Chapter 11- Milkbread

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Hey guys! Hope you guys had/are having a good day! (◕‿◕✿)

I have a bit of a creative block right now but I wanted to give some content so here we go




Oikawa came over for another sleepover again because he said stuff were still kinda rocky with his parents, and we baked milkbread together.

He fudged it up the first time round, because he wanted to show off by cracking the eggs with just one hand. He ended up crushing them and the shells and the crushed eggs got mixed up. His hands were really gooey too, so I had to make him sit outside the kitchen as I cracked the eggs.

Then, he got the flour, but when I cut the new bag open, he thought it would be fun to smash the packet, sending the flour flying into our faces. Insert two flour-covered idiots chasing each other around with a whisk and a spatula.

When we finally got it done properly, it was good. No other words needed, it was good.

Of course, I barely got to eat any, because I went to wash my hands and came back to a half-eaten loaf of milkbread.


We went to school just as usual, had class, it was basically a normal day. Oikawa didn't have practice, so we went for ice cream with Iwaizumi.

Oikawa paid for mine to make up for the "flour incident", and Iwaizumi wasn't happy and said that he had to deal with Oikawa's crap since they were kids and no one ever thanked him.

Oikawa paid for his ice cream too.

Then we got into a fight- no, a heated debate about mint chocolate ice cream.


Another regular day, but I went to practice with them. I hung out with Yui for most of the day, and she talked about how jealous everyone else must be because I hit the "friend lottery".

I really liked Yui, but honestly, being friends with Oikawa wasn't that big a deal to me anymore. The dates for the mid-terms were announced, and we started off studying but ended up binge watching a few TV shows.


Studying, again. This time we actually got stuff done, and Oikawa and Iwaizumi joined us after a while and I swear Yui almost fainted.

We ordered dinner and ate as we studied, and then got into the mint chocolate ice cream fight again.


I heard from Tobio that Karasuno's going to be playing a friendly with our school next week, and I heard it from Oikawa with some grumbling that he would be facing "an old enemy" in the Karasuno match.

After that, he spent the night over again, but most of the time was spent with me trying to receive his serves and him improving them. If that old enemy's Tobio things are gonna get interesting.


Today... how am I going to describe today?

I woke up to Oikawa burning pancakes and a basin full of dishes to wash. Of course, I made him wash them, and he pouted and made puppy dog eyes to get out of washing dishes.

I said no, and he told me he's wash them if I could fit inside his backpack. His backpack was huge and stretchy, and I curled up inside to get it over with. And then...

Oh God, how do I even describe this.

He zipped up the backpack and threw an energy bar inside "for food". Then he carried me into his car, all while I was curled up in an extremely uncomfortable position.

When he picked up Iwaizumi, I squirmed as hard as I could. And Iwaizumi -God bless his beautiful and terrifying soul- let me out. He bonked Oikawa on the head and cursed a little and ranted about how I could've suffocated and died.

"That was so stupid! She could have suffocated! You can't go to jail when my years of tolerance of you aren't properly appreciated. Your backpack would have broke, the backpack that I bought you with my allowance when I was young and stupid," he ranted and ranted, but it was kinda funny.

He was in the backseat, and Oikawa and me were in the front seats. Oikawa just smiled and mimicked Iwaizumi in ᵗᶦⁿʸ.

After school I joined the photography club for the usual club activities. I bumped into the baseball captain, who probably has never noticed me in my entire life, and he flirted and asked me for my number.

After some persuasion, I pulled out my phone and pretended I didn't remember my number. I fumbled around with it like an old woman and texted Oikawa a quick "help" with my location.

Oikawa showed up pretty fast, and chased off the baseball captain. I actually don't know his name. When I asked Oikawa, he just said his name "wasn't important" because "volleyball is superior" and he's the volleyball captain so I only need to know his name.

After that, I heard from Iwaizumi that Oikawa apparently saw my text and dashed out of the gym. "Sonic is quaking," he joked. And now I have both of them as my emergency contacts and if I ever got hit on again all I needed was to text them my location and they'd either come running or call me and pretend to be my boyfriend.

Talk about protective.


After all that drama during Friday, Saturday was a nice, chill day. It rained, and I studied with Yui, Oikawa and Iwaizumi again. 

We ate a lot of junk food, and studied a lot. We took off 10 minutes to "power nap" because Oikawa got sleepy.

After that, we got into the mint chocolate ice cream "debate" again.

After that, it was cereal before milk or milk before cereal.

With them somehow every topic of conversation ends up as food.

And then Oikawa just declared milkbread superior and everyone shut up.

The power of milkbread.

Aaaaaanddd... CUT!

It's 4 and I have to be up by 7 tomorrow since we're going back to my hometown.

I won't be updating for the weekend cuz there's no internet at my hometown #oldschool

My aunt rescued an owl and I was gonna call it Bokuto no matter the name but apparently the owl is aggressive and will attacc so still Bokuto

I'll see if I can get some pics but the last time my other aunt tried to take a pic of it it attacked

Who knows what it'll do to me? But then again it's like I have some sort of superpower with animals, I love them they love me.

Maybe because they see me as an animal too

They're smart

I am pig oink

Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter!

Love, me

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