Chapter 23~Comeuppance and Test Flight

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I jog towards my class, apologizing for being late. Mr. Dark laughs and explains that Mya and Travis had already told him that I'd be late. Apparently, they knew I'd forget to tell him, so they called ahead. 

I am both thankful and embarrassed. 

I apologize again and head towards Kat. The Bakusquad surrounds him, laughing and making jokes as they train. 

I smile underneath my mask, trying to enjoy the nostalgic moment before someone ruins it.


There we go.

I turn to see Reisha looking at me with a look that screams 'I hate you but I can't show it with so many people around' and honestly, the feeling's mutual. 

"Now you're little outburst makes sense. You've always been overly dramatic, haven't you? I guess that hasn't changed." she says, an annoying smirk on her face. 

I glare at her, "I can see you still have the maturity of a petty five-year-old child." I retort. 

Reisha growls at me, "Watch it. Remember, I have the entire class on my side. I ruined your life once, and I can do it again. Don't test me."

She's getting careless.

"You should be more careful, Reisha," I tell her. 

She looks at me, confused. I smirk and point behind her. She rolls her eyes before turning around and freezes. Not too far away from us stands a very shocked Shoji. It seems he was working on his tracking, which uses the ears he creates on the end of his tentacles. 

He heard everything.

"(l/n) wasn't hurting you!?" he kind of yells. He sounds angry, but for some reason, I feel like some of that anger is aimed at himself, not just Reisha. 

Everyone seems to hear Shoji, as most of class 3A turns to watch the scene unfold, most with a similar look of shock as the one Shoji wears.

Reisha stands, mouth agape. She tries to say something but the words won't leave her mouth. 

"Reisha, is this true?" Mr. Aizawa asks, his voice both laced with concern and anger. Reisha continues to stutter, unable to think of a lie to get her out of this. 

I start to feel uncomfortable with all the eyes watching the two of us. I start to back away, though I'm stopped by someone. I turn around to see Katsuki, looking down at me with a small reassuring smile. I smile back, grateful. 

Kat wraps his arms around my waist to comfort me. I melt into his warmth, gladly accepting his comfort. Knowing Kat is right behind me helps me feel less anxious. I take a quick deep breath to steady my nerves before putting my full focus on the matter at hand.

Aizawa turns to me. "(l/n), did you ever hurt Reisha in any way?" he asks.

All eyes turn to me. This is my chance to tell everyone the truth. 

"I have never hurt Reisha in any way outside of regular supervised training. The injuries she had came from her second quirk, Makeup artist."

I proceed to explain everything, from how her quirk works to her motivation for bullying me. I explained how close I was to being expelled despite not doing anything, which Aizawa confirmed was the case. I explained how I tried to tell someone, anyone, but not even the teachers believed me. I tell them about how the Bakugo family knew my situation and invited me to move with them. And for once, everyone listened. 

By the end of my story, everyone is apologizing to me. Reisha starts yelling, claiming that I'm lying about everything and that there's no proof besides her injuries. 

Shinso shuts her down pretty quickly using his quirk. He only asks one question, "is (l/n) telling the truth?" She answers with a very clear "yes," my story is proven. 

Mr. Aizawa and Shinso take Reisha to the principal's office to discuss the matter. I sigh in relief as I watch the three of them walk away, knowing Reisha's lies are finally catching up to her. 

"So, is this a bad time?"

I turn to see Mya and Travis, standing a bit away from the group looking very awkward. I shake my head, feeling bad that they had to walk in on that whole ordeal. 

"No, it's fine, we should probably get back to training anyway," I state. Mr. Dark agrees and tells everyone to continue working on their super moves. As they disperse, many of my former classmates come up to me to apologize personally. I forgive them all but I make sure they know that I'm not ready to be their friend again.

Once everyone is back to work, I walk over to Mya and Travis, Kat close behind. 

"So, what's this about?" Kat asks, watching as Travis checks the wing-pack to make sure it's secured correctly. Mya starts setting up their devices that do who knows what at about the same time.

"They think that this new device will allow me to fly using my very own fire-wings, like a real phoenix," I explain. 

Kat nods, though I can tell he's pretty interested to see how this will all work out. He also calls Amethyst over for safety reasons.

"Alright, let's get started," Travis says once everything is set up, "just make wings like you normally would and the wing-pack will do the rest."

I nod and take a deep breath.

I've made wings using my fire hundreds of times before so I can do it on instinct at this point. The (f/c) flaming wings appear instantly and I can't help but admire them. 

Suddenly, I feel a strange sensation on my back. It kind of tingles and it feels like my back suddenly got heavier. I assume it must be the wing-pack increasing the density of my wings.

"Alright, try flying," Travis says, backing away a bit. I nod and focus on flapping my wings. 

I've studied the way birds fly quite a few times during my training in hopes of learning to fly on my own. The charts and words all seem to flash through my mind, reminding me of everything I've learned. I can do this.

I adjust the angle of my wings and flap them. I slowly feel myself rising from the ground. The air around me shifts with each flap of the wings, creating an updraft and causing my hood to fall, revealing my (h/l) (h/c) hair. I flap my wings harder and faster. I feel myself rise even more. 

I open my eyes to see that I'm at least six feet from the ground. Everyone below me is looking at me in excitement and awe. Kat gives me a proud smile and a subtle nod. I fill up with joy and start laughing in excitement.

I'm really flying.

Amethyst uses her telekinesis to fly up with me. She and I laugh together as she guides me through the sky. I drop a little once and I while when I lose my concentration, but I get the hang of it pretty quickly. 


Amethyst that one word before flying off. I can't help but laugh as I chase after her. Soon, I'm lost in the small game of tag. I don't even realize how long I've been flying for until my body feels significantly colder. 

I look down to see everyone packing up. The class had ended. I had flown for an hour without even thinking. 

I flew.

The reality sets in more when I carefully land on solid earth. I really flew, with my own wings. I felt so weightless and free in the air, like a bird. 

Kat runs up to me, pulling me into a hug. 

"That was awesome, teddy bear," he whispers. I grip his shirt and mumble.

"I flew,"

I mumble it over and over again until I'm practically yelling in excitement. Kat laughs and the rest of my classmates, and Mya, surround me in a group hug. Even class 3A comes up to congratulate me. 

I thank them as we all head to the changing rooms. Even after changing, even after walking home, I can't get the fact that I flew out of my head. I tell Mitsuki and Masaru and they both get excited for me. Mitsuki even decides to order take out in celebration. 

I honestly just can't get over the fact that I flew on my own two wings.

I flew...

like a phoenix.

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