Chapter 28- Oikawa's Dark Past

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I think we all know where this is going
Also, I apologise for my disappearance I have been busy losing my mind and playing Genshin


"What's the worst outfit you've ever worn in a picture?" Oikawa asks. It's after volleyball practice and Oikawa, Iwa, Maki, Matsun and I are chatting to kill some time.

"That's the one question you don't wanna ask, Shittykawa," Iwa snorts. "Wait why? What did I- Oh," Oikawa's face goes from confusion to dreading realisation, "Oh I forgot about that."

"We promised to never let you forget though," Maki smirks. "I'll buy you noodles please don't bring it up-" Oikawa pleads. "I still have the picture," Matsun scrolls through his phone in search of it.

"You have a picture depicting a memory Oikawa doesn't want to remember? Sounds like good blackmail material," I raise and eyebrow.  "Matsun, please, think about Y/N! What would she think of me?" Oikawa turns his attention to Matsun.

"Come on Oiks, it can't be that bad," I lean over to try to catch a glimpse of what's on Matsun's phone screen. "No!" Oikawa yelps, grabbing the phone and covering the screen with his hands, "You really don't wanna see it."

"You really do," a slight smile tugs at Iwa's lips. "I also have the picture," Maki offers his phone to me. "Y/N, I swear I am a changed man," Oikawa grabs my hands like he's going to die, "The me in that picture is no longer the me I am today."

"Dramatic much?" Iwa scoffs. I take Maki's phone and mentally prepare for whatever abomination I'm about to encounter. I look to see... Oikawa in plaid shorts.

I can't help it, I start snickering. "You don't have to hold it in, he knows how bad it is," Matsun prompts and I let out a strained wheeze of laughter. I look at the photo again and more laughter follows, I don't know what I expected but this is definitely gold.

I bend over wheezing, and Maki lets out a snort of laughter. Soon, we're all cackling like idiots, even Oikawa, who's lightly punching my arm and whining in denial, "It's not funny! Stop laughing, this is serious."

"Why, Oiks, why?" I giggle at the thought of him actually posing for a photo in that outfit. "It was a lapse of judgement! I was young and stupid," he crosses his arms and pouts.

"It was when we were first years," Iwa informs me. "Oiks I-" I shake my head, "I'm disappointed in you." "Disappointed in me? You haven't seen the time Maki and Matsun played two ends of a donkey!" he exclaims.

"This is about you, Oikawa, not us," Maki snickers. "I was the butt," Matsun says dryly. "What demon possessed you to make you decide to wear that?" I ask incredulously.

"There was no demon! Like I said, lapse of judgement," Oikawa whines. "You didn't seem to think that way when you wore the outfit," Iwa points out. "I hate you guys," Oikawa grumbles.

"I love you too," I chime. "This would be your villain origin story," Maki says, "Oikawa Tooru, the great Plaid Pants Man, watch out or he'll steal your lady."

"You would have the darkest backstory of them all," I nod solemnly. "Darker than Sasuke's," Matsun agrees. "You could go around replacing regular articles of clothing with plaid ones," Iwa suggests.

"I regret everything," Oikawa sighs. "Acknowledging your faults and repenting is the first step to change," I say encouragingly. "I've already changed! I'm not walking around in plaid shorts any more, am I?" he groans.

"If you ever feel the temptation to wear plaid shorts again, we'll always be here to help you along your journey of change," Maki smirks. "We could meet up in a plaid short burning ritual to signify Oikawa's independence from them," I say and the others nod in agreement.

"Operation Plaid Arson is a go," Iwa says.

Here's a super short chapter I managed to squeeze out of me and back into the void I go

Also, new discord server, drop a comment and I'll send you the link we'll have a place to revert back to our original ooga booga simp state

I might continue with Operation Plaid Arson if I have the energy but for now this is it, have a great day/night.

Love, me

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