A/n: 100 votes+ one-shot

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A bit over 100 votes!!! 

Thank you all so much. 

When I first posted this story I was actually really nervous because I've only ever shared my stories with a select few. The fact that you guys are reading and enjoying my story has really boosted my confidence in my writing.

Now a one-shot. This one-shot has absolutely nothing to do with the actual story, I just wanted to show my appreciation somehow and this is the only way I know how. I hope you enjoy.


How did this happen?

That's the question I ask myself as I sit in the uncomfortable chair in the hospital waiting room. I contemplate the question, remembering the events that led up to this point. 


 It was just another school trip. The class was going to an off-campus training facility, one that specializes in combat training. The idea is to get us used to fighting people with different quirks than the ones our classmates have. 

I sat on the bus, happily chatting with Mina and Hagakure about a party they were, once again, planning for the weekend. Kat sat on the seat in front of me with Kaminari and Kirishima. He keeps yelling at them for something, I can't really tell what though. 

Everything was going perfectly.


The bus stopped abruptly, causing most of us to jerk forward. I gripped the chair in front of me to steady myself before standing up with the rest of the class. 

"What happened?"

"Is something wrong?"

"Is everyone OK?"

"Get down!" Aizawa yelled, drowning the students' curious words. Our training kicks in, causing us all to duck instantly.

Blue fire blasts through the windows, barely missing my head. I held my head tighter to protect myself. Some students start to crawl towards the emergency door. I followed their leads, making my way towards the back exit. 

Katsuki blows the emergency door open and everyone rushes out. Once we're off the bus, we were greeted by none other than the league of villains. Most of us get into a fighting stance, prepared for whatever the villains may throw at us. 

I recognized most of the villains, Dabi, Kurogiri, Shigaraki, and Toga, though there was one I didn't know. He wore a well-kept black suit with a red tie. His blonde hair was slicked back, making it hard to see over the fox mask hiding his face. 

He gave me a bad feeling.

Dabi attacked first, shooting his blue flames towards the cowering students. I counter the attack, creating a wall of (f/c) flames to protect my classmates. I pushed the wall towards the black-haired villain, forcing him and a few others to take a few steps back or dodge. 

Katsuki being Katsuki immediately goes in for a strike, creating a powerful yet controlled explosion aimed at Kurogiri. Kirishima follows the explosive blonde, hardening his arm to deal a blow to the mist man. Kurogiri doesn't even try to dodge, he simply allows the two to attack him.

I should have seen it coming.

Katsuki seemed to notice Kurogiri's strange behavior as he questioned the mist man on it, threatening him at the same time. I can imagine the mist man smirking as he remains silent. Kat began to get mad, preparing to throw off another explosion. 

He releases his attack, though it misses Kurogiri, and hits Katsuki instead. 

Most of the other students were too focused on their own battles to notice what had happened. 

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