Chapter 7- Amusement Park!

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I started learning the guitar and my fingers burn TvT

QOTD: Have you guys picked up any skills during quarantine?

So I'll be doing question of the days now, cuz I wanna know you guys better :D



After many, many, many side trips, we finally reach the amusement park. We must've stopped at like, eight gas stations and rest stops, since Oikawa was driving and he got hungry very easily.

We got the tickets and I immediately dragged them to a ghost-house-themed roller coaster.

"I don't wanna go," whimpered Oikawa.

"Don't be a scaredy-cat," Iwa said, smirking at him.

"I know you're scared too, Iwa-chan," I smirk.

"Yea, baka," Oikawa says, sticking his tongue out at Iwa. 

A/N: I'm hearing this in my head HELP

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A/N: I'm hearing this in my head HELP

We finally get strapped into the roller coaster and I stomp in excitement.

A/N: To those of you who are afraid of scary rides, I'm so sorry. I'm afraid of scary stuff too but I always ride scary rides I have no idea what's wrong with me

There are three seats in a row, so Oikawa sits in the middle of me and Iwa.

The ride starts and the roller coaster moves slowly at first, slowly going deeper into the darkness. Cobwebs and the occasional skeleton decorate the walls. I hear scary recorded moans of ghosts and screams. Oikawa grips on my arm, his knuckles white. Even Iwa looks a little pale, gripping onto his seat.

Suddenly, the roller coaster shoots down, plunging us into darkness. Eerie lights light the way, and the other passengers (?) let out shrieks, Iwa being one of them. Suddenly, we go to a shuddering stop. "Was that it?" I murmur, "That was disappointing." "Please let it be over," Oikawa whimpers, his eyes shut tight.

I survey our surroundings, and my eyes fall on the coffin in front of us, and I smile. Here comes the jump-scare. "Oikawa, open your eyes. It's over," I lie. "T-thank God," he murmurs, and looks up just in time for the corpse to jump out of the coffin. He screams, and the roller coaster plunges backwards, into a "cave" with no lights. Oikawa grabs my arm and doesn't let go.

I have to admit, I'm impressed. The roller coaster winds around, with the occasional ghosts jumping out. After a few minutes, we reach the end, and we get off the ride.

"N-never again..." pants Oikawa.

"I'm impressed we're still alive," Iwa still looks pretty pale.

"It was just a ride, you babies," I say, heading to the exit.

"That was mean," Oikawa tugs on my sleeve.

"I'm mean," I say. 

There was a screen displaying the photos a hidden camera took while we were on the ride, and ours appeared, with Oikawa mid-scream, grabbing my arm and Iwa gritting his teeth.

"You didn't scream much, did you?" I look at Iwa.

"I think it's pretty obvious I'm not a screamer," Iwa says.

"That shriek was impressive though," Oikawa says and imitates Iwa's shriek.

"Shut up," Iwa mumbles. I snap a picture of the screen and walk cheerfully to find another ride. "Have you by any chance sold your soul?" Oikawa asks. "Probably," I shrug.

I find a drop tower, and I rush into line, pulling Oikawa with me. Iwa takes one look at the tower, looks at me, and then says, "I hate you Y/N," and follows me.

"I think you secretly like them," I say. "Exactly, and now Oikawa has an excuse to bring me to amusement parks," Iwa says. I smirk and say, "Good luck with that."

"I'm never going to amusement parks with you anymore," Oikawa says cheerfully. "I need to scare you enough so that I don't have to be dragged to amusement parks at 8 in the morning," I say.

For the rest of the day, we ride scary rides and fuel ourselves on cotton candy and soda. So it was actually a good day, despite the fact that my feet ached from walking around so much. And that I had to wake up at 8.

When Oikawa drops me at my house, he says, "I'll see you on Monday?"

I smile at him, "Yup, after practice?" "During practice, if you wanna watch?" he sounds a little hopeful, a little unsure.

"Sure," I wave at him and go inside. 

Monday. Should I be looking forward to it?

A/N: Sorry this chapter wasn't that good, my sleep schedule is getting crazier and crazier.

I slept at 6 yesterday and woke up at 3, so I need to tune it back but anyway, I hope you guys are doing good.

See you in the next chapter!

Love, me

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