Chapter 14- The Second Person With An Emo Mode

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Heya guys I'm sleepy but here we go


Iwaizumi decides to stay the night at my place, since "Oikawa needs a chaperone so he won't go out of control".

I rummage the fridge and find ingredients for pizza, so we make that. Oikawa throws flour at both of us, pouting and mumbling about Kageyama betraying him, "I'm his senpai and he's this good only because of me, how is it that someone else taught him to be better than me? Stupid traitor."

"If you keep mumbling about crappy things you won't get dinner, Shittykawa," Iwa glares at him. Oikawa sighs and prepares the toppings. He looked so sad, I couldn't help but to ruffle his hair, but I immediately regretted it because my hands were covered in flour.

"Now my hair's white, I'm getting old," he mumbles. "Why is he like that, please don't tell me he's broken," I sigh to Iwa. "If he's broken I'm not getting a second one," he says.

"I feel like I've seen this somewhere before, but on another person," I muse to no one in particular. "You know a lot of volleyball players, maybe it's one of them," Iwa shrugs. 

'Ah, yes! The spiker from... Fukurodani! He's one of the top 5 spikers in Japan, I think, I remember seeing him somewhere," I remember Bokuto, but I don't remember where I've seen him. Curse my goldfish memory. 

"He goes into emo mode sometimes, I wonder if Oikawa's going through the same thing," I wonder. "I'm right here, you two," Oikawa pouts, "I exist, you know."

"Yup, he's broken," I confirm. Iwa grabs Oikawa's shirt, "Hey, snap out of it! I don't know what's going on inside of that nonexistent brain of yours, but I'm hungry, Y/N's hungry, and you know how grumpy I am when I'm hungry!"

"I eat people when I'm hungry," I say drily. Oikawa freezes for a second, as if he's restarting. Suddenly, he bursts out laughing, "That was a good one, Iwa-chan! Remember when we were kids and I ate your ice cream?" "I think you fixed him," I murmur to Iwa.

"I don't wanna talk about that," Iwa grumbles. "Well, if my stomach isn't filled soon you'll end up as my meal, so," I clap my hands together, "Pizza or you, you choose."

Oikawa opens his mouth to probably make a dirty joke, but Iwa kicks him. "Fine, I'll make the pizza," he sighs. 

We pop the pizzas in the oven and wait. We take turns showering and change. When the pizza's done, Oikawa burns his tongue trying to get a first bite before us, and he sticks it out at me, "Kith it to make it feel betteth?"

Iwa smacks his head and tells him to not be stupid. "Still can't believe you're related to Kageyama, I mean, he's so tall and you're..." he glances at me. I glare up at him, "Are you calling me short?" "I- I mean... uh..." he stammers, "Man, you're scary for such a tiny person."

"Yea, shut up, Flattykawa," I say. He gasps dramatically, "Even Iwa-chan doesn't call me Flattykawa, how dare you?" "That's because I call you Shittykawa," Iwa says.

"You guys are such big bullies," Oikawa pouts. "Be careful with what you say, if you break again we might not decide to fix you," Iwa warns.

We pile onto the couch with hot pizzas on our plates, and I turn on the television for background noise as we eat. 

Iwa goes to sleep earlier since he played more today, leaving me and Oikawa. We sit in silence for a while. "So what are we?" he asks. "We're friends, right? I mean, if that's what you think," I stumble over my words.

Did he have to ask that question? Gosh I suck and interacting with people. Seriously though, what are we? He just had to make me think.

But I do like his company, and I feel like he's someone I can trust, and I genuinely like him, which is rare. 

He nods, "Friends or not, you better teach me whatever you taught Kageyama." I laugh, "Pretty sure you're better than me in everything volleyball already, there's nothing to teach." He wraps an arm around my shoulder, and I lean in.

"But if you ever try to pretend to be my boyfriend to Kageyama again, I'm not just elbowing your stomach," I warn. "Yes, ma'am," he smiles. 

This time he takes a guest room and I sleep in my room cuddled with my dogs. 

The next morning, they leave because Oikawa has something to do, though he won't tell me what. I invite Yui over and we spend the day just hanging out.

After studying, getting distracted, eating, watching some shows, getting distracted again, and then eating again, we end up in my bedroom flopped on my bed just lazing around like pigs.

Still, one question lingers on my mind, What do I feel about him?

Yui probably can read minds, because she asks me, "So do you like him?"

"What? Who?" I ask, startled. "You know who," she rolls her eyes. "Daisuke? Because Daisuke's a big fat yes," I joke.

"I'm talking about Oikawa, and you don't need to answer, I already know," she sighs. I feel my cheeks heat up. "I knew it! You like him!" she smiles triumphantly. "It's not that obvious," I murmur, but my face gets hotter.

"Come on, your ears are turning red," she teases, "Anyway, you were always like 'I'm not free today, Oikawa's coming over', or 'Oikawa came, you wanna come?' please, it's that obvious."

"But he doesn't like me, so it doesn't matter," I say. "You never know," she replies, "I have my bets on him confessing first, you're clueless sometimes."

I kick her gently, "I'm not clueless." "But he doesn't like me," she mimics my tone. I can't help but laugh at her impression.

"You two will end up together, I'm so sure I'd give up my first born child if I had to bet," she declares. "You're really dramatic sometimes, you know," I sigh.

Aaaanddd... that's it.

I might splat my face onto my keyboard and fall asleep.

I have no idea why I only write when I'm almost half asleep and end up with a filler chapter I'm an idiot.

Also I'm thinking of opening a discord server for you guys so if you're interested you can comment here and I'll invite you when it's done.

Love, me

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