Chapter 31~Please Hurry

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Cindy's laughs progressively get louder. Soon, everyone can hear her psychotic laughing. 

"WHAT GAVE IT AWAY?" she yells, all traces of sanity gone from her blue eyes. Her response catches everyone off guard. Aizawa releases Katsuki from his capture scarf and instead prepares to capture Cindy. 

"Your earrings." Katsuki explains, "You dropped one when you kidnapped my girlfriend."

Cindy reflexively touches her ear, sure enough, she's missing an earring. She growls, "there had to be more proof than that."

"There is,"

Shinso steps forward, all eyes turn to him. 

"I assume (l/n) went missing about 3 days ago," Shinso asks, earning a nod from Katsuki. "She called me, likely not long before she went missing. She sounded pretty nervous and asked a couple of questions about Reisha. I guess she caught onto something, which is why Reisha kidnapped her, to stop (l/n) from telling us anything."

Everyone gapes at the new information. Katsuki turns back to Cindy, who is now fuming. She chuckles again before taping the earring she didn't lose. 

"I guess you caught me. A shame too, I was having fun," she says, "But I guess I can have fun some other way instead. I wonder if Sis and I can play some games with (l/n) instead. That would be so much fun. I can't wait to make her bleed."

Anger overflows from Katsuki and he immediately launches an attack at the girl. Before he can hit her, however, a purple mist appears behind her, catching him off guard. 

Cindy giggles and waves, a bright smile on her face as though everything is normal. "Goodbye Katsuki~," she says in a sing-song voice before stepping back into the now purple warp-gate. The pro heroes attempt to stop her, but they're too late. 

Cindy Reisha has escaped.


((y/n) POV)

Every cell in my body aches, or it should. Blood oozes from cuts on my arms, legs, and stomach. My clothes are tattered, though not revealing anything inappropriate at least. I have a few hand-shaped burns on my stomach and one on my neck. 

I sigh. I feel numb. I've always had a high pain tolerance, being in the hero course and all, but this is a new level. I should be screaming, crying, something, but I'm not. I can't feel the pain anymore. 

I hear the metal door slide open, followed by two sets of psychotic giggling. I don't even bother to look up, I already know it's Toga and her sister here to create more injuries. I believe Toga is also storing my blood to use later.

"Hi (l/n)-chan~, we're back," Toga says cheerfully, waving her knife around. Her sister giggles and claps happily, "are you ready to have more fun?" She asks. 

I look at her with dead, emotionless eyes. These two psychos have a very strange idea of fun. I close my eyes and sigh. This might be a while.

"Let's begin..."

-time skip-

"That was fun, but I need to go help Shiggy. Bye-bye."  Toga says. Toga skips away, leaving me with her sister.

"So, (l/n). Your precious boyfriend is worried for you," she says, casually twirling her knife. I look up at hearing her mention Katsuki. No one's said anything about him or anyone since I've been here. At most, Shigaraki has asked about how I destroyed three nomus, followed by a tantrum when I tell him that I used my quirk with no other explanation. 

"W-what..." My throat is scratchy and dry, but at least I can still talk. 

"Speak up, I can't hear your pathetic voice."

"W-what did y-you do, R-Reisha?"

Reisha grins maniacally, "it turns out Bakugo isn't as stupid as the rest of the class. He found out that I kidnapped you and snapped." she explains, "He actually could've killed me. At that moment, he looked like a villain."

"DON'T CALL HIM A VILLAIN," I scream. Sure, Katsuki can seem like a jerk sometimes but he's not a villain. He's more determined than anyone to be the number 1 hero, and I'll support him in that dream every step of the way. 

"Katsuki is not a villain. He's a hero, he always will be. He'll be the number 1 hero one day and when he does, I'll be cheering the loudest for him." I tell her, sitting against the wall.

Reisha's eyes widen for a moment before her mouth widens into a terrifying grin. "I guess I've found your weak spot," she simply says before walking away, leaving me alone in the cold room. 

I wonder about her words. She obviously means Katsuki, but what is she going to do with the information. 


No, no. They can't. Could they?

No, they won't kidnap him too. They probably won't be able to anyway. 

I'm broken out of my thoughts by the door opening once again. I look up to see Dabi walking into the room with a plate of white mush that is mashed potatoes. 

"Hungry?" he asks, raising the plate a bit. I shake my head, but he doesn't care. He sits in front of me and raises the spoon to my mouth. I close my mouth and turn away, refusing to eat the mush they've fed me for the past three days. 

Dabi growls at my refusal. I hear the plate being placed on the ground and moments later a scared hand grabs my face. Dabi turns my head and forces me to look at him. He squeezes my face just enough to open my mouth and places the food on my tongue. He holds his hand over my mouth, forcing me to eat the food he gave me.

He smirks victoriously once I finally eat. "So, are you going to eat the rest, or are we going through this again?" he asks. "I-i'll eat," I whisper. Dabi hums in satisfaction and leaves the room. "I'll be back soon," he says quickly.

I stare in disgust at the food before eating it slowly. I know it's not poisoned at least, since Dabi is the one who made it. Strange as it is, Dabi doesn't poison any of the food he gives me. He still hurts me, as shown by my scars, but he's not as bad as Toga and Reisha. 

Soon, Dabi returns with a bottle of water. He hands it to me and says "drink it, your voice sounds awful." I look at him, then at the bottle, then back at him. I slowly take the bottle in my shakey hands and carefully drink the water. 

Once I finish my throat feels a hundred times better. I give Dabi a small, grateful smile and, to my surprise, he returns it with a smile of his own.

"You're boyfriend knows we have you. You'll probably be rescued in a few days," he explains, picking up the empty plate and bottle, "so hang in there a little longer." 

I stare at the man in shock as he walks out the door. Dabi is an enigma to me, one I will never truly understand. However, I have no reason to not believe him, nor do I have any reason to trust him or his words. 

I'll assume he's lying, and think of ways to escape. But, I'll hold onto hope, as though he's telling the truth.

I'm broken out of my thoughts when Shigaraki walks in. 

"I want answers," he says blandly, walking towards me.

Katsuki, please hurry.

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