Chapter 18- Camping

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I'm writing this while listening to Yagami Yato I've fallen down the rabbit hole

Lord Asahi save me and have mercy


We ended up going camping since hiking cost too much. It sucks to be poor.

Yui's really done it this time. Iwa too. The two lying snakes-

All of us brought our own tents, but Yui told me she didn't have one, so she'll stay with me. Oikawa was told he didn't need to bring one since Iwa had a bigger tent.

Yui brought her own tent, and it was for one person. Iwa brought a one person tent. I brought a two person tent. And Oikawa didn't have one so...

Darn it.

I swear I need to slap the two of them. 

We survived exam week, and from the few papers I've gotten back, I did pretty OK, so far no fails. Phew. We have a one week break after that, so now we're on our camping trip.

Iwa borrowed his dad's van, and Oikawa drove us for four hours. God bless him. The road trip was fun too, we had a mini-karaoke, ate a crap load and saw lots of cool stuff.

The camping grounds were really nice, right next to a river, with woods surrounding us. We park the car and start unpacking.

"Hey, Y/N, Oikawa, don't be too loud tonight," Yui winks at me. I feel my whole face go hot, and I let out a strained groan, "Yui..."

"We don't have enough pillows for a pillow fight, why would we be loud?" Oikawa tilts his head curiously. I choke and Yui laughs. 

"Come on, we have a tent to set up," I say, and pull the tent out of the boot.

By the time everything's done, it's sunset, and we boil water on the campfire and eat instant noodles for dinner. Instant noodles are good.

Yui pulls out a guitar from the boot, and forces it into my hands, "I stole it from your room." I give her a bewildered look, "What am I-" "Play. It's been rotting in your room, so play," Yui takes a seat next to Oikawa.

"It's out of tune," I protest. "You can tune it," Oikawa chirps, smiling at me, "I wanna hear you play." Good God.

"Fine," I grumble and start tuning it. I wince slightly at how bad I've neglected it, but in not time I've got it back in tune.

I strum a few chords experimentally, and Oikawa scoots closer. Iwa takes a seat at my other side. "Yui, sing," I glare at her. "Nah, you sing better than me," she dismisses me.

"But I sound like a dying cat!" I exclaim. "Let's all sound like dying cats together then," Oikawa says. "Let the desecration of peace begin," I sigh.

I start a song, and no one sings. Insert awkward silence. Oikawa starts chuckling, and all of us start laughing. It's just hilarious, I don't know why.

I pick out a melancholy tune on the guitar mindlessly. Yui takes out a bag of marshmallows and a few sticks and hands them to us, and we stab them through the marshmallows.

I continue picking out a chill melody, waiting for my marshmallow to roast. Oikawa takes my stick for me, and I let him help. I look up a few moments later, and he has his mouth full of marshmallows, and my stick's empty.

"Hey!" I smack him gently. "You asked for it," he says through his mouth full of marshmallows, which made it sound more like "hoo ahk fa ih".

I giggle, and he pops another marshmallow in his mouth. "Oikawa, stop or you'll choke," Iwa says tiredly. Oikawa looks pleadingly at me for a few seconds, and then starts chewing and swallowing the marshmallows in his mouth.

"I'm heading to sleep," Yui says, and smiles cryptically at me as she leaves. "I'm going too," Iwa says and then heads to his tent. I see what they're doing there. Iwaizumi and Yui, partners in crime.

"So," I say, picking a slightly happier melody. "So?" Oikawa stuffs a few more marshmallows in his mouth, "You didn't get any." He pops one in my mouth and I chew. I feel eyes on me, and I turn around to see Yui peeking at us, and she grins and gives me a thumbs-up.

"Wanna walk a little?" Oikawa stands up and extends a hand to help me up. "Sure," I let him pull me up, put my guitar in its case and we put out the fire. We walk along the river silently, but it's cold. Stupid me didn't bring a jacket.

"Want my jacket?" he seems to notice. "Nah, you'll be cold too," I say. "We can do this," he takes off half of his jacket and slips my arm through the sleeve, so both of us are huddled together in the jacket, "Now we're both warm."

He smiles cutely and I smile back. I feel my phone buzz in my pocket, and I huddle closer with Oikawa to fish it out. He wraps his free arm around me so I won't fall. The connection here's not that strong, but I assume it's a text from Yui asking about us.

It's not Yui. It's Dad. "What?" I blink a few times to see if I got it wrong. I stumble and fall onto Oikawa, and he falls too. "Ack, I'm sorry," I land on top of him, and he smiles. "That's ok, you're small," he smiles, "You OK?"

"Dad texted me," I say, "We haven't talked in ages." He helps me sit up and peers at my phone, "Family gathering?" "They probably want me to meet some rich friend's son again," I sigh. 

I look at him, and he looks... jealous? I dunno, maybe I'm just going insane. "I can go as your date to get them off your back," he offers. "My date?" I try to get up, but he stays on the floor, and I fall back down.

"If Tobio's there it's a double win," he smiles. "Tch, you just want to annoy him," I roll my eyes, but I'm smiling. "He's fun to annoy," he quips and helps me up.

"Let's go back," Oikawa yawns. I lean against him and close my eyes for a few moments, I'm sleepy too. "You know what? If you're sleepy I'll carry you," he scoops me up in his arms. "You don't need to," I protest.

"I want to," he grins and carries me back. I was so sleepy I fell asleep in his arms. 

Cliche much?

Ayyy we're done with this chapter the next one juuuust might be the one you're waiting for. If you know, you know.

OK it's not even that late and I'm sleepy so sleep time yey

Love, me

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