Chapter 25~The LOV Appears

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Mr. Aizawa yells, his voice filled with urgency and fear. It's nerve-racking to hear a pro sound scared, so it immediately sets us on high alert.

We all duck instantly, and just in time. Blue fire shatters the bus windows. It barely misses my head, I can feel the heat of the fire graze my hands. 

We all crawl towards the nearest exit, in my case that's the back of the bus, though we don't make it very far before the bus starts disintegrating. The bus disappears, causing us to fall onto the road.

I stand up quickly and look for the source of the destruction. 

I can't believe it.

In front of me stands the league of villains. I had only met them once, during the USJ attack, but I had heard about the new members a few times. I know that they're not a group to be taken lightly, they will kill us if given the opportunity. 

I can't let them get that opportunity.

I instantly create a wall of (f/c) flames to protect my classmates. "Run now," I tell them. Most obey my order, though the stronger students stay behind to fight. Of course, this includes Kat.

I'm forced to dissipate the shield so that I don't run out of flames to use. 

Kat, being Kat, goes into to attack Dabi right away. Mr. Aizawa handles Shigaraki, while Ruby and Uraraka fight Toga. I decide to take out Kurogiri since he's their escape plan.

I decide to make this quick so I immediately summon a phoenix and have it dive at the mist man. Just as my little bird is about to hit its target, Kurogiri opens a warp gate, making the phoenix hit Mr. Aizawa instead.

"Sorry!" I yell as I extinguish the phoenix. I turn back to Kurogiri, or at least, where he was.

He's gone now. 

I growl in frustration as I search for my opponent. I need to catch him or the league will escape. 

I decide that I should search from the air, so I summon my wings and fly above the trees. I search for a while, but there's no sign of the mist man. Just as I'm about to head back, I spot something strange in the forest. I dim my wings to keep myself from being spotted and quietly move closer. 

I hover close to the tree line, far enough away so that whatever or whomever I saw won't notice me. I extinguish my wings and drop to the ground, landing gracefully and silently. I sneak closer to my target. As I get closer, the shape becomes clearer and clearer until I can perfectly make out what it is. 

Oh no.

My eyes widen at the sight before me. Not one, but three nomus, all stand before Kurogiri. They're waiting for orders from him, though he has yet to give any. He seems to be preparing to create a warp gate. He's probably going to send them to the main fight, which will definitely turn the tides of the battle, and not in the heros' favor.  

What do I do?

I turn on my earpiece and microphone, attempting to call for backup but all I get is static in response. Someone must be jamming the signal, which means I'm on my own. 

I observe the scene again, trying to get a better idea of what I'm up against.

There are three nomus, I already know that.

The first has swords instead of arms. It's smaller than the others, meaning it's likely faster than them as well. I can probably match its speed, seeing as I can fly nearly as fast as Hawks can, but I need to take it out quickly so that it doesn't get into the main fight.

The second nomu has black feathery wings. If I'm being honest, they look really sharp and could probably cut me in half pretty easily. It can fly, but wouldn't be very fast due to its size slowing it down. I'm definitely able to outmatch it as long as I have enough flames to attack and fly by the time I face it.

The final nomu is huge, nearly the same height as AllMight himself. It looks near identical to the nomu from the USJ incident, meaning it's probably just as strong and fast. It's probably the biggest threat so I can't let him reach the others, but I don't know if I can take him on by myself either. 

I guess I have to try. 

I pull out my blade, knowing that I'm going to need it. I stare at it for a moment, trying to come up with a plan.

If I heat the blade with my flames it's hot enough to cut through flesh as though it's butter. The nomu's weak spot is its exposed brain. If I can stab it, it'll be down in an instant. The biggest problem is getting close without dying.

I also have to take out Kurogiri. If I take him out the nomus won't have anyone commanding them. They might still attack but at least they'll focus on me instead of going after the others. Plus, Kurogiri could just warp them away if they get too damaged, so I need to take him out first.

I hold up my empty hand and create a small phoenix, the smallest I can make. The little bird is about the same size as a bottle cap, but it's as hot as lava. I don't normally make them this small since it makes them hard to control, but it's a straight path to its target, so it shouldn't be a problem. 

Speed is most important in this situation.

I aim the phoenix at Kurogiri's head. He has yet to see me, which definitely works to my advantage. I release the phoenix. It moves at speeds comparable to a bullet, making it impossible for Kurogiri to even see it, much less react to its presence. The small (f/c) bird hits the man in the back of the head, knocking him to the ground. 

Kurogiri stays on the ground, unmoving and unconscious. The nomus react to his injury and immediately try to find whatever is responsible. I get rid of the phoenix and summon my wings instead. I take to the skies, allowing the nomus to see me.

Let's do this.

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