Chapter 13- Match Day

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Man, I have class tomorrow morning and I'm up so late me gonna bye bye

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After the practice match with Karasuno got pushed back a week, Oikawa seems to relax a little and actually takes a break.

It's the day they'll have their practice match, but Oikawa's asked to wait until the second half of the game before joining so he won't overwork himself.

I wait outside for Karasuno's van to arrive, expecting a lively greeting. From what Kageyama's told me, they're pretty hyper and only two third years actually keep them in line.

A van shows up and I spot Kageyama from a window, and I go over to greet them. "Hey, Kags!" I yell as he exits the car. He looks up and smiles. A short orange-haired boy stumbles out, clutching his stomach. That's Hinata, the kid who jumps really high.

A guy with a shaved head walks out next, tying up a plastic bag filled with what I guess is puke. That's Tanaka, the one who hits on every pretty girl he sees. "Woah, he can smile?" Hinata lifts his head and glances at Kageyama. "Wow, who's that? She's pretty," Tanaka whistles.

Kageyama shoots a glare at Tanaka as I arrive. I give him a quick hug, "How was the trip?" "Hinata puked on Tanaka's pants," he keeps a straight face. "You need to smile more, Kags," I say. "I need to go to the bathroom-" Hinata rushes off to the nearest toilet.

"Is she your girlfriend?" Tanaka asks. "She's my cousin, idiot," Kageyama gives him another death stare, "And don't you dare hit on her." "I don't know what you're talking about," Tanaka tries to look casual as he slowly backs away.

A tall blond guy with glasses and a shorter kid with olive brown hair walk out, followed by a silver-haired guy and a black haired guy. Tsukishima, the salty guy, Yamaguchi, his friend, Sugawara, the mom, and Daichi, the dad.

A/N: I really need more terms than 'guy'

Daichi looks at me, "You're Kageyama's cousin?" "Yup, I'm Y/N," I say, "If he's an ass sometimes I have to apologise for him, he's always like that." Kageyama lets out a tch.

Tsukishima snickers, "I like her." I hear someone walking around the corner of the building, and I catch a snippet of conversation.

"There's this riffraff kind of guy too, he has a shaved head and an unpleasant look in his eyes, he kinda looks stupid."

Tanaka obviously hears this, because he smiles creepily and peeks around the corner. I look around the corner and see Yahaba and Kindaichi there. "Oh, hey guys," I say casually, and Kageyama, Tsukishima, and Yamaguchi join in.

"Y-Y/N-san, hi," Kindaichi says nervously, glancing at Tanaka. "You shouldn't underestimate others like that," Tanaka says, "Or you'll get eaten alive." He glares at them.

"Come on, Tanaka-san, don't threaten them like that. Look what you did, you scared these poor elites," Tsukishima smirks at them. Wow, they're scary.

"Looks like you've got a scary team to back up their scary setter, Kags," I say. They pile on verbal assault on poor Yahaba and Kindaichi, and thankfully, Daichi arrives to diffuse the situation.

"Well, we've gotta go prepare for the match, we'll see you there," Daichi says politely. He drags off the team with Sugawara's help. "You know the King, Y/N-san?" Kindaichi peers at me curiously.

"He's my cousin," I say. "I don't see how you two could be related," Kindaichi sighs.

They follow me into the gym where Oikawa's waiting, "Took you long enough, but with those short legs I suppose it can be excused." I kick his shin in response, and he clutches it in pain, "Come on, that was mean. And it hurt."

I allow myself a small smile as I hear Kindaichi murmur to Yahaba, "OK, now I see how they could be related."

We watch the teams play from the stands, and Oikawa assesses Kageyama and Hinata's quicks. "They're really good, I didn't know he'd be able to end up as a team player," I hear him say quietly to himself.

During the end of the last set, Oikawa's called in to play. He starts off with his monster serve, but in the end, Karasuno wins.

I have to say, I'm impressed with how much Kageyama's grown in such a short period of time, since he wasn't good at playing in a team back in junior high. I guess it just takes the right team for him to fit in.

After they've cleaned up the gym, I go to the gates with Oikawa to wait for Iwaizumi. "I'm better now, so you're going to be helping me train from now on," Oikawa declares.

"Wow, not even a 'please'. At your service, Great King," I say sarcastically. "Thank you, my loyal subject," Oikawa pats my head.

Just then, Karasuno's walking out to their van. "Hey, Kags! Good game today," I say. "O-oh, uh, thank you," he's still not used to compliments, poor kid.

Oikawa makes eye contact with Kageyama. "Wait, you know him?" both of them exclaim in unison.

"Kageyama is my cousin, and of course I know Oikawa, we go to the same school," I say matter-of-factly. They glare at each other for a second, Oikawa grumbling, "You're related? That's not possible."

A look flashes on Oikawa's face, and he smiles confidently, "Of course, Y/N's my girlfriend too." He tries to wrap an arm around my waist but I elbow his stomach. "Yeah, no, you creep," I say. "Hey, that hurt too," Oikawa whines, rubbing his stomach, "It was just a joke."

Kageyama sighs, "You two can't be together because her standards are way higher than trash." "Respect your senpai, you twit!" Oikawa snaps.

Daichi cuts in at the perfect moment, clamping a hand over Kageyama's mouth before he can say anything. "We'll be going now, it was nice meeting you, Y/N," he smiles politely at me. Again, Sugawara has to help him drag the teammates away.

Kageyama waves at me, and Hinata says, "Kageyama said you taught him volleyball, can you teach me too?" I laugh, "Sure, I can, but stick to training with him, he's better than I am."

"No I'm not!" Kageyama manages to yell before Daichi stuffs them into the van.

A stray volleyball smacks the back of Oikawa's head. "Ow! Again? Someone above really hates me," he pouts. I look back and see Iwaizumi.

"Let's go then," I say, and head towards Oikawa's car.

I wonder what Oikawa has to say about me teaching Kageyama.

Alright, that's it for today, I've pushed myself enough, it's time to sink my head in a pillow and think about Oikawa.

And go into that state of half-consciousness that probably doesn't qualify as sleep


Love, me

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