Chapter 20~Battle training

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So, the dekusquad listened to my idea.

Well, kind of.

So, at the moment, I'm in an empty classroom with the dekusquad, Katsuki, and Shinso.

Basically, Shinso is going to use his quirk on me to make me answer all the dekusquad's questions with complete honesty. Katsuki is here to make sure things don't get out of hand.

"Let's get this over with," Shinso sighs, mumbling something about wanting to sleep. I nod, permitting him to use his quirk on me.

"You ready?"


Shinso activates his quirk and I go into a trance where I'm unable to control anything I say or do, nor am I really aware of what's going on.

I don't remember much from the questioning, it's like a fuzzy dream. Once I'm released from my trance, I see the entire dekusquad in tears. Shinso looks at me with pity in his eyes while Kat gives me a small reassuring smile.

"what hap-"

I don't get to finish my sentence before I'm trapped in a hug by the dekusquad, even Todoroki. They all apologize, loudly.

I smile and hug the back before getting them all to back away.

"I forgive you guys, but don't think we're friends again." I explain, "when you believed Reisha, a girl you had known for only one day, over me, a girl you had known for months, it really hurt. I'm willing to forgive you, but I'm not ready to be your friend again."

The dekusquad nod in understanding.

After the ordeal, we head to our last class before hero training. That class goes by pretty quickly and soon I'm heading to hero training in full costume.

Today we're doing one on one battle training. Mr. Dark and Mr. Aizawa pair up the students based on quirks and fighting styles, so we don't get to choose who we go up against. We also all get paired up with someone from the other class.

The first battle is Reisha against Catrina Bitar, hero name: Qawiun. Her quirk allows her to turn food into strength. This increases her strength and speed exponentially.

Both get called to the field and take their positions. Reisha points her finger at Qawiun, preparing to use her quirk. Qawiun smirks, knowing that it won't do much against her.

The moment the teachers give the signal to begin, Qawiun charges at Reisha, dodging the bullets with ease.

Realizing that she can't land a hit on her opponent, Reisha prepares herself for hand-to-hand combat.

That's a mistake.

The moment Qawiun is within range, Reisha attempts to kick her. Her attempt is foiled as Qawiun grabs the smaller girl's foot and smirks.

Qawiun says something that I can't really hear, though I do make out the words "pay," "hurt," and "(y/n)."

So they're talking about me?

Before I realize what's happening, Qawiun punches Reisha directly in the face, knocking the strawberry-blonde out.

Qawiun walks away from the field, a satisfied smirk on her face as though she had been wanting to do that forever. She looks over at me, smiles, and walks away.

I stand in confusion as Reisha is taken to the nurse's office. I feel somewhat happy that I got to see her get punched in the face but I won't say it.

The next few battles go by quickly, soon enough it's my turn.

I get paired up to go against Shoji.

Alright then.

Shoji and I take our positions on opposite sides of the field. We get into our battle stances and wait.

Mr. Dark gives the signal this time, and we both charge at each other. Shoji goes in for a punch but I dodge and jump onto his arm.

Using his arm as a springboard, I flip over him and land a kick on the back of his head. He falters for a moment, though he recovers rather quickly. Shoji attempts to punch me, though I dodge once again. I once again use his arm as a springboard, though I flip in the opposite direction, away from my opponent.

Shoji and I stare each other down for a while, him planning his next move, me bidding my time.

After a moment, I smirk and stand straight, lowering my fists.

Shoji appears confused, though I can't blame him.

I point upwards, and he looks up. Everyone else does as well.

I hear some gasps from class 3A, they seem to recognize the move.

Above me flies a (f/c) phoenix, about the size of a falcon. I smile again and point at Shoji, sending the phoenix diving towards him.

The phoenix moves faster than the dragons I once made, due to its more streamlined design. It is impossible to dodge at its top speed.

Shoji attempts to dodge the attack, but he's too slow. The phoenix hit him in the leg, burning it. Shoji falls to the ground, unable to stand on the injured leg. He attempts to get back up and fight but to no avail.

Mr. Aizawa announces the match to be over.

I've won.


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