Chapter 19- Confession

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Actually wasn't gonna update today since I'm tired but then I remembered I'm trying to stay up until I hallucinate Oikawa.

Also I made a weeb friend ksjsjsk we watched psycho pass together (it's really good BTW 100% recommend) and I made him watch Banana Fish hehe

I'm so glad to be writing again I missed it


I wake up, and I find myself on top of Oikawa, nestled into his chest, and his arm's wrapped around me.


I gently wriggle out of his grip, careful not to wake him up, and I step out of the tent.

The sun's just rising, and the air's fresh and crisp, good time to have a bath. It would be, if I didn't have to bathe in the river. The river's cold. And I have to take off my clothes.

I hear a tent open, and footsteps. Yui's just woken up, her hair dishevelled and eyes bleary. She yawns and spots me, her lips curling into a smirk, "Enjoy your night?"

"Aw, come on, Yui," I groan, "Can't this wait?" She grins, "I'll let you wake up properly. I'm gonna bathe." I point to the river, "Are you really gonna bathe there?"

"I'm wearing my underwear in there, but I'll let you and Oikawa have your fun if you want," she teases. "Come on, let's bathe," I grab my towel and kick off my shoes.

We strip down to our underwear and I dive into the ice cold water before the guys wake up. I let out a tiny yelp at the shock of cold, and Yui dips a toe in the water, "This is cold, almost colder than your soul."

I roll my eyes and settle in. The cold's numbing, but it gets better the longer I stay inside. Yui submerges her legs in the water, and I sigh and yank her in, "It'll get better in a bit." I ignore her yelps as she hops around a little.

"Not everyone's so immune to everything like you!" she exclaims. "I'm cold too," I smile and scoot over so she can sit with me. "I have a family gathering," I sigh.

"Your dad's probably dating someone new, isn't he? Or maybe he's just trying to match you up with some rich man's son," she wonders. "Probably both," I grumble.

"Maybe he wants to make up," she says hopefully, but even she doesn't seem to believe her words, "I mean, having a feud for that long must be exhausting."

I sigh and slide deeper into the water. I hear footsteps behind me and before I can react, someone's dived into the water. I hear multiple yelps and water splashes everywhere, obscuring my vision.

"Cold! Ack! Cold! Help me!" Oikawa's voice rings out. "I told you not to dive in," Iwa sighs behind me. I turn around, and I'm faced with a shirtless Iwa. Oh God. Abs.

I turn away before he can see my red face but I turn right into-

More abs.

I can only see his upper body from here, but, abs. Oh God. This is not happening right now. No, no, no, this is a dream. I squeeze my eyes shut. "Hey, Y/N, you OK?" Oikawa's voice is really nearby now. 

I open my eyes and shirtless Oikawa is right next to me. I'm gonna die.

He leans closer, "Hey, you're really red, are you sure you're not allergic to something?" I take a deep, deep, deeeeeeeeeeeeep breath and regain my composure, "How am I supposed to be allergic to water?"

He laughs, "Oh well, you know best." Iwa slowly gets into the water. I look for Yui, and all I see are wet footprints leading to her tent. That little-

Iwa swims further away, "I'll give you two privacy." Was that a smirk I saw on his face? I swear-

I want to dunk my head underwater.

"Hey, you're not naked right? I wouldn't complain if you were but," Oikawa shrugs. "You pervert," I smack his arm.

"That hurt," he rubs his arm. OK, breathe, you can do this.

He submerges himself underwater for a few seconds, and comes back up to the surface, his hair wet and falling down from its usual hairstyle.

I can't do this.

"Hey, so I'm going with you to your family gathering right?" Oikawa tilts his head slightly. "Yup, to get my dad to back off," I reply.

"Can I be your actual date?" he mumbles, a blush rising to his cheeks. "What?" I gape at him. Is this what I think it is?

Oikawa POV

I need a way to put this all into words, but I don't know how. I really trust Y/N, but I don't know if she can say the same about me.

I want her to trust me.

She looks so cute, blushing her face off when she saw us shirtless, her easy sarcasm, I must say, I love it.

I think I love her.


"I mean," he sputters, "IlikeyouY/N." "Oikawa-" "I mean, I really, really, genuinely like you. You aren't like my fangirls, you're not friends with me for anything other than friendship itself, and you're so real around me, like you have actual substance, not some bubble-headed fake who thinks looks makes up for personality," he inhales.

"I like you, and I don't know if you feel the same, and that's OK. I'm an ass sometimes, and I'm mean to Tobio-chan, and you obviously care about him a lot-" he's blushing really intensely now.

"Oikawa. I like you too," I say softly. He looks up at me, and his eyes meet mine. "I know you're insecure, I know you've got a lot going on in your mind, and we haven't really known each other for a really long time, but I've come to realise that underneath your banter, you're a good person. And I like you for that. I think you're different from other guys too," I give him a small smile.

He slowly leans in, as if he's unsure. For once, Mr. Confident was gone, replaced by someone underneath him, but still part of him. I close the gap between us and I feel his lips on mine, his arms slowly pulling me closer.

His mouth curves into a small smile as we kiss, "I think we're being watched." I quickly glance to Yui's tent, and she's holding her phone, obviously taking pictures. I have no words.

I glance to where Iwa was, and I see him swimming back to us, and he obviously knows what's going on. Oh dear.


After we get dressed, we decide to go on a long walk in the woods. "So, what's it going on between you two?" Yui asks delightedly. I let out an exasperated sigh, "Yes, we're dating, you happy now?"

Yui squeals, "It's like a romance manga!"

"Of course it is, I'm very romantic," Oikawa says. 


I don't really know how to continue on my brain isn't fully functioning and I just remembered I have class at 10am later so I'm doomed.

But anyway I have no idea how to write kiss scenes I'M REALLY SORRY I hope it wasn't too bad

And hair down Oikawa is chef's kiss it's totally underrated.

Love, me

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