Chapter 9- Grocery Store

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I rewatched season 2 and I can confirm that I died multiple times in episode 1 only, and then proceeded to die multiple times again in episode 6.

QOTD: Favourite Haikyuu moment? (comment your answer!)

Personally I can't choose all of them are best boys TvT

Also, I know I said I wasn't gonna write for a few days but I got motivated to here we go



After a day of hanging out with Yui and my photography club friends, I show up in the middle of Oikawa's practice.

A stray ball comes flying at me and I hit it away, attracting Oikawa's attention. "Hey, Y/N!" he yells, and Iwa tosses a ball into his face. "Focus," he says, and waves at me.

Oikawa pouts. The coach looks at Oikawa, "Did you invite a friend?" "Yup, I thought she could analyse our skills," he says. The coach looks gives me a look, and sighs, "Alright, but give me a heads-up next time."

I dump my bag with the others and stand next to the coach. I watch as they serve, receive, set and spike.

When they take a break, I toss a water bottle to Oikawa and he catches it, "Iwa needs higher tosses," I say. "Huh?" Oikawa looks confused for a second, and Iwa walks over. 

"You can jump higher than that, so Oikawa should toss a little higher," I say.

"Wow, who made you queen of the court?" Oikawa jokes. I smile, "This is treason, off with your head!"

"You two are idiots," Iwa grumps. "Then I command you to be an idiot with us," I say.

"But, yea, Oikawa, if you could toss a little higher that would be good," Iwa says.

"That first year with the parted hair, what's his name again?" I ask. "You suck at remembering names," Oikawa teases, "His name's Kunimi."

"Well, Kunimi's pretty good at reading the ball, he shouldn't hesitate so much," I observe. "Yes, your highest majesty," Oikawa laughs.

After confiding with their coach, they start fixing their skills while I sit back and watch. This isn't too bad.

When practice is over, I walk with Oikawa to his car. "Where are you going later?" he asks. "I'm going to get some groceries," I shrug, "And stuff for the dogs, y'know." 

"I'll come with you then, I want snacks," he says. I nodded, there was no point in saying no anyway.

I was kinda enjoying my time with Oikawa, he's goofy and funny, but what I really wanna know about him is what's going on underneath all that.

We load my bike into his car and he drives to the nearest grocery store. When we get in, he grabs a cart and tries to sit inside. "You're too big for this, Oikawa," I say. 

"No one's too old to have fun!" he insists, but when he tries to get out, he's stuck. I laugh and snap a picture for Iwa. "Can't you help me out?" Oikawa pouts.

"This is more entertaining," I cross my arms and wait for him to get out. He struggles with the cart, and after a few minutes I tip it over and he spills out of it.

"Ouch," he whines, "Couldn't you do it any other way? Preferably a less painful way." "I could've called a staff to cut you out," I say. "Okay, never mind, thank you," he mumbles.

"Maybe you've gotten fatter," I tease and poke his stomach. Crap, it's hard, is there a bone there?

He must've seen my expression, because he smirks and says, "You won't find any fat there." "Yea, the way I won't find any ass on you," I shoot back.

"That hurt," he pouts. "So what are you gonna get?" I ask. "Milk, bread, and..." he thinks for a while. I vaguely remember an article about his favourite food being milkbread, "I don't think that's how milkbread is made, baka."

His face lights up, "Yup! Milk, bread, and milkbread!" I roll my eyes. "I love milkbread, it's the best," he says in a singsong voice.

A/N: I can confirm, milkbread really is the best. Crap, I'm hungry now.

A smile tugs at my lips, and I push the cart to the vegetable aisle. "I don't eat veggies," Oikawa says cheerfully. "The more I know you, the more childish you seem," I speculate.

When he sees a shelf of milkbread, he goes over and tries to choose a brand, but his indecisive ass really is indecisive.

I leave him there to get other stuff, and 10 minutes alter there's an announcement calling my name and saying I've left my child behind. I walk to the counter and I see Oikawa smiling goofily, holding three packets of milkbread.

"I screamed 'Marco' in hopes you'd scream 'Polo' back but you failed me," he says. "Did you really need to do the announcement though," I grump. "The lady at the counter was fine with it," he shrugs.

"You really are a baby," I say. "Well, I used to be Iwa-chan's and now I'm yours," he grins and puts his milkbread in the cart. I turn away so he can't see me blushing. Why am I blushing?

Actually, the more I think about it, my crush on Oikawa has... changed. The closer we get, my crush seems more irrelevant. I still like him, but now I can feel that I like him in a slightly different way. 

He drives me home, and helps me unload my stuff. "I'll see you tomorrow at school, then," he says. "Alright," I wave at him as he drives off.

I take a hot shower, and curl up in an oversized hoodie and shorts on the couch. I've got my snacks, water, blanket, pillow, and everything's in reach. Finally I can enjoy a movie night without getting up.

I start the movie, and grab a bag of chips. I'm gonna live like a pig today I guess...

After an hour into the movie, someone rings my doorbell. At this hour? Now I have to get up. I groan as I get up, and trudge over to open the door.

I look up, and see Oikawa standing there with a pillow and a toothbrush.

"Can I crash here tonight?"

A/N: Aaaandd... CUT!

I'm gonna just leave it like that for now and go back to watching movies hehe.

Hope you guys liked this chapter!

Love, me 

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