Chapter 34~Dabi's Past

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(Manga spoilers? Maybe? Also, I changed Dabi's backstory a bit for the sake of the plot. Also mentions of abuse and suicide.)

Dabi sighs.

"Walk and talk," he responds. I nod and follow him, waiting for him to start explaining.

"What I'm about to tell you, you can't tell anyone, not the pros, not the police, not even you're family. Do you understand?"

I nod enthusiastically, I'm very excited to hear this story.

Dabi takes and deep breath.

"I'll start from the beginning..."

(Dabi POV)

I hate heroes with a passion, I always have. My father was the one who, unknowingly, instilled that hatred in me. As a hero, he was strong. He was both feared and celebrated. 

Though, at home it was different.

My father values power above all else. His only goal has always been to surpass AllMight. To do this he arranged for a quirk marriage between him and my mother, a woman with an ice-type quirk. His goal was to create a child with both quirks, one that could regulate their temperature to combat any drawbacks.

I was their first child, and not the one born with this perfect quirk. I inherited a stronger version of my father's fire quirk, though with my mother's weakness to fire. My father trained me despite my weakness, though he paid no attention to my two younger siblings. 

When I was 5 my younger sister first manifested her quirk. She was only 4 years old and was still pretty sheltered. Despite the small age gap, I already knew the consequences of her quirk, no matter what it ended up being. I was the only one with her when it manifested, besides our 1-year-old brother.

At first, it was just a small flame, appearing on her index finger. We were both pretty excited, though my excitement quickly turned to dread once the flame became ice. 

As my sister celebrated the manifestation of her powerful quirk, I panicked. I knew that if our father found out, he'd train her harder than he had trained me. Looking at the bandages wrapped around the scars on my arm and neck, I knew I had to protect her.

I made her swear to keep her quirk hidden, to only show her ice abilities. At first, she was confused, so I told her the truth about our father and the abuse he put me through. To say she was scared was an understatement, no 4-year-old should ever have that amount of fear in their eyes.

After that, life went on. My younger brother developed his quirk early at the age of 3, though it was a simple ice quirk so it didn't catch our father's attention. Due to my weakness to flames, my body kept burning and scaring, though it wasn't as noticeable as it is now. 

I hated every moment I spent in that house.

When I was 8 my youngest brother was born. He had half-red half-white hair, the first sign that he was going to be my father's so-called 'masterpiece.' When I was 10, the baby developed its quirk, a perfect blend of my parent's quirks, half-hot half-cold. 

My father was ecstatic.

I was abandoned. 

From the moment he could run, my brother was forced to train with our father. The abuse disguised as training was brutal, worse than it had ever been for me, and Shoto was too young to deal with the pain, so I would often hide him to keep him safe.

I ended up with more burns for that. 

One day I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't keep watching my brother suffer, seeing my other brother and sister be neglected, watching as my mother went insane.

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