Chapter 17- Use Protection

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Heya, the Discord server's open, and it's just me for now lmao so if you want in drop a comment here. Also our Haikyuu fam has an opening for a Asahi and a Tanaka if you want in on that drop a comment here too yay.

I have severe creative block PLEASE GO EASY ON ME I'M SORRY


Exams. Oh no.


I can't push it out of my mind. As for Oikawa, well...

All he can think about are tournaments and the holidays after that. And he's dead set on going hiking and camping.

It's nice to think of going somewhere nice after the exams, but all I can think about is not failing. I don't wanna fail.

Stupidity is in my genes, I suppose.

"We're going to Mount Hiei for a hike and to see the temples," Oikawa declares while he drives Iwa and I to school.

"Where are we gonna get the money? I'm broke," I say. "We'll raid our savings accounts and you're not allowed to say no, I know you have a savings account," Oikawa says.

"What if I don't wanna go?" Iwa asks. Oikawa pouts, "Come on, Iwa-chan, we need someone responsible with us, you'll make sure we don't accidentally set the mountain on fire."

Iwa sighs, "I guess I'm in." Oikawa smiles, "You won't regret this." "I think he will," I point out. "But bring along another girl, Y/N needs someone with her," Iwa says.

"Aw, who knew you cared," I nudge him, and he lets out a tch. "I'm asking Yui, but before anything, I'm gonna try my best to keep my brain cell intact for the exams," I inhale sharply.

Well, we took the papers, and they weren't as hard as I expected, studying really paid off. But maybe I'm just dumb and I think I'm getting correct answers but I'm not.

I hate overthinking.

One thing though, every time I see a topic I studied with Oikawa, Yui and Iwa, our debates keep replaying in my head. That was distracting.

At lunch, I finally got the chance to ask Yui at lunch, but she only agreed after pestering me, well, a lot about Oikawa. "Are you two gonna sleep in the same room?" she was basically that lenny face.

"Uh, the whole reason I'm inviting you is so that I'm not alone but I don't have to be in the guys' room. And Iwa cares," Iwa caring gets a smirk out of her. "See, even he knows what's going on between you two," she looks delighted.

"Yui, we're friends, good God," I facepalm. "Aw come on, at least bring protection," she grins. "You're gonna need protection when I throw my food at you," I warn. "Well, you're gonna need protection when he-" I clamp her mouth shut.

"Yui!" I hiss. She giggles, "Come on, I don't wanna see a kid on you yet." "Yui I swear-" I begin. "Do you think he'll kiiiiiiss you?" she interrupts, making kissing sounds.

"You're acting like a kindergartner I thought you were the mature one," I sigh. "Come on, you've never dated, you don't talk to guys, you're emo all the time, and suddenly Mr. Perfect shows up and you're all happy and you smile more, I think I deserve to have some fun," she pouts.

"Who's Mr. Perfect?" Oikawa leans over my shoulder, and stuffs a piece of milkbread in his mouth. Yui chokes in a fit of laughter. "No one, and Yui's coming along, she's lost her right to say no," I manage to keep a straight face.

"So we're going," Oikawa grins. "I'm only going if Oikawa ends up in the same room as Y/N." Yui says. "Yui-" I begin.

"I mean, not complaining," Oikawa shrugs.

Yui lets out a cackle and muffles the rest of her laughter. I feel my face go hot, "Yui, you can't-" "Don't worry, I'm here to make sure nothing happens," Iwa says.

"Thank you, Iwa," I smile gratefully at him. "I'm only saying this because I know something's gonna happen and I have to stop it," he keeps a straight face. How is he completely serious.

Yui looks like she's gonna die. "You need help breathing, Yui?" I ask drily. She gasps a few mouthfuls of air and calms down.

"I'm fine," she says. "If anything happened I wouldn't save you," I grumble.

"But Y/N, Oikawa, I'm being very serious here," Iwa says. Both of us look at him, expecting a stinging comment.

"Use protection," he breaks out a small grin, and Yui starts laughing again.


Alright we're done here and I'm not OK I've cried too much to be OK.

Anyways I have church and it's almost 5am I need sleep.

See y'all.


love, me :D

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