Chapter 6- You're Not That Bad

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Hey guys how you doing?

I thought about making fudge but I would have to make the condensed milk from scratch and I just started a new ab workout thing I don't wanna ruin it-

Anyway on to the story!

⋘ ──── ∗ ⋅◈⋅ ∗ ──── ⋙

It's a weekend and I plan on chilling at home with my "family" and basically being good old antisocial me.

Apparently whatever supernatural force that conducts my day had other plans. Be it The Fates, some Roman god or Norse god or God with the capital 'G' himself, curse him/her/them. He/she/they obviously had something against my antisocial agendas.

At 8 in the morning, I got a call. What kind of unholy soul wakes up at 8 a.m. and calls others? On a weekend, no less.

It's Iwa. "Hlo?" I mumble groggily into the phone, trying to rub the sleep out of my eyes, and I yawn. I was up now, and there was no going back to sweet, warm dreamland.

"Wake up already, lazy!" Iwa's voice booms through the phone.

"Iwa-chan," I whine, mimicking Oikawa's tone, "It's 8 in the morning."

"It's 11, baka," he retorts.

"Shut up, I know it's not. I'm not stupid, you know," I grump.

"Anyway, Trashykawa wants your number because he wants to go out and do 'something fun', to quote him, with you and me," he pauses, "So do I have your permission to give him your number."

"And you didn't think to text?" I growl. "We're outside your house already, Oikawa can be pushy," he says. I hear someone talking in the background, the phone fumbling and falling, and muffled conversation, then Oikawa's voice, "Will you let us in? It's a weekend, get your ass outside once in a while."

He seems to have forgotten he has a girlfriend to hang out with. The relationship between Yuna and Oikawa is so complicating I get headaches. One second they're together, the next they're not, then they go on a date, then their relationship is to be determined. It's only for those with strong stomachs.

I groan a yes, then hang up. I flop off the bed onto the floor, and I allow myself a few moments to stare at the ceiling. After a few seconds of peace, someone starts ringing the doorbell mercilessly, and Oikawa's voice blasts through the intercom, "Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N Y/N WAKE UUUUUPPPP!!!"

I mumble a few curse words and pad down the stairs. I'm only in a loose t-shirt and shorts, so it qualifies as dressed, I guess. I open the door, and it nearly slams Iwa in the face, but it stubs Oikawa's toe.

He pouts, "Why so grumpy?" "It's 8, guys. I need sleep," I groan. "Sleep is for the weak!" Oikawa declares, looking back at Iwa for his support, and Iwa just ignores him. My dogs bound down the stairs like a delayed reaction and they pounce on Iwa and Oikawa.

"Hi guys," Oikawa says, and picks up Hermes and Artemis. Iwa falls down under the assault of Poseidon, the Golden Retriever, who was proving that he could live up to his namesake, the Earthshaker.

I let out a whistle and Poseidon comes back to my side, sitting down next to Atlas, who was as always, chill around people. 

Oikawa laughs, "You know what? If your dogs attack Iwa-chan they're not that bad after all." I snort and extend a hand to help Iwa up.

After 15 minutes, I've taken an ultra-fast shower and cleaned up. We hop into Oikawa's car, "Where to?" I ask. "Oikawa wanted to go to an amusement park since he's a child," Iwa says. "I'm almost an adult now," Oikawa pouts. "Emphasis on almost," I butt in.

Iwa laughs, "So where are we going?" "To the amusement park. You know how grumpy kids can get when they don't get what they want," I joke. "See, I told you she'd do it," Oikawa grins. "You're wrong, Y/N. Kids are baby goats, they're cute, fuzzy and have redeeming social value," Iwa says. "And Oikawa isn't cute or fuzzy, and he doesn't have redeeming social value, you're right. My bad," I grin. 

Oikawa crosses his arms and pouts. "Everyone says you're cold and detached, but we know different," Iwa grins. "You're not as bad as I initially thought you were," Oikawa adds. "I actually thought I'd be worse, y'know, with my sarcasm and all that," I kick Oikawa's seat, "So bad you're kidnapping me and bringing me to an amusement park early in the morning."

"Silly Y/N, she thinks there won't be any side trips," Iwa snickers. "But you're coming willingly," Oikawa whines. "Under one circumstance," I say.


"We ride all of the scary rides."

"Is it too late to mention Oikawa's scared of ghost houses?"

"Shut up, Iwa, you're terrified of roller coasters."

Iwa slaps Oikawa's shoulder.

"Well, I don't care, we're riding the scary rides."

"It's going to be a long day."

A/N: Aaaaaand... CUT!

Sorry for the late update guys

I hope you enjoyed the chapter :D

Anyway, I don't have any recommendations for today, but I'll find some stuff.

Wow it's 4am already, better go to sleep.

Anyway, thank you for reading ILYSM

lots of luvs, me

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