Chapter 8- Fairy Tale

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A/N: OK so I just had a cry-fest I have been completely devoid of emotions lately, so that felt pretty good

Anyway how you doing?

QOTD: Do you have any strange eating habits? (Comment your answer!)

I like strawberries but I don't like strawberry flavoured stuff is that weird?

⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰


Oikawa came over once to finish off the project, and we talked a little during school, but I felt like he was getting sick of me and slowly drifting away. I guess it was nice while it lasted.

Before I know it, it's time to present our fairy tale. I walk to the front of the classroom with Oikawa, and we start.

"We decided to make the fairy tale about Snow White's evil stepmother. People call her heartless, but what people don't consider is that the villain of someone's story is the hero of their own," Oikawa starts. His voice is mesmerizing, and I almost imagine that I'm watching the whole story unfold before me.

"Once upon a time, there was a young girl. She was the daughter of a mirror maker. She was beautiful, the most beautiful girl anyone had ever seen in her small town. She had a younger brother, who was born weak and sickly, but she loved him very much. His name was Mirai. Her mother died upon Mirai's birth, so she was left with her father and brother.

"They were poor, and they barely survived with their father's tiny salary. There were many nights where they had to sleep hungry," his voice was painting a picture of the evil queen's sad story. I looked around, and most of the girls were staring at him dreamily or swooning. "One day, when she was 16, the king of a nearby kingdom came to this town, for he had heard of a beautiful girl in this town, and since his wife had passed away a few years ago, and he was lonely, so he was looking for a new wife just as beautiful as his last."

Oikawa looks at me, and for a moment I forget what I was supposed to say. An awkward second passes, and giggles echo from the class. I clear my throat, "When he saw her, he was mesmerized. He looked like his last wife but younger, with her raven-black hair and fair skin, and he bought her from her father. He didn't hesitate to sell her, of course. She was about to be queen! Their family would receive riches, and selling her proved to be the best choice for the family.

"When the king's footmen came to bring her to the castle, she threw fits, she resisted, because her father was growing old and forgetful, no one would take care of her poor brother. She wasn't strong enough, so she was whisked away for her wedding. During the ceremony, she was led down the aisle by the king's daughter, Elle, who was nicknamed 'Snow White' for her snow white complexion," I said.

"When they traded vows, the king promised anything a man could give to her, so she asked that her brother brought to live with them at the castle. The king was unhappy. He had expected her brother to be a stout, handsome and rebellious young man, for he did not see him when he visited her. He would influence her and take her away from him, to leave the king and marry someone she truly loved.

"That's what the king feared. But he had no choice, he agreed. After the wedding, he ordered a sorceress to trap him in a magic mirror, and the longer he stayed in the mirror, the more he's forget about himself. When she found out, she was furious. She screamed and cried, and that was when the king noticed he had made a mistake, her brother was weak and he didn't have many years left, and he had doomed him to an even more painful fate," Oikawa says, and I glance around slightly, trying to find someone to focus on, and Oikawa gently touches the back of his hand to mine, reassuring me.

"She was sad, and now her father was alone, and her brother started forgetting. She salvaged her last days with him, locking herself in her room, not eating, not seeing anyone. She talked to her brother and kept him company, she talked to him about her fears, and he told her about his. They kept no secrets.

"One day Snow White entered her room to bring her food,she was worried about her new mother, and she didn't want to see her in pain. That day, Mirai had barely remembered anything about himself or his sister, but when he saw Snow White, he remembered something from the past, his sister tripping over when she ran to him after a day out when she was young. Snow White had a striking resemblance to her stepmother, so he mistook her for his beloved sister.

"He called her 'the fairest of them all', for she was beautiful. Everyday she would ask her brother 'Mirai, Mirai, who is the fairest of them all?' in hopes that he would remember her, and he would say 'Snow White', shattering her heart. She had loved Snow White very much, but as time passed, she grew bitter," I said.

"So she wanted Snow White killed, because she wanted her brother to recognise her. After many attempts, she succeeded in feeding her a poisoned apple. When Snow White was kissed awake by her prince, she listened to her stepmother's story, and she felt sorry for her. 

"Her last request was to be trapped in the mirror with her brother, so she could suffer with him and carry his burden. It took longer for her to forget, so she helped Snow White rule her kingdom in secret. On the last day, before the mirror was destroyed to free the two of them into the afterlife, she saw her brother one last time, and the their souls traveled wherever they were supposed to, together. They could be together after all," Oikawa says, "Thank you," we say together. 

After class,  Oikawa grabs my arm before I can escape, "You did well." "You too," I say faintly. "You wanna come to practice?" he asks. "I guess so," I mumble.

He grins, "Pinky promise?" He lifts up his pinky. "Pinky promise," I say, and hook my finger in his.

I guess in its own strange way, this was my fairy tale.

A/N: Aaaanddd...CUT!

Man I'm exhausted but I wanna continue writing. I hope you enjoyed the story, and sleep early k.

Anyway, goodnight!

Love, me ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ

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