Chapter 29~Kidnapped

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A/n: 2k READS!!! Thank you all for reading this story and I hope you're all enjoying it. 

If anyone has any feedback I would love to hear how I can make this story more interesting. All I ask is that you try to be kind about it. 

Also, if anyone has any questions about something I didn't explain well before, feel free to ask and I'll try my best to explain it.

Now, onto the story. Enjoy.


Thoughts swirl through my head. Most are crazy, though a few seem somewhat logical. 

I pull out my phone and quickly call Shinso in hopes of getting answers. He picks up on the second ring.

"Hello?" his semi distorted voice asks.

"Hey, Shin, I have some questions about Reisha. Do you think you could help me?" I ask, beginning to walk again.

"What do you want to know about her? Is something wrong?" he asks, a well-hidden hint of concern in his voice.

"Nothings wrong. Out of curiosity, is Resiha staying with you guys at the hotel?"

"Yeah. Well, not tonight. Her parents apparently flew in from Japan to make sure she's ok." he explains.

"They arrived today?" I question, speeding up my walking pace.

"Yeah, why?"

"No reason, I have to go. I'll see you at school tomorrow." I say before hanging up the phone. I take off sprinting. I don't want to jump to conclusions, but the timing is way too coincidental.

To fly in from Japan and arrive on time to pick her up, Reisha's parents would have had to leave yesterday night, before we even left for the field trip. That means if they flew in to make sure she's alright after the battle, they would have needed to know about it ahead of time, as of yesterday in fact.

The only way they could have made it would be if they know someone with a warping quirk. I've only ever heard of one person with a quirk like that.

I fought him today.

That's the final thought that goes through my head before I'm pulled to the side, causing me to drop my shopping bags.

"You should've just stayed away," a familiar voice says.

Before I can look up to see their face I feel a sharp pain in the back of my head.

I'm knocked out in seconds.


(With the Bakugos)

Katsuki glares at the clock on the wall with intensity. It had been well over an hour since (y/n) had left and he was worried.

"Calm down Katsuki, I-i'm sure she's fine. (y/n) can handle herself," Masaru stutters, attempting to calm the stressed boy.

"WHERE IS SHE!!!" Mitsuki screams, tugging at her hair. 

The worried mother joins her husband and son on the couch. Masaru sits between the two blondes, pulling both into a comforting hug.

"Have you tried calling her yet?" Masaru asks.

Katsuki and Mitsuki both nod simultaneously.

Masaru sighs. "I'll try again one last time. If she doesn't answer we'll drive around and look for her." The two blondes nod in agreement. Masaru swiftly pulls out his cellphone and dials (y/n)'s number. 





You have reached the voicemail of (y/n) (l/n). I'm either busy right now or I don't want to talk to you. Either way, please leave a message at the sound of the beep.


At the final beep, Masaru's heart drops. 

"Alright..." he trails off, catching the attention of the two worried blondes. 

"Let's go look for her."

The family quickly loads into the car and drives off towards the grocery store. They drive for only a few minutes before Katsuki notices something.

"PULL OVER!!" he screams, starteling Masaru. The car parks on the side of the road and Katuki doesn't waste a moment. He opens the door and sprints toward the sidewalk.

On the sidewalk lay two plastic bags, filled with baking ingredients. Upon further inspection, Katsuki also finds a very familiar item. 

"OI, THIS IS HER PHONE," He yells back to his parents who remain in the car. The worried looks on their faces grow more severe. The two adults rush out of the car and towards their son. 

Upon further inspection, it's confirmed that the phone and items indeed belong to (y/n). Without giving it a second thought, Mitsuki whips out her phone and dials 9-1-1. She explains the situation to the telecommunicator and soon a cop arrives to help.

The adults talk with the police officer while Katsuki looks around for more clues regarding the whereabouts of his missing girlfriend. He wanders into a nearby alleyway out of curiosity, where he finds an earring on the ground.

The heart-shaped stud earring is pure gold with diamonds set into it. It seems that the pin has snapped, which is likely what caused it to fall off. 

"Oi, I found this," Katsuki calls out, handing the earring to the policeman. The officer examines the piece of jewelry.

"Where did you find this, young man?" The officer asks.

Katsuki shows the adults where the earring was found and the officer immediately starts examining the area. He tells the Bakugo family to return home and that they'd be contacted if anything was found. 

So the Bakugo family reluctantly returned to their house, without (y/n).


My head exploded.

Am I being dramatic?


Do I care?

No, my head hurts. 

I slowly open my eyes, expecting to see a bright light of some kind. Instead, however, I'm met with a  very dark, damp room. The walls are made of plain, gray brick and are covered in dust and cobwebs. The floors are concrete and dusty. In the corner water drips from the wooden ceiling, creating a puddle on the floor. 

I sit up slowly, rubbing my head to soothe the pounding headache. My back is stiff, indicating that I've been unconscious for a while. I hear a few small pops in my joints, followed by a feeling of relief. I look around the room, attempting to get a better sense of the space.

There are two potential exits. The first, and most obvious exit, is a large steel door with a single barred window and a slot underneath, likely for sliding food through. The second is a small caged window on the opposite wall. The sunlight streaming through it reveals that it leads outside.

I walk towards the small window to examine it. I can't move the cage, I might be able to loosen the screws though. The window itself seems to be just big enough for me to fit through, though it would be difficult. The wall around it seems to be crumbling, so I could try to widen the opening if necessary.

I look out to the window to see a forest. I don't know my exact location and I left my wing-pack at home, so I can't fly either. However, I can climb a tree to see where the nearest town is, or I can use my phoenixes to scout the area. 

"See anything interesting?"

I'll Stay (Bakugoxfem!reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant