Chapter 22~The Wing Pack: Flame Edition

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The next day at school, I try my best to pretend like everything is normal like Masaru suggested. My former classmates seem to be nervous about talking to me so I don't have to worry too much about those awkward conversations. The only exception is the dekusquad who have been friendly with me and Kat.

Kat yells at Midoriya every time though so they don't talk to us much.

It's now lunch and Kat and I are at a nearby cafe. As the two of us eat, the doorbell rings in the background. Kat and I just ignore it. Soon, however, I notice a splash of pink out of the corner of my eye.

I turn around to confirm my suspicion and, sure enough, there's Mina Ashido with the rest of the bakusquad. Kirishima is the first to notice me and alerts the other three members. They all walk towards the table me and Kat are sitting at.

"H-hey Bakugo. Hi (l/n)," Kirishima greets, scratching the back of his head nervously.

Kat grumbles something about not having a peaceful lunch. I slap him lightly on the arm and tell him to be nice, to which he grumbles more. I sigh and turn to the small group in front of me. 

"Hello everyone, can we help you?" I ask with a smile on my face. I try to be polite, but I'm feeling pretty nervous. The members of the bakusquad are the closest to Reisha.

"We just wanted to talk to Bakugo for a minute if that's ok," Sero replies. I nod and Kirishima immediately grabs Kat's arm. I giggle at the scene of Kat being dragged outside while he yells out semi-empty threats and sets off a few small explosions. 

After a while, the five of them return. Kat sits down to finish his food and I can't help but notice the satisfied smirk he has on his face. I open my mouth to ask him about it but I get interrupted by Kirishima, Ashido, Sero, and Kaminari.

"We're sorry!"

They all bow, as per tradition in Japan when asking for forgiveness. I stare at them, confused.

"Why?" I ask.

"Bakugo explained everything, we're sorry we didn't believe you back in Japan," Ashido explains. 

"Please forgive us, we weren't manly at all," Kirishima adds. 

I give them a small smile, "I forgive you, but as I've already told the dekusquad, I'm not ready to be your friend again. While I don't hold what happened against you, it still happened and it hurt me a lot to the point where I still feel some of the aftermath to this day. Please just promise me you guys won't make assumptions without listening to both sides of the story from now on." 

"We promise," they cry out in unison. I smile as they stand normally. 

We end up all walking back to school together, since lunch is about to end, so we catch up on how the last year has been. To say they were surprised when I told them how long Kat and I have been together would be an understatement. They were so shocked I could practically see their jaws hit the floor. Ashido was downright furious at us for not telling her. Apparently, she must know all relationships in the class when they happen. 

Once we arrive at school, we all go our separate ways to our classes. I'm still surprised I have no classes with any of the UA students, besides hero training. After a long and very irritating pop quiz, I'm finally able to head to the hero training class, though I have to make a stop along the way.

I arrive at the support course lab, where Mya and Travis are waiting for me with something new to show me. 

"It's about time you showed up! come here, come here." Mya squeals the moment I open the door. She grabs my hand and leads me to a workbench where Travis is looking over a few of his notes.

"Ah, (y/n), good you're here," he says, neatly putting his notes away.

I nod, "so what did you two want to show me?" I ask, looking at the designs scattered all over his workspace. I can tell most of them were drawn by Mya since she's the better artist between the two, so Travis must not have had the chance to tidy up yet.

Travis smiles proudly and holds up his index finger to tell me to wait a minute. He walks away and returns shortly after with a medium-sized box.

"I've been thinking a lot lately about how you want to use your quirk to fly. Though you're unable to make the fire dense enough to do so, correct?" he asks. I nod in confirmation.

"Well, I think I've come up with a solution," he says. 

He opens the box to reveal what looks like an extremely thin black backpack, like, it's no thicker than my thumb, connected to a few different colored belt-like straps. I stare at it in confusion before Travis further explains.

"This support item is designed to increase the density of your fire, as well as help you to use your fire wings for longer periods of time. It heats up just like your suit to help you with your quirk's drawbacks. It's thin enough to hide under your cape and will stay perfectly in place. While it's covered in the same fabric your suit is made of, the actual device is made up of a metal alloy stronger than steel and fireproof. The straps are also fireproof, so no need to worry about them. I call it the wing pack: flame edition."

I continue to stare, but now I'm in awe. I'll finally be able to fly for real, not just slow my falls.

Travis hands the device over to Mya who turns to me with a big smile. 

"What color do you want the belts to be?" she asks. 

I ponder it for a moment before deciding. "(f/c), to match my fire."

Mya nods and uses her quirk on the straps.

Mya's quirk is called variegate. With it, she's able to change the color of any inanimate object. It really helps her with her designs since she doesn't have to buy materials in a certain color and she can just change the color of an outfit if she doesn't like it. The only downside is that she can only change each section to a single color, like if you use the 'fill bucket' on a painting software. 

The straps change from their mess of different colors into (f/c). Mya studies the wing-pack before letting out a satisfied hum. She closes the box and hands it to me.

"You should get to training, we'll be there soon too since we want to see your new wings in action. Plus, Travis has to take notes on the wing pack's performance" Mya explains, "we just need to grab a few tools and tidy up first."

I nod and offer to help, which they refuse, before heading to the girls changing room.

It's empty when I arrive since everyone is already on the field to which I feel a strange mix of nerves and relief. Relief because I don't really like changing in front of everyone, so this is nice. Nerves because I'm running late for class and I think I forgot to tell Mr. Dark ahead of time, again. 

I change into my costume quickly before opening the box. I take a moment to figure out how to put the wing pack on, though I figure it out pretty quickly. 

The wing pack sits on my upper back. One strap is right underneath my breasts while the other two go around my arms and between my breasts to connect to it. 

After jumping around a bit to make sure it's properly secured and tightening the straps, I'm ready to go. 

Time for a test flight.

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