Chapter 15- She Crazy

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Heya I'm going back to school soon and I have no idea how I'm going to complete my homework. 

Anyway how y'all doing?


School was okay today, honestly nothing special really happens. Well, school was okay if you didn't count the multiple incidents I had with Yuna today.

To summarize it, I found a voodoo doll of me in my locker, my clothes went missing after gym, but I found them afterwards in a mud puddle, and basically she wouldn't let me chill. She doesn't have any chill either.

She's probably not happy I'm spending so much time with Oikawa, but then again, who is? Pretty sure I made myself an enemy of almost every single girl in school just by being his friend. 

But seriously though, she crazy.

If it weren't for Oikawa and Iwa I'm pretty sure I'd be walking around school in my underwear. The voodoo doll didn't intimidate me much, it's not like I don't already have a drawer full of them waiting to be stabbed.

But the clothes... gosh. I was really sweaty and sticky from gym, since we played basketball. I called Oikawa after I found them missing, and he lent me a hoodie to wear and Iwa dug up extra pants for me. 

"If it weren't for you guys, I'd be walking around naked, I owe you one," I say. "I wouldn't complain if you did," Oikawa grins at me, and he earns a kick from both me and Iwa. "You guys seem to love hurting me," he pouts.

"You're a pervert," I say in response. "But I'm not," he whines. "She's right," Iwa agrees with me. "You're supposed to take my side, Iwa-chan!" Oikawa exclaims in outrage, and Iwa starts dragging him away, "We'll see you after school." 

Oikawa gives me a quick salute and lets Iwa drag him to class. "Looks like someone's found herself some friends," I hear a voice say. I groan internally. "Looks like someone's misplaced their nose, it's in my business," I shoot back, and glare at Yuna.

"You think you're so smart, running your mouth like that," she growls. "That's because I am smart. Smarter than you, at least," I sigh. "You can't run to Oikawa for help now, can you?" she smirks at me.

"I don't need help," I say and brush past her to change. She really do be crazy.

During Math, we have a substitute teacher for today, so I just lay my head on my table and talk to Yui. "I'm exhausted," I sigh. "Yuna really needs to back off, she's like some dysfunctional bird trying to steal the male," she says. "That's an insult to birds," I say, and she smiles.

I pull out my sketchbook and randomly doodle stuff to pass time. Yui doodles with me and we end up recreating meme faces. It's wonderfool being borderline stupid.

I apologise for the bad pun.

"I need school to be over. Right now," I groan. "Well, we have music, and then we can go home, or in your case, go home and do God knows what with Oikawa," she says. I blush, "We're just friends." "We've been over this," Yui says.

"No, seriously, dating him would destroy my social life outside you guys," I say. "It's not like you had a social life outside us anyway," Yui points out. "I hate it when you're right," I mumble. "I'm always right," she says. "See previous answer," I reply.

After what seems like forever of agonising boredom, the bell rings. "Finally," I sigh. "Are you using the school's instruments?" Yui asks. "I'm not bringing my precious instruments to school," I say defensively. "You neglect your precious instruments, you barely played after you left orchestra," she points out.

"All of them are due for a tuning," I sigh, the guitar and the violin both need severe tuning, but thank God for electric keyboards. "And this is the person who wanted to play the harp at first," Yui says. "What can I say? I'm a quitter," I shrug.

"You're a headache," she says. Good friends are people who insult you but love you anyway.

We walk into the auditorium, stopping by at Yui's locker for her to pick up her violin. She plays the flute and cello too, and she used to accompany me during performances. It's kind of a shame I quit orchestra, it was fun, but performances piled up for me, and I went to photography with Yui. Photography's more chill.

Yes, I have many skills but I don't have many brain cells.

"From our last class, I told you to pair up and prepare a song, so let's hear them," our teacher says. The first group goes, and the rest of us take seats. I start to sweat nervously, I didn't really practice much, but I've watched so many videos and heard the song so many times, it's pretty much embedded in my soul.

Yui smiles at me firmly, sensing my nervousness. Out of everyone I know, she knows me best, and she knows my music best. If she thinks I'm fine, I suppose I'm fine.

After a few people finish their performances, it's our turn. I grab my sheet music and head to the piano. Yui takes her place next to me and holds up her violin. She gives me a nod, and I start the song, Merry Go-Round of Life from Howl's Moving Castle.

Here's something for you to enjoy :D

My hands fly over the notes, and the sweet sound of Yui's violin accompanies my melody. We play melodies and countermelodies, passing the main melody to each other, and soon I'm wrapped up in the music. It's been ages since I enjoyed playing this much. 

The song ends faster than I hoped for, and I stand up, breathless. I grab my sheet music and mumble a quick "thank you" with Yui and slump into my seat. "See? It went well, I knew it would," she says.

"My cheeks are so hot," I murmur. "I think you like playing again," she says. "That was satisfying, and... exhilarating," I say, "That's surprising." "You're still out of practice, and you still need to tune your instruments," Yui says.

I smile, and sit back for the rest of class, enjoying the satisfaction of a good performance. Not that it lasted for long. "Obviously they were the best, they're not giving any of us a chance to shine," I hear someone grumble after class. 

I was about to give them a piece of my mind, but someone picks me up and stops me. "Good performance," Oikawa grins. "You were here the whole time?" I gape at him. What did I just let him see.

"I remember you saying that you were gonna play today, so I estimated how long it would take until it was your turn and got a hall pass," he smiles. "Please put me down," I say. "Only if you're not gonna attack anyone," he says, holding me up higher. "Fine," I grumble. He puts me down.

"I have the whole thing recorded, Iwa-chan is gonna be proud," he grins. My eyes widen, "You did not- Give me your phone!" I lunge for it, but he just holds it up. "Y/N's a shortie," he teases.

"Oikawa-senpai!" a girl says and walks to him, she's probably a second year. "I-I have something for you," she blushes profusely, shoves a letter into his hands and runs away before anyone can respond. "Uh, thank you?" he doesn't sound very sure of that.

"That was weird," he says. "Don't you get fan mail and love letters all the time?" I ask him. "I do, and that's because I'm irresistible," he winks at me. "That's disgusting," I pretend to gag.

"Get a room already," Yui grabs her violin case and starts heading out, "I'm going now, see you!" We meet Iwa at the gate, and Oikawa blasts the performance on his bluetooth speaker the whole way home.

"For legal reasons, I'll pass away now," I curl up in my seat to die of embarrassment.

Alright we're done for today, I'm going to fall asleep, but I'm glad there was some character development here.

I rewrote this chapter so many times oh gosh.

I hope that made your day, I've never loved Under The Sea so much

And his little laugh is just-

Love, me :D

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