Chapter 27~A True Phoenix

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It's dark.

And cold.

Where am I?

I look around trying to get a sense of my location.

Everywhere I look it's dark. I can't see anything whatsoever. There are no people, no animals, no trees.

Wasn't I just in a forest?


I look around, frantically searching for the monsters, yet there are none in sight.

I search through my memories, trying to grasp some sort of understanding of the situation.

I remember a fight. I took out the nomu with blades for arms first with my knife. That's good. I burned the nomu with wings and was about to finish it when...oh yeah. The largest nomu punched me. I was thrown into a tree and unable to move. He beat me to a pulp.

So, am I dead?

I always thought death was more like sleep. You feel nothing. You don't think, you can't move, and you have no idea how much time passes. But here, I'm able to think and I'm self-aware. Though, the searing pain I felt mere moments ago has seemingly vanished. 

"Am I dead?" I ask myself aloud.

"Not exactly."

A mysterious voice answers my question. It sounds female. I look around for the source, that's when I notice a small flame in the distance. It's (f/c), just like my fire. 

I find myself feeling drawn to the small flame, though I can't seem to move. I try walking towards it, yet my feet don't touch the ground. I look down to realize that there is no ground, just more emptiness.

I look towards the small flame once again. I stretch my arm in a pathetic attempt to reach it, but my efforts are fruitless. 

"Who are you?" I ask the flame.

The flame flickers as a beautiful laugh resonates through the endless space. 

"You don't recognize me?" The voice responds. 

Suddenly I'm being pulled towards the (f/c) light. I have no control over where I'm going, but I can't complain. Something about this flame feels familiar. I feel safe in its presence.

I stop moving right in front of the small flame. Now, I could reach out and touch it.

I watch the flame change its shape. Slowly, the small flame grows taller. It forms arms, legs, and a head. It grows (h/l) hair and its body becomes more feminine. Finally, two wings sprout from the flames back.

After its transformation, the flame looks like me.

"Hello, (y/n). Do you know who I am now?" It, or she, asks. 

One thought enters my mind as I stare at the (f/c) girl in front of me. 

"Are you me?"

Once again a beautiful laugh resonates through the room. 

"Something like that," she explains, a hint of laughter still lacing her voice, "I guess you could say, I'm your quirk."

I don't know how to react to this information. I'm talking to my quirk? How does that work?  And why is my quirk (f/c) when it used to be a regular fiery orange-red color? 

"How?" is the only thing I can say. The other words just won't leave my mouth. 

The flame girl's mouth twists into a soft, reassuring smile. 

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