Chapter 14~I have no title ideas

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A/n: edited spelling

(y/n P.O.V)

How am I so late!?

All I did was meet with Travis and Mya to get a small costume upgrade, now I'm running late for class. 

Though, at least now I have a few built-in heaters for when I have to deal with my quirk drawbacks. 

Anyway, now I'm running as fast as I can just to try to get to Mr. Dark's class on time. 

There are the doors. I'm almost there.


I burst through the doors and rush over to stand beside Katsuki but when I see him he's pushing a girl off of him. She looks really familiar, I can't quite place her though. Where have I seen her before?

"Ka-I mean Dynamite, what's going on?" I ask once I'm closer to him. That girl looks like she's going to throw a fit. 

"WHO ARE YOU!?" She yells.

Kat immediately grabs my waist and pulls me in front of him. He nuzzles my hair while holding me as close to him as possible. 

I ignore the girl in front of me and turn to my boyfriend. "Are you ok baby?" I ask. He grumbles into my hair, saying something along the lines of "this extra is crazy." I giggle in response. 

I look back at the strawberry-blonde girl in front of me. "My name's Phoenix, what's your hero name?" I ask, holding out my hand for her to shake. She huffs, clearly irritated with me for some reason.

The girl growls a bit before pasting a smile on her face. "Sorry, my name is Glitz. How long have you and Bakugo been dating?" she asks.

"We've been dating for-" I don't get to finish my sentence, instead Kat covers my mouth. He drags me away and I just let him. This is his way of saying 'we need to talk.' 

I look back at my classmates, but I also get a better look at the visiting class. I recognize those hero costumes. They're class 1A, I guess they're class 3A now. A lot of them have made changes to their costumes so I didn't recognize them right away. 

But that means the girl I was talking to must be... CINDY REISHA! 

After a couple of minutes of dragging me, Kat stops behind the school. He lets me go and turns to me. I don't react at all, I'm still in shock. It's been over a year, why did they show up now?

Suddenly, a comforting warmth surrounds me.

I snap out of my trance to see Kat holding me in his arms. The comforting smell of caramel and smoke makes its way to my nose. 

It makes me feel safe. Safe enough to let out my emotions. So, I do. I cry. I cry and let out all my fear as memories flood my head. I know it's been a while but I can't help but feel afraid of my former classmates. 

Maybe if I hadn't built up a bond of trust with them it wouldn't have hurt so bad.

"It's ok, I won't let them hurt you again," 

He whispers reassuring words in my ear, constantly reminding me that he is here for me. That I'm not alone. Occasionally, he gives me a small kiss on the cheek or my nose. 

We stay there for a while until I've calmed down from my initial shock. 

"We can go back now," I tell him. Kat just shakes his head in response. "You're not ready yet, so let it all out." 

He knows me better than I know myself sometimes.  

At his words, I burst back into tears, silently screaming at myself for being a crybaby. Kat seems to tell that I'm angry with myself as he begins to whisper in my ear again.

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