Chapter 5~My new beginning

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Disclaimer: I know nothing about America since I've never been so I'm sorry if things aren't accurate. Also, Makota is a city I made up. That's all.

Why do flights always leave so early?

The Bakugo family and I are currently in the waiting area at the airport... at 3 am.

Katsuki is already asleep on my shoulder while Mitsuki is checking our luggage to make sure everything is in order. Masaru went to get coffee from the small cafe here for him and Mitsuki as well as a (f/d) for me and a protein smoothie for Kat.

"Are you excited, dear?" Mitsuki suddenly asks. I shrug, "I am, but I'm also a little nervous." I admit. "That's normal dear, don't worry. If anything goes wrong just remember that Masaru, Katsuki, and I are here," she says with a comforting smile. I smile back.

Mitsuki has been like a mother to me ever since Katsuki first introduced us. It's been nice, I never realized just how much I missed having a mother until I met her. Naturally, I miss my own mother, but it's been 8 years since the incident. I've learned to live without her and dad.

I'm snapped out of my thoughts by Masaru handing me my (f/d) and Kat's smoothie. I thank him quietly before trying to wake up Kat. "Hey babe, time to wake up," I whisper while nudging him a bit. Once he wakes up I hand him his smoothie and we drink our beverages in silence.

"Flight to Cheyenne, Wyoming, USA boarding now."

"That's us," Masaru explains, grabbing his luggage. Mitsuki, Kat, and I follow suit.

Once we've boarded the plane I immediately take note of my surroundings.

I have a window seat next to Kat while Mitsuki and Masaru sit behind us. So far no one sits on the other side of Kat and I hope it stays that way. We're seated near the center of the plane and the closest washrooms are in front of us, as are the nearest exits.

"Nervous?" Kat asks. I nod. "I little," I admit. The last time I was on a plane was with my parents and brother, we were visiting family in Canada which is also where I learned English. Kat gives me a small reassuring smile and gives me a small side hug. "It'll be fine." he assures.

"This is cute and all but try not to get all lovey-dovey in front of me."

Kat and I tense up. We turn to see a messy mop of purple hair and eye bags.

"Shinso?" I question. I met Shinso just after the sports festival. I felt the need to congratulate him and I was curious about his quirk, it seemed really cool and I couldn't understand why he wasn't in the hero course with a quirk like his. We hung out a few times afterward at a cat cafe and bonded over our mutual love of the said animal. (sorry if you don't like cats)

"Hello (l/n), Bakugo." He greeted, taking a seat beside us. "What are you doing here, eye bags?" Kat asks angrily. Shinso shrugs, "I'm visiting family for a week, what about you?" he responds. "None of your business," Kat responds, growing more irritated.

Shinso ignores him and turns to me, "how long have you two been dating?" he asks.


"I saw you two on what I assume was a date the other day," he replies blankly.

So he was the one watching us, I got freaked out over nothing.

"Oh, about 3 and a half months," I tell him. I trust Shinso, he's a good friend. "I take it I should keep this a secret," he says. Kat and I nod in sync. "Tell anyone and I'll kill you," Kat threatens. Shinso shrugs.

Soon the plane takes off and we're on our way to America. Shinso and I have small conversations throughout the flight, while we're both awake that is. Even Kat joins in. By the end of the flight, I've learned that Shinso will be taking one of the open spots in 1A now that Kat and I have transferred. The other opening will apparently be left empty for now until a suitable candidate comes along.

"So where are you guys heading from here?" Shinso asks as he grabs his suitcase from the overhead storage. "A small city called Matoka. It's here in Wyoming." I explain, "what about you?" "I'm going to Pine Bluffs, a bit over half an hour from here," he explains as we file off the plane. I nod in response. Just before separating Shinso and Kat exchange numbers. I already have Shinso's cell phone number.

After a quick breakfast, since it's about 6:30 am here, we start driving to Makota. The drive takes an hour and a half but I sleep through the whole thing.

"Wake up teddy bear, we're here," Kat whispers in my ear while nudging my cheek to wake me up.

I open my eyes slowly. "Morning Sleepyhead," he says. "Morning," I whisper with a small smile. I sit up and stretch before getting out of the car to help with the luggage, Kat following close behind. "What do you kids think?" Masaru asks, gesturing to the house in front of us.

It's a two-story house with a small but well-kept yard. The walls are painted deep blue with white outlining the door and windows. The black tiled roof looks like it must have been redone recently. The door is a bright cheery red to contrast the rest of the house.

"It looks amazing," I say in awe. The Bakugo's laugh at my reaction. Mitsuki leads us inside excitedly. "Masaru and I helped design this house," she explains, "It was only built last year so it's still brand new."

She opens the door and leads us inside. The inside looks just as amazing as the outside. The flooring is all light hardwood, the walls are painted pale blue and covered with the same pictures from the previous Bakugo house.

"This is the living room, the kitchen is through the door on the right and there's a bathroom just to your left. There's a second bathroom upstairs and that's where the three main bedrooms are. There's a fourth bedroom in the basement but it's meant for guests. There's also an extra bathroom down there and a room for music, gaming, or whatever else you might want to do." Masaru explains. "Your bedrooms are upstairs. The first door on the right is (y/n)'s and the first door on the left is Katsuki's," Mitsuki adds.

I nod and place my shoes on the shoe mat near the door before heading up with my suitcase. Kat walks beside me. I enter my room in excitement, and I'm far from disappointed.

The walls of my room are painted (f/c), they match my new (2f/c) bedspread. The floor is dark wood with a small, (f/c) round rug to match the walls. I now have a wooden desk in the corner that seems to be made of the same wood as my new dresser. There's a painting of a white rose on the wall across from the door while a calendar is hanging right next to the doorframe. My closet is somewhat hidden behind my now open door, but I can still see it.

"Wow," I exclaim quietly. I walk in and place my suitcase on the bed for better access. Inside are only a few of my belongings, I sold anything unnecessary and gave most of the money to Masaru and Mitsuki, though they made sure I kept some of it for myself.

I pull out my most important possession, the photo of my family at the park. I smile sadly at the picture before hanging it right next to my desk. I do the same with the photo of me and my brother. After that, I quickly put away all of my clothes and place my toiletries on my dresser for now. I look around and nod in satisfaction before placing my (f/c) suitcase in the closet.

Collapsing on my bed, I take a sigh of relief.

This is really happening. This is real.

I'm in America, getting a fresh start.

No class 1A. No Cindy Reisha.

A new beginning.

My new beginning.

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