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taehyung had just finished up his meeting and was ready to go home, he left saying bye to the staff but made sure mr han was not around before doing so. the blue-haired male walked out of the building and down the steps to his car, once he hopped in he drove off.

he was quite glad no one from the company knew where he lived, he did not want his manager knowing and he was not planning on telling him. even though the manager demanded to know the address. an hour went by and he was finally home, he lived in the mountains of the city. It was private and only security guards at the front of the street can let people through.

jin was the one who helped him get this house, he paid for it of course but jin helped him pick the safest street around.

taehyung walked into his home and placed his things on the table, he loved his home a lot and can see him bringing up a family in this home, It has a decent amount of rooms and bathrooms and a beautiful back and front yard.

taehyung lived alone, he was only allowed to have his granny over. that was strict orders from his devil boss. sometimes he made the younger male paranoid, worried that he had people watching him. jin and his boyfriend came over to his house quite a lot.

he slipped off his shoes and grabbed his computer to place the computer on the couch ready to sit down and go through some emails while he watches some movies. he did not like living alone he was offered to live with his two closest friends but he did not want to get in the couples way. 

taehyung wishes that maybe one day he could find someone. someone who will love him, cherish him, protect him, someone who he can laugh with and cuddle all day. someone to hold him.

taehyung has never been held by anyone in that way and he wants to be able to experience that so badly; but since he is so famous everyone wants him because he is rich. so he finds it hard to know when someone generally likes him for him.

so he has a dating app on his phone called yubo, no one knows it is him- the only pictures on there were just pictures of nature that he loved, that he took.

he has never matched with someone who he actually liked or someone that he thought was funny. not gonna lie every male he talked to on the app was just boring. while taehyung was on his phone he went onto yubo to see he matched with someone.

"gguk" taehyung mumbles as he goes through the profile to see just pictures of nature as well

a notification came up on his phone saying the account messaged him so he clicked onto it.

gguk: hi there, looks like we matched

taehyung smiled at the weird message normally people would say some stupid pick up line or ask for nudes or pictures of him.

me: Looks like we did :)

gguk: Well you can call me gguk, what can I call you?

taehyung hummed for a second trying to think of a name 

me: call me V :'}

gguk: nice to meet you V, I am guessing you're a private
guy like myself

me: yes so don't ask for my picture cause I wont send it

gguk: was going to say the same thing to you

taehyung smiled already starting to feel a little calmer 

me: well I have to go to bed, It was nice talking to you!

gguk: you too! night.

taehyung turned off his phone and placed his computer on the table, he laid on the couch closing his eyes. letting out a very tired yawn.

it was morning and jungkook was already at work, this was their last day of training before the concert and he was going to practice hard today for it. he was a quiet and precise man and wanted everything to be perfect, his performance had to be amazing. even if he was not the main star of the show.

jungkook was warming up as he watched people walk in also warming up.

"hi kook" he heard as he turned around to see jimin and hoseok behind him.

"hey guys," jungkook said as they sat down with him

hoseok and jimin were his only friends at the company. he was friends with jimin's boyfriend yoongi but he worked at a different company that was a little smaller, infamous-wise.

jungkook had a small group of friends and liked having a small nice friend group, people in this company aren't nice people. the male's phone vibrated against the floor, he got it off the ground and unlocked it.

V: hi uhm have a great morning

jungkook smiled and sent a morning message back and placed his phone in the bag

"o-oo who are you talking to?" jimin asked smiling at the male 

"ah I guy I met on yubo" jungkook smiled 

"good morning everyone!" charlie said as she walked in the room

jungkook and his friends stood up and followed everyone else into a group.

"okay everyone lets get started," charlie says as they run through some routines.

the practice was done for the day and it was the afternoon.

jimin, yoongi, hoseok, and jungkook had all went to a bar and ordered a few drinks.

they sat at the back of the bar and chatted.

"how is work?" hoseok asks yoongi who shrugs, picking up a cigar.

"I don't know like it is going okay but we don't have any big names to the company- we don't have much money coming in" the male replied, clearly stressed out.

"which sucks cause we have an amazing team, I just hope something will happen in the near future" yoongi said before taking a sip of his drink. 

jungkook felt bad; yoongi was a producer and could produce songs so well. he had seen his work and was amazed by it. yoongi had such serious talent, so finding out that his talents are not being recognised really did tick him off.

coming to think of it jungkook realised that all his friends were in places they weren't really wanting to be in. jimin was a dancer but wants to sing and dance, he wants to become an artist.

hoseok wants to become a head dancer and be the one instructing the dances for celebs. yoongi loved his job but wish they had more people and then there was himself who wanted to sing and dance just like Taehyung.

but only his friends and family know how well he can sing.

jungkook has his parents and one teenage sister and a little baby brother, his sister studies a lot and both parents work so a nanny looks after his baby brother most of the time but whenever jungkook is free he looks after him.

His parents are lovely people and support him with anything he wants to do and for that, he is forever grateful. 

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