their shock and use my flames to propel myself forward as well. If I can tag just one of them, that'll be good enough for me. 

"Not so fast newbie!" Max says, suddenly appearing in front of me. He tries to tag me but my reflexes are top-notch from training with my explosive boyfriend. I easily use a  backflip to move out of the way. Though that's not all I do. 

These people don't know my tricks, so I can use some old ones for now. 

"Not bad, I don't know what kind of stuff they teach you in Japan, but you should know..." Max begins, "we always have a backup plan."

Behind me, his tall teammate seemingly appears out of nowhere. Though, Midoriya has done similar moves so I know how to dodge this. 

I move out of the way immediately, shooting fire out of my foot to help me move quicker. It works well, honestly, he looks surprised at my tactics. 

They haven't seen anything yet.

"You know, my old sensei taught me something similar, before everyone at school turned their backs on me," I explain, "he would try to trick us with so-called logical ruses to keep us on our toes. It taught me to get creative and think outside the box when looking for solutions. That's why I came up with a little trick."

I look them in the eye and smirk. "I only need to hit you with my quirk, right?"

Pointing upward has always been how I show off this move, and yet, people are still surprised every time they see it.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Kat smirking, he knows exactly what I'm doing and what this move means. It's my finishing move.

Rather, it was my father's finishing move.

"What are you..." Max trails off when he and his teammates look towards the sky. My teammate's other classmates follow their eyes. All accept Kat and I gasp out. Even our new teacher is shocked. 

"Is that... A DRAGON!"

Everyone yelled out in surprise. 

The dragon is rather small, only the size of a small dog, maybe a chihuahua, but the smaller I make the dragon the faster the dragon becomes. Though it becomes harder to maneuver as a result which is why I won't make a dragon any smaller than this.

Another interesting fact about my quirk, I can control how hot the flames are. That means I can control whether or not they physically damage someone. The flames this dragon is made of aren't hot enough to burn anyone, they'll just know they've been hit. 

I send the dragon to attack each of my opponents, and it hits every target. 

I smirk as Mr. Dark calls out the results. 

"(y/n)'s team wins,"

"Congrat's teddybear," Kat said, giving me a small kiss on the cheek. 

Since everyone is still in shock Kat decides it's time to wake them up... by setting off an explosion.

"WAKE UP EXTRAS!!" he yells, setting off an explosion just big enough not to hurt anyone. 

As everyone recovers from the shock, my team and our opponents make our way to the extra training grounds nearby to practice our quirks for the rest of the class. 

"So, (y/n), can you make anything else with your quirk?" Amethyst asks. 

"Theoretically I could, I just tend to stick to dragons," I explain.

"Have you tried making wings yet?" Kat asks, catching everyone's attention and curiosity. I just shake my head in response. "I'll try now."

So that's what I end up doing for the rest of the class. I'm trying to create fire dense enough to act as wings. So far, it's not working, though now my fire is (f/c). I'm still trying to figure out how my fire changes colour but I'm not complaining, it looks cool. 

Slowly, but surely, I'm completely shedding the girl I was in Japan. 

Everything is changing, even my quirk is slowly taking on a new form. 

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