Chapter 25- Hey Hey Hey!!!

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"Oikawa, Y/N, say hi to Bokuto," Kuroo says. "We're getting ice cream," Bokuto declares, "Akkashi always tells me not to eat too much or I get sugar high but Akaashi can't know if no one tells." "Heh, yea, he's kind of very high energy," Kuroo laughs. "You're also very high energy, Kuroo," Kenma emerges from behind him and waves at me.

"Hey, that's rude Kenma," Kuroo pouts. "Anyway, let's go! I want chocolate!" Bokuto says and marches off. "He seems sweet," I laugh. "You can't go around saying guys are sweet or cute in front of me, I get jealous," Oikawa whines. "Why do you think I go around saying guys are sweet or cute?" I nudge him.

"Sheesh, any other girl wouldn't have eyes for anyone else, I'm too beautiful," Oikawa groans and buries his face in my hair. "I'm not like other girls," I quip. "Alright let's get going before Bokuto walks off too far and gets lost," Kuroo sighs and walks after him. "Party didn't go too well?" Kenma asks quietly, walking behind with Oikawa and I as Kuroo yells at Bokuto to slow down. 

"Typical family drama," I shrug. Kenma smiles faintly, "At least you won't need to have awkward conversations with your family." 


After getting ice cream , we take the train to Kuroo's neighborhood, and walk the rest of the way.

Another guy with dark hair and blue green eyes is waiting for us. "You're Akaashi?" I ask. "I'm Akaashi," he says. "I'm Oikawa, you should know me, and this is Y/N," Oikawa says. "Oh yea, you're the setter from Seijoh!" Bokuto exclaims, "Can you set to me? I heard you're good! Akaashi will always be my setter but will you set to me?"

"Kuroo didn't stop Bokuto from getting extra ice cream," Kenma reports and settles into a couch. "I know, Bokuto-san you have chocolate stains on your shirt," Akaashi says calmly. "Aw come on, Akaashi, just this once," Bokuto whines. "Just this once," Akaashi sighs. 

"Why do I seem to attract child-like captains with vice-captains keeping them in control," I sigh. "That had better not be me," Oikawa grumbles. "Yea, it's not you because you also have a girlfriend keeping you in control," I laugh. "Every day you become more and more like Iwa-chan," he pouts.

"All the better to whip your ass into shape with," I say. "Okay, the bathroom's down the hall and to the right, and you two share a bedroom, we don't have enough space, and uh, try not to be too noisy," Kuroo points towards our room. "Why does everyone assume we're going to do it," I bury my face in my hands.

"You're dating me," Oikawa reminds me. "Exactly, why?" I groan. "That hurt, is this National Bash Oikawa Day again?" he whines. "Hey hey hey! We have time before it's bedtime, can you set to me? Please? Just one quick match, please?" Bokuto pleads Oikawa, "I just wanna see what it's like to have you set."

"Bokuto-san, they might be tired," Akaashi sighs. "You're not tired right? Just one match, a quickie, please?" Bokuto looks at Oikawa and then at Akaashi. "There's six of us, I suppose let's play a quick match," I say, "Though we have three setters." "Alright then, I'll be on the same team as Oikawa and Akaashi, Akaashi's still me teammate after all, and Kuroo, Kenma and Y/N can be on the same team," Bokuto declares.

I see Akaashi smile faintly, they have quite the close friendship. 

"Okay, I'm gonna change into something easier to move in and we can play," I say and dig up my spare clothes in my backpack, good thing I brought pants.

"I'm changing too, wait up," Oikawa runs after me. "We're not changing together, Oikawa," I roll my eyes and smile. "Aww, come on," he pouts. "Maybe next time," I slam the door in his face. Truth is, I'm not too comfortable with showing him my body, insecurities suck.

I change quickly and open the door, "Here, your turn." "Kuroo, you didn't bother to ask me if I wanted to play," Kenma's tugging on Kuroo's shirt and he looks pretty annoyed. "It's my fault, I couldn't find it in myself to say no to Bokuto, I'm sorry," I apologize. Kenma looks at me for a second, "As long as it doesn't take too long."

Kuroo bursts out laughing, he kinda sounds like a hyena from The Lion King, "Kenma, you have a soft spot for her." "I don't," Kenma retorts.

"You do."
"I don't."
"You do."
"I don't."

"Don't you think our height's kind of unbalanced though, I'm this short," I point out to stop them from arguing, I get the feeling that they could go on and on for a long time. "But you can jump," Oikawa pops out from behind me and pats my head. "You seem like you're trying to rub my nose in the fact that you're tall," I grumble. "Come on now, I'm just average height for a volleyball player," he waves his hand, dismissing my accusation. 

"This is short shaming," I huff, crossing my arms. "Okay, okay, but you still can jump," Oikawa says. "Everyone's ready? Okay let's go!" Bokuto exclaims. "You have a net?" I ask Kuroo. "Yup, I have one in the backyard," he replies. 

"I wanna see Oikawa serve!" Bokuto's jumping up and down in excitement. "Okay, go impress one of the best spikers in the prefecture," I pat Oikawa's back.


Oikawa serves, and before anyone can move, the ball's already hit the ground. "Service ace!" Bokuto cheers, "You're so good at serves!"

"We're not gonna let another one get past," Kuroo says. Oikawa steps back and prepares to serve. I watch his steps, the possible direction he's serving in,  after all these years of watching his matches, I've subconsciously read and scanned through every serve. He serves, and I instinctively move towards where the ball should hit, and the ball makes contact with my arms, bouncing off, and the sheer force of it makes me fall back. 

"Nice receive," Kuroo says, and Kenma sets the ball for Kuroo to spike. I get up just in case they're blocked, and for a second it looks like they will be blocked, but Kuroo doesn't jump. When the blockers are falling from the jump, Kuroo jumps and spikes.

"Not fair, you two have been practicing that forever," Bokuto sulks, "Oikawa didn't even get to set for me." "You have more chances, don't worry," I call over to reassure him. "But you received Oikawa's serve! You did it! That's so cool!" Bokuto's jumping up and down again, "Did you see that Akaashi? I wanna receive Oikawa's serves too!"

"I saw that Bokuto-san, I'm sure you'll be great at receiving Oikawa's serves too," Akaashi replies. "Okay, your serve Kuroo," I say.

Okay I'll continue the match in the next chapter, so to be continued I guess.

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