Chapter 26- Promise

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Author chan lives to see another day, though lowkey I don't wanna

Also um- SEASON 4 OIKAWA *aggressive squealing*


The match progresses, and I have to admit, it's pretty fun playing against one of the top 5 aces in the country. He's really energetic and fun, and a huge ball of chaos.

"When Bokuto gets too fixated on one thing he forgets how to do everything else, so we should let him get more comfortable with his straights," Kenma advices. "You're never serious about matches we play for fun, is this really you?" Kuroo laughs.

"No one's serious about anything," Kenma grumbles and looks away. "Okay, so we'll pretend to expect some cross shots, and then shut down his straights," I decide. Bokuto's boasting to Akaashi about his straights, waving his arms around and laughing. He's so pure I kind of feel bad for plotting behind his back.

"Y/N, your serve," Oikawa tosses the ball at me. "Thanks Oiks," I catch the ball and take a few steps towards the back. I toss the ball up, jump, and hit it with minimal spin. A jump float. It bounces off the top of the net and falls down on Oikawa's side.

"Darn it," Oikawa curses as he dives to receive it, and he successfully does so. Akaashi sets the ball for Bokuto, and he spikes another straight, just as predicted. I expect him to celebrate with another "Hey hey hey", but he looks glum instead. His hair kind of sags a little. His hair goes with his moods, that's strangely cute.

"Akaashi..." he turns towards his setter. "I think I forgot how to do cross shots." "W-what?" Oikawa looks pretty shocked. "I dunno why, my body just won't listen to me today, every time I try for a cross, my hand spikes a straight and boom, the ball's already down," he whines.

He spikes a few air balls for emphasis, "I wanna do cross shots, but my arms won't listen." Akaashi sighs, "Bokuto-san, you can do this. Even if your spiked get shut down, I'll open a path for another one." Bokuto's eyes seem to sparkle now, "Akaashi, you're so cool!"

"Okay, now we start blocking his straights," Kenma says. "You're quite remorseless," Kuroo comments.

Bokuto's spikes are amazingly powerful, even if I manage to block them the ball blows my arms back. When the ball's successfully shut down, it leaves my hands aching and red.

Almost an hour later we're still at it, but I'm exhausted. "Can we," I pant. "Please, continue tomorrow?" I lean over and out my hands on my knees and take deep breaths. "It's been ages since I actually played a match this long."

"Yea, you've had a long day, I think we should stop," Kuroo agrees. "That was fun," Oikawa sits down on the ground. "You guys are really good," I wipe the sweat off my brow. "Bokuto-san and I should leave now," Akaashi says. "Okay, we'll go now, see you guys again," Bokuto grins.

"Bye Bokuto," I wave, and the rest of them say their goodbyes. "I'm going to take a shower," I announce and head inside.

I lay out my clothes beside the sink, and step into the shower. The water's warm and relaxing, and I sigh in content.

After the shower, I walk out to the living room to see that Oikawa's curled up on a couch, freshly showered, texting someone. "Hey," I settle next to him, he smells like sweet yoghurt. "Hey," he gives me a kiss on the forehead. "I'm talking to Iwa-chan, do you wanna say hi?"

"Yea, tell him I say hi," I say, and he takes one of my hands and texts with one hand. "Your hand is really warm," he comments and holds it up. "Hey, you didn't tell me blocking the spikes hurt that much, look, they're all red," he holds up my hand for me, and he looks concerned.

"It doesn't hurt that much Oiks, I'm fine, it's just like blocking any other spike," I reassure him. He puts his phone down and kisses my hand, "I don't want you to have to get hurt okay? Promise you'll tell me if you're hurt." "Okay, I promise," I smile, and he smiles back.

"You think kissing it will make you feel better?" he asks innocently. "Maybe," I reply. He smirks and kisses my fingers, "I knew you wouldn't turn me down."

"Oh god, get a room, will you?" Kuroo groans from behind us. "They're in love, Kuroo, that's what people in love do," Kenma says quietly.

"We were having a moment, couldn't you have suffered in silence?" Oikawa whines. "I said I'd borrow you an extra room, go kiss there," Kuroo says. "Not in my living room, go."

He shoos us into a room, "Don't be too loud, I need sleep." And he closes the door. Oikawa bursts into laughter, "Looks like he's not a fan of public displays of affection."

"No one is, Oiks," I say. "If it's me, I'm sure someone would like to see me do it," he pouts. "No, really," I laugh. "Now, where were we?" he smirks and takes my hand.

I feel my cheeks heat up, "Um, you were gonna tell Iwa I said hi?" "No, we're past that," he kisses my fingertips. "You promised you'd take care of yourself and tell me whenever you were hurt."

"You have to tell me too, okay? I trust you, you trust me, we're in this together," I ruffle his hair. "I promise too," he kisses me on the lips. "But you can't pretend to be strong all the time, I want to be able to protect you and carry your burdens with you, I can't do that if you don't let me."

"Oiks I know I don't have to be strong when I'm with you, I trust you, completely, okay?" I gently cup his cheek. "Okay," he smiles.

I'm so bad at writing stuff like that but let me know if there's anything to improve on but yea.

I finally stopped procrastinating and wrote this (꒪ᗜ꒪ )

I hope you enjoyed, and have a great day/night

Love, me

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