Chapter 23- OK, Now He's Just a Black Hole

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JKSHDJH the meme I can't-

I just finished class and I haven't eaten QwQ I'm in pain


Now where were we? Ah yes, at the party, my asshole of a dad telling me to meet a guy even though I'm clearly dating Oikawa.

Why in the world did I come here in the first place? This was a stupid idea. But now that I'm here, I can't go, I still have something to do.

Oikawa's holding my hand, he seems to pick up I'm not alright. "If you wanna go, we can go you know," he murmurs. I inhale sharply, "I need- I need to do this, I need to let him know I'm my own person, for myself." Oikawa squeezes my hand.

"Hey, you must be Mr. L/N's kid," a guy with dark red hair taps on my shoulder, he's not nearly as tall as Oikawa of course, but after hanging out with volleyball players, I think my definition of tall might be a little off, since by now I'm expecting everyone to be around his height.

"Yes, I am, but I don't like to be referred to as just his kid, I'm my own person," I swallow. The guy laughs, "I see, I'm Hiruki Sato, um, my dad knows yours." He completely ignores Oikawa, he's definitely not as nice as he seems. "I'm Oikawa," Oikawa thrusts his hand out to force Sato to acknowledge him. Sato smiles and shakes Oikawa's hand. There's a few seconds of silence when Oikawa is gripping Sato's hand and he's squeezing back in some kind of silent war.

Sato pulls away and laughs, "You're her cousin?" "I'm her boyfriend," Oikawa replies with a smile. Kageyama chokes again behind me, poor child, I forgot he was there. "Kageyama is my cousin though," I pull him forward and pat his back as he coughs. "Boyfriend?" he chokes out. "It seems like I've forgotten to tell you," I smile, "We started dating." "But Oikawa-san?" Kageyama asks, his mouth hanging open.

I pat his cheek, "You'll attract flies." Oikawa snorts. "Tobio, do me a favor and glare at Sato for me, look at scary as you can," I whisper. He immediately looks up and glares at Sato, "Who the heck are you and why would you mistake Oikawa-san for me?" I think he's genuinely offended, but with him it's pretty hard to tell. Sato smiles, "I'm sorry, I believe I've introduced myself."

"I wanna punch him so bad," Oikawa groans quietly. "Like you punched Tobio?" I murmured back. Oikawa stares at me, aghast, "You know?" "Of course I knew, you really think it would stay a secret that long?" I shoot back, "I'll get you for it one day."

"I'm sorry to interrupt, you guys seem pretty close, but I'm right here," Sato interrupts. "Yes, I see you," I say in exasperation, "Now, I'm hungry, I think there should be some food, shouldn't there?" "There's barbeque outside," Kageyama says. "Of course you know where the barbeque is," I pat his arm and lead them out.

I sigh and turn back, "Wanna come with?" Sato nods and follows, he's probably not really willing to do this, I'm pretty sure no one now would agree to their parents setting them up for business, I suppose I pitied him a little too.

I balance a paper plate awkwardly on a hand as I blow on my hot food, and I'm about to take a bite when Oikawa swoops in and eats my food. "Hey," I swat at him. "Here, you can have mine," he grins and places some in my mouth, and I almost spit it out, it's hot. I hasfahfahsf until it's cooler, and chew.

"It was hot," I complain through my chewing. "Not as hot as me though," he winks. Kageyama gags, and Oikawa glares at him, "What are you doing here?" "He's family, you shouldn't even be here," I say.

"Drink?" Sato shows up, two cups of cold water in his hands, and offers them to Oikawa and I. "I would've gotten some for your cousin too but I only have two hands," he explains. "Thank you," I take a cup and Oikawa does too. I take a big gulp, the coldness is relieving after the hot barbeque.

"You know, I understand you're happy with Oikawa, so, I suppose I'll have to leave you alone, I only tried- you know, hitting on you because I was supposed to," he looks down, "I was hoping to be less of a mistake to my dad." "It's all good," I smile at him, "My dad's pretty trash too, I get it."

"I don't think I'm ready to forgive you yet," Oikawa huffs, crossing his arms. "I owe you one then, both of you," Sato rubs the back of his neck. "You know, I don't think we'll be staying here for the night after all this, I'm calling Kuroo," I pull out my phone and Kuroo's number, "You two talk." 

I go to a quieter area to call him, I don't really plan on staying after this, I'll greet a few relatives and leave. But before that, I need a few moments. I find that one corner of space no one knows about except for Kageyama and I, covered by some well placed trees. I used to go there and hide as a kid, and sometimes Kageyama would join me and we'd talk about volleyball.

I sit down and bury my face in my hands, and I think. I think about everything that's happened today, meeting Dad again, seeing he hasn't changed, meeting Sato, the fact that he has a story of his own. My eyes tear up, I feel useless. I came here just to show Dad I'm doing better without him, but it didn't work out. He didn't care.

Before I know it, I'm crying. All the stress of these few years came pouring out, every time I had to turn the other cheek, every time I had to push everything down. Every time I had to be happy for someone else, so I chose not to talk about myself. Finally being with Oikawa was a dream, but I still felt like I wasn't enough for him. Like one day he'd get sick of me and get rid of me.

I fish through my bag for tissues, and I blow my nose. This is a terrible time for a meltdown. Five minutes, and I'd call Kuroo, and then leg it. I hear footsteps of someone coming here, and then Kageyama's squatting down, putting a hand on my shoulder, "Hey, why are you crying?"

I shake my head, another wave of tears start pouring out. "Is Oikawa treating you badly? If he is, I'll kill him," Kageyama vows. I laugh and sniffle, "I'd leave him if he were being mean, I can handle myself." "Here," he offers me his milk, "Drink some, you'll feel better." "The magical properties of milk huh?" I smile and hiccup. I sip some milk, and look up, "Could you tell Oikawa I'm here?"

"I will," he nods and gets up to get Oikawa. Before he leaves, he finds a packet of tissues in his pockets and hands it to me, "Suga-san always tells me to keep some on me." He leaves.

I smile, it's nice that he's fitting into Karasuno so well.


I no longer have any idea what I'm doing I'm just dying now. Haha creative block go brr brr.

Anyway I hope you emjoyed the chapter!

Bye byee :)

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