Chapter 13~Shinso doesn't like Drama

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A/n: Sorry for not updating for a while. Enjoy the chapter.

The flight from Japan lands in Cheyenne, Wyoming at noon. UA's Class 3-A files off the plane excitedly, with a few exceptions. 

Hitoshi Shinso is among those who seem to have less energy than the others. While that may be true, there's a different reason for his lack of enthusiasm. 

I don't want to deal with drama, he inwardly groans, You'd better be grateful (y/n) because I'm going to help you and that angry pomeranian of yours.

Shinso subtly pulled out his phone, sending Katsuki a quick text to let him know they've landed. He put away his phone just as quickly to avoid being seen. 

"Shinso, stop falling behind," Aizawa says sleepily. Shinso nods in response before jogging to catch up with the group. 

The class makes their way to the bus that's supposed to take them to the Makota Hero Academy. 

The bus ride is, as per usual, very chaotic. 

Mina, Sero, Kirishima, and Kaminari are having a dance battle while Jiro plays music from her phone.

Reisha, Momo, and Hagakure are talking.

Sato is baking.

Koda is talking to his animal friends.

Todoroki, Aizawa, and Shinso are sleeping.

Shoji and Tokoyami are talking to each other.

Asui and Uraraka are talking to each other.

Midoriya is mumbling about heroes.

Aoyama is sparkling and taking selfies.

Iida is trying to keep everyone under control.
Keyword: trying.
Eventually, he gives up and mopes. 

This continues for the whole bus ride.

After an hour and a half of driving and two rest stops, the class finally makes it to the American hero school they'll be training at for the next year. They're led to the gymnasium immediately for an orientation. 

"Welcome to Makota Hero Academy," Mrs. Marianne greets the visiting students, "It's nice to meet you all. I'm the principal, Mrs. Marianne. You students will be with us for the next year so be sure to make yourself at home. 

For starters, you should know about how our school works. You'll be given your schedules so you know which classes you have. Under the name of each class, you'll see a room number, that's the classroom you'll have to go to for that class. You won't all be in the same class as each other for every class however there will be at least one other student you know with you at all times to make you more comfortable.

One last thing, while in your hero classes, you will refer to each other by your hero names. This is to help you get accustomed to responding to them and saying them. That's all. Have a lovely day. I'll be in my office if you need anything and my door is always open."

Mrs. Marianne gives one last warm smile before walking back to her office. Just as she did so, three students walk towards the group. 

"Hello, my name is Amethyst, but my hero name is Cosma," the first girl greets, "these are my friends Maxspeed, or Max for short, and Deck Master (Zach). We're all in the hero course here. We'll be your guides to your classes. First, we'll take you to the changing rooms." 

The three immediately lead the students to the changing rooms. After the students change into their hero costumes, they're taken straight to the training grounds for hero training, where the American hero class is already waiting. 

(At the training grounds)
Katsuki Bakugo groans in annoyance. At the moment he's waiting with the rest of his classmates for the extras from Japan that he'll be forced to spend the next year with. Though, since he already knows who they are, he's not excited.

He's also a little restless since (y/n) isn't with him while class 1A is in the school.

"Alright, class," Mr. Dark announces, "the students from Japan arrived at noon today so they'll be joining us for our hero training." Mr. Dark walks away to meet the newcomers, leaving the students to chat amongst themselves.

"Are you ok Dynamite?" Lyra asks the blonde boy. She had noticed his irritation beforehand but decided to wait before asking about it.

"You know the students from Japan?" Kat asks, receiving a nod from the petite girl, "They're the extras that hurt Phoenix."

The class falls silent. It had taken a bit for (y/n) to open up to them all completely, but by the end of grade 11 they had all heard her story. 

"You've got to be kidding me!" A boy yells. His name is Keith, he's the wolf-like boy that (y/n) and Katsuki were up against during their first game of quirk tag. 

Many other students share in the boy's irritation, complaining that, of all the hero courses in Japan, the visitors just have to be the same students that hurt their beloved fire-wielder. 

Most of the boys go into 'protective brother mode' while the girls start planning how to cheer up their friend, along with at least three backup plans. 

Katsuki, of course, has his own ideas for how to protect his teddybear. He makes a mental note to buy all of her favorite snacks and rent a few movies. 

Soon Mr. Dark returns with class 3A. As they're walking, Reisha immediately recognizes the spiky ash-blonde-haired boy. 

"Bakugo!!" she screeches, running up to him. She wraps her arms around him and tries to give him a kiss on the cheek, but she's immediately pushed away by the angry blonde. 

"Get off me, I have a girlfriend so stop trying to kiss me you little-"


A/N:edited spelling

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