Chapter 21~ A promise

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I don't turn around. I knew they'd figure it out, they're not all completely oblivious, though part of me hoped no one else would realize who I am.

I sigh and turn to see most of class 3A staring at me wide-eyed. Reisha is still in the nurse's office so at least she's not here. The dekusquad already knew so they're just watching to see how this all unfolds. 

Kat starts to walk towards me but I gesture for him to stop. He obeys, though I can tell he's a little reluctant. 

I turn back to my former classmates. 

"Do you need something?" 

I speak in perfect Japanese, shocking class 3A and confusing the English students. Kat smirks at their shocked faces as he makes his way over to me. 

He wraps his arm around my waist and we walk away, just as the bell rings to signal the end of the school day. 

That must have looked epic.

Once Kat and I get home, we immediately go to my room to talk. 

"So... what are you going to do now, teddybear?" Kat asks. 

I sigh and move closer to him. He wraps his arms around my waist to comfort me. 

"I'll go about my life as usual and hope they don't hurt me in any way. It's been nearly a year and a half, Kat. I'm sure they've matured enough not to hold a grudge." I explain.

"Aren't we holding a grudge?" Kat asks. I shake my head.

"I can't speak for you, but I don't have any sort of grudge against them." I explain, "What I have is closer to a fear of them. I'm afraid of feeling worthless every time I walk into a room. I'm afraid of feeling their eyes glaring holes into my head. I'm afraid of everyone turning their backs on me when I need them the most. I'm afraid of being left behind again."

What started as planning the next few days has turned into me confessing my fears. Tears run down my (s/t) cheeks as I imagine everyone leaving me behind a second time. I picture Amethyst and Ruby calling me pathetic. Ink ignoring me as a cry out for help. Max and Zach Making fun of me. Kat...walking away forever.

Kat sighs and pulls me onto his lap. I cry into his chest as he rubs circles on my back. "It's ok," he whispers, "I'll never leave you, I promise. I'll stay with you, it's ok." 

He continues to whisper soothing words into my ear,  simply allowing me to cry. After a while, I stop crying, though I don't move from Kat's lap. He smiles and gives me a small kiss on the forehead. 

"I love you, (y/n)."

"I love you too, Katsuki."

We stay like that for a while, though we break away when we hear the click of a camera. 

Kat and I turn towards the door, where Mitsuki has her phone out and is chuckling to herself. I move off of Kat's lap, and he immediately starts chasing his mother. 

I can't help but chuckle as the sound of Mitsuki's laughter and Kat's angry yelling echoes through the house. It's never a dull moment in the Bakugo household, they always manage to cheer me up.

My stomach starts growling and I decide to grab a snack from the kitchen. Kat is still chasing Mitsuki, so I dodge the loud blondes a few times on my way to get food.

I enter the kitchen to find Masaru baking. 

"Whatcha baking?" I ask, opening the fridge. 

"I made a cookie and cream cake using a recipe I found online, would you like to try it?"

I nod vigorously. It doesn't matter if you like sweets or not, everyone likes Masaru's baking. 

I close the fridge and sit at the kitchen table. Masaru and I talk for a while, I tell him about my situation with class 3A. He listens closely and offers me some great advice. 

Be kind and be me.

It's simple and pretty cliche, but he explains it further.

"You can't let these people change who you are. You're a good person, (y/n). Once they see that again, I'm sure that they'll realize their mistake. They're going to be pro heroes soon, they need to learn to listen to both sides of a story before drawing conclusions. They also need evidence, in-depth evidence. If they keep taking things at face value, they'll put innocent people in jail someday and lose credit as pros as a result. Learn from their mistakes and promise me you'll always do as much investigating as you can in each case you do to make sure you never wrongly accuse someone."

I smile at Masaru, grateful for his little speech.

"I promise, I might not become the best hero, but I'll be an honest hero. I refuse to let anyone's reputations be ruined because of lies and misunderstandings. I won't let anyone go through the same type of isolation I did."

Masaru smiles at me before pulling the cake out of the oven. Soon, the rambunctious blondes join us, and we all enjoy the new cake. Though that somehow turns into a cake-eating contest between mother and son.

We end up getting so full we all decide to skip dinner and opt for a movie marathon instead. 

We all end up falling asleep in the living room. Mitsuki on Masaru's shoulder. Me on Katsuki's chest.

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