Chapter 22- When I say My Dad Sucks, I Mean He's A Vacuum

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Ayyyyy I'm back and we're back in quarantine for two weeks help


We take the train to nearby my dad's house, and we walk the short distance to his house after that. "So what's your dad like?" Oikawa asks, his fingers intertwined with mine, "I have to know what can get me his approval."

I scoff, "Nothing can get his approval as long as it's related to me." "Aw, come on, I have a definitive charm, he'll like me in no time," he reassures. "Yea, cause everyone just loves Oikawa senpai so very much," I sigh.

"Aw, are you jealous?" he tickles my cheek. I try my best to suppress the smile forming on my lips, and he brings out his phone. "I totally forgot, I have another date to save," he says and types in "First Time Meeting Y/N's Parents, and They Must Like me". 

"What does your mom do? The last time I asked, you said she did...stuff," he looks around like he's making sure no one's listening in. "If it's something shady, I promise I won't tell anyone" he stage-whispers.

I laugh out loud, "You thought it was something shady?" He looks very confused, "Why would you call it stuff if it wasn't shady?" I bend over in a fit of giggles, "Oiks, why in the world would she be doing something shady? This isn't a mafia story." "But- aw come on, I was hoping it was something shady too, that would be so cool," he looks like he's deflated slightly.

"Is there a ghost mafia then?" I ask, "If there's a ghost mafia maybe you could pray for her to join one." "Oh- oh she's dead, I'm so sorry," he squeezes my hand. "It's alright, I never really knew her that well after all," I lean on his shoulder, or at least as close to his shoulder as I can, I'm too short for that.

"So is that why you don't get along with your dad? He's doing one of those things where he blames you right?" he asks. "Pretty cliche, isn't it?" I sigh. "He's gotta realize people come and go, it can't be your fault," Oikawa tries to reason.

"He wanted a son, Oiks, my mom died before she could give him one, and now he's just, well, I don't know what the hell he's doing, if he can go around finding girlfriends, he should be able to get married again and have the stupid son he's always wanted," I say, frustrated. 

"I'm sorry, I don't know what to say, I'm sorry I ca-" Oikawa gets cut off. "Y/N!" Kageyama is waving at me from my dad's house. I smile and wave back, and Oikawa mumbles something unintelligible.

"You didn't tell me Tobio-chan was gonna be here," he whines. "He's family too, c'mon, you should've expected him being here," I nudge him, smiling. He bends over and buries his face in my shoulder, "God give me strength." I ruffle his hair, "You'll be alright, trust me." He sighs and stands up straight, and we've reached.

"Hey Tobio," I pull Kageyama down for a hug and ruffle his hair, "You've grown taller." He pats my back, "You're still the same height." I smack his shoulder, "Hey, that's rude." "Aren't you going to greet your senpai, Tobio-chan?" Oikawa crosses his arms and gives Kageyama the side-eye. 

"Oikawa-san, you're technically not actually my-" I smack Kageyama again to shut him up, "Both of you, play nice." "Hey, he started it," Kageyama whines. "Both of you, go to your rooms," I can barely say that without snickering. "I'll be nice, I'll be nice," Oikawa puts his hands up submissively.

"OK now all I gotta do is avoid conversation with Dad," I say. "You're here Y/N, I see nothing has changed, you still haven't done anything useful with your life," a voice booms from behind me. I bury my face in my hands, "Oh god please no." "Your dad is very um..." Oikawa murmurs. "Very rude, a total asshole, yes the list goes on," I sigh and turn around.

"Hi dad," I say icily. How do I describe dad? Well, he's actually not your typical fat, old, balding man, he's tall and skinny, and dare I say his face is trying to achieve the perfect isosceles triangle. "Any new girlfriends lately?" I ask coldly. "Isn't it sad that your father's love life is more active than yours?" he asks back. I wrinkle my nose, "Ew, I'm not interested in knowing."

"Woah there, I exist alright?" Oikawa wraps an arm around my shoulders, "I'm Y/N's boyfriend." Kageyama chokes on his milk. "So you couldn't have chosen a...better choice?" he gives Oikawa a once-over. "Couldn't you have chosen a better choice? You could've gotten the son you wanted so much by now," I snap. "Y/N," he says sharply, "You're getting out of line." His arm twitches, and I flinch and stumble back into Oikawa.

"It's OK, I'm here, you're gonna be fine," Oikawa whispers to me as he catches me and takes my hand. "Listen, I just want you to stop being a burden, a friend of mine has a son, they're a good family, I'm introducing you to him today," Dad sighs. "But I don't-" I begin. "No," Dad snaps.

Oikawa POV

It's like she's completely shrunk, she can't say anything against her dad. Dammit, why didn't I ask more about her? I should've came more prepared. I hate being this useless, I've been feeling like that since I failed to do anything about her frustration. Before I could say anything, Tobio-chan interrupted.

I feel so useless.

So um I'm gonna leave it off at this for now I'm in a rush and I gotta go so yeee enjoy

Oh wow, very smart, say enjoy when it's finished.

But anyway the next chapter will either be up tonight or tomorrow so look forward to that too!

and 6.9k reads well, cough, interesting, cough

anyways byee

love, me

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