Chapter 17~The Fair

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I wake up to a lack of warmth and an amazing smell that I recognize immediately. I slowly crawl out of bed, not bothering to change out of my pajamas. I sleepily make my way to the kitchen.

In the kitchen I find Katsuki, humming to himself as he cooks. He's also cooking my favorite for breakfast, which is a sign that he's going to spoil me today. 

"Good morning teddybear, did you sleep well," he asks, giving me small smile. I give him a tired smile and a nod in return. Kat seems satisfied as he returns to cooking. Once the meal is finished, Kat plates the food and places it on the kitchen table for us to eat.

"Where are Mitsuki and Masaru?" I ask, realizing that I haven't seen them yet. 

"They got called into work, they'll probably be gone for the whole day," he explains, taking a bite of his food. I nod in response as I finish my own food. Before I can take my empty plate to the sink, Katsuki stands up and takes it from me. He tells me to get dressed into something nice and proceeds to do the dishes.

I obey immediately and head to my room to get ready for whatever he has planned. Since I don't know where we're going, I decide to choose a semi-casual outfit just to be safe. I end up choosing a (f/c) and (2f/c) ensemble that Kat bought for me last year. I get dressed as quickly as I can before styling my hair. I choose to tie my hair back so it stays out of my face for the day. 

Once I'm satisfied with my appearance a grab my things and go to meet Katsuki. 

As usual, Kat is already waiting by the door. He's wearing a dark green shirt with a small picture of an orange grenade on it and a pair of black pants. 

The two of us put our shoes on and Kat leads me to his car. We drive for about ten or so minutes, happily chatting along the way about a variety of small topics. From food to games and everything in between. 

"We're here, teddybear," Kat announces, turning off the car. I look out the window in curiosity. My eyes widen once I recognize the large blue Ferris wheel and rides outside my window. 

"The fair!?" I question excitedly. 

Kat nods while laughing at my child-like excitement. I scramble out of the car and drag Kat towards the entrance. Kat pays for our tickets and we enter the park. 

"What do you want to do first?" I ask, clinging to my boyfriend's arm. Kat makes a 'tch' noise in response.

"It's your choice (y/n)," he responds. I smile gratefully before dragging him to the rollercoaster. 

We go to sit in the middle of the coaster car and get strapped in. The ride fills up pretty quickly, before I know it we start moving. The ride starts slowly which seems to fuel both my nerves and my excitement. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Katsuki smirk at me.

Maybe I should have taken a better look at the rollercoaster before we got on. 

I finally look up to see how high the incline is and... oh no.

Soon we reach the top and I'm still holding my breath in excitement and fear. The ride stops for a moment, before seemingly throwing us down the 100-foot incline. I scream at the top of my lungs. Kat seems to be laughing at the top of his.

I guess compared to the speed his explosions propel him at, this is nothing. 

My screams and laughter seem to blend into a mess of fear and joy as I grip the safety bar in front of me. The adrenaline rush I feel isn't as strong as when I'm training or fighting villains, but this one is definitely more enjoyable. 

I let go of the safety bar and put my hands in the air. I feel the wind blow through my (h/l) hair, the adrenaline coursing through my veins, and the pure elation that is this moment. 

The ride stops and Kat helps me off. I'm shaking a little and my breathing is off, but I'm smiling and laughing. Kat chuckles at my frazzled self. I must look like an absolute mess. He leads me away from the roller coaster and towards the house of horrors next. 

The route to the house of horrors takes us past a few booths with different games and prizes. One of them, I notice, has a giant panda plush. It looks so soft and adorable, and I stare at it as we walk by. Kat must have noticed my trance because the next thing I know, he's dragging me towards the booth. 

The game is a classic test of strength. Take the hammer and smash the target as hard as you can. Hit the target to win a prize. Simple enough. 

Kat pays the man running the game and takes the hammer. He raises it above his head, preparing to swing. He flashes me a glance and smirks, before slamming it down on the target. 

The sound of a bell rings out and Katsuki smirks, proud and victorious. I smile at him, he loves showing off for me, and anyone. I cheer for him and clap excitedly. It's probably just fueling his ego but he and I like supporting him. 

"Choose your prize, teddybear," Kat tells me, kissing me on the forehead. I excitedly pick the panda plush and squeeze it tightly before we make our way to the house of horrors. 

After thanking Kat for the tenth time, we arrive at our destination. Kat and I walk in. Kat's arm sits on my shoulders as he pulls me closer to him. I happily comply, snuggling closer to the explosive blonde. 

At first, the house is quiet. Too quiet. 

The dark hallways and spooky decorations set me on edge on their own, the eerie quiet only adds to my nervousness. We walk in silence, though sometimes I can hear a scream or two echoing through the halls. 

I periodically shuffle even closer to Kat while simultaneously hugging my stuffed panda tighter. Then, suddenly, the first jumpscare.

Someone wearing a wolf mask jumps out, roaring at us in the process. I jump in the opposite direction, which just so happens to be into Kat. Kat lets off a small explosion in shock, fortunately not at me. Though we both get into fighting stances on instinct.

The wolfman jumps back at Kat's explosion, which seems to scare him more than he scared us. The two of us calm down from the jump scare and relax. I pick up my panda plush off the ground, where I dropped it, and take a few deep breaths. I apologize to the wolfman and Kat and I walk away.

I want to say that the rest of the house goes off without a hitch. 

I'd be lying though.

Our instincts kick in multiple times. I accidentally punch one person in the face when they sneak up behind me. Kat nearly blew up another person when they jumped in front of him. 

Needless to say, it was eventful. 

After the two of us leave the house of horrors, we go straight to lunch to buy overpriced fast food. After that, we play all of the games, with Kat yelling at a few people when he loses. 

After a long day of fun and games, Katsuki leads me to the Ferris wheel. 

Before we board, Kat whispers something to the man in charge, though I don't catch what it is. 

At this point, the sun is setting, painting the sky in beautiful shades of orange and red. Kat and I board the Ferris wheel hand in hand. We sit side by side, cuddling close to each other. Kat wraps his arm around me, pulling me close to him. I lay my head on his shoulder, enjoying the warmth he provides. I hold my panda closer and admire the sunset. 

Once we reach the peak of the Ferris wheel, it suddenly stops, allowing us to admire the view for a bit longer. I glance at Kat, he has a smirk that pretty much confirms that he planned this. I give him a thankful smile before returning to admiring the view of the fair. 

I watch the people below us, all scrambling to either get on one more ride or leave for their homes. 

Through the crowds, I notice a group of people that looks very familiar. From where I am I can't quite tell who they are though. I call Kat over to see if he can tell who it is. He looks intently before I see his eyes widen.

"That's the dekusquad..."

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