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It was finally friday and taehyung was on his way to pick jungkook up, not at the time he said he would but two hours earlier. taehyung spent the rest of his day yesterday after the interview, doing a few meetings and eventually went shopping to get jungkook something for his birthday.

he wanted to get something more meaningful for him, he spent most of the evening looking for rings. he has seen jungkook have many rings but they are just ones that you can get from a cheap store.

taehyung does not mind cause he use to do that too, but he wanted to get jungkook something a little bit expensive and carve writing into it.

he ended up finding a beautiful ring and got a message carved into it, he was excited to give it to jungkook. he pulled up to the males house and parked his car before knocking at the door.

he smiled when jungkook's face appeared behind it.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY" taehyung yelled pushing the door out of his way to jump onto jungkook.

jungkook chuckled and wrapped his arms around taehyung's waist.

"here early as always" jungkook said only to receive a hit on his shoulder from tahyung.

"I knew you were gonna say that, anyways ready for the day ahead" taehyung asked smiling as jungkook nodded and quickly grabbed his phone and wallet before walking out the door with taehyung clinging to his arm.

and just like that they were off, jungkook was not sure where they were going but he decided not to ask questions and just let it flow. 

taehyung turned up the radio and gasped "I love this song" jungkook smiled at taehyung who started to sing.

"remember when we first met?"

"you said "light my cigarette" taehyung sung smiling

"so I lied to my mom and dad"

"I jumped the fence and I ran"

"but we couldn't go very far-cause you locked your keys in your car"

"so you sat and stared at my lips"

"and I could already feel your kiss" taehyung sung as he focused on the road kinda forgetting there was someone in the car with him

"long nights, daydreams-sugar and smoke rings, I've been a fool. But strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you" jungkook sung before the other male got the chance 

"headlights, on me, racing to 60, I've been a fool-but strawberries and cigarettes always taste like" jungkook continued

"blue eyes, black jeans, lighters and candy, I've been a fool-but strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you" jungkook sung while staring at taehyung

"and even if I run away, give my heart a holiday, still strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you" jungkook continued by stopped when taehyung's car stopped at a red light

"you always leave me wanting more" taehyung sung looking back at jungkook

"I can't shake my hunger for, strawberries and cigarettes always taste like you
Yeah, they always taste like you" taehyung whispered as jungkook smiled.

"I guess it is your favourite song as well?" taehyung asked 

"yes" jungkook smiled looking at taehyung who turned to look at the lights when he heard a car beep. he let out a little oops.

"we are here" taehyung smiled as he parked his car jungkook looked around a little confused

"where are we?" he questioned

"you have not been here before?" taehyung asked- the male shook his head. 

"well welcome to one of my favourite places" taehyung said as they both hopped out from the car.

"a festival?" jungkook asked 

"yes" taehyung said as he looked at jungkook who seemed a little gutted, the male frowned which was caught by jungkook.

"dont get me wrong tae I am very glad to spend this day with you but I am not huge on festival's" jungkook said walking up to taehyung.

"trust me this festival will change your mind" taehyung said smiling and dragged him towards the shops that were at the entrance of the festival. jungkook looked around to see everyone in summer clothes but himself and taehyung.

"If I knew we were gonna be here I would of dressed for the occasion" jungkook said

"oh no its okay, everyone comes in normal clothes and you go to this store to get dressed up and changed" taehyung said dragging him along to the store.

they entered and started looking around.

the room was filled with colour, all types of clothes and sizes- jungkook picked out a couple of things and went to try them on while taehyung still was looking. taehyung grabbed some black shorts and a tie dye top.

he went to get changed and placed his clothes in the bag, taehyung walked out of the changing rooms to see jungkook looking at himself in the large mirror.

"you look so handsome ggukie" taehyung said watching as the male turned around and smiled

"and you look breathtaking" jungkook said

taehyung blushed and quickly paid for the items before they left.

"I will go put this in my car and I will be right back" taehyung says running off. 

jungkook looked around to see people on a few rollercoasters, some people sitting down eating food while chatting. the festival was huge- and jungkook was not gonna lie and say he did not feel a little excited cause he definitely was starting to.

taehyung eventually came running back and decided to explore the place.

(7 hours later)

jungkook was having a blast to say the least, they went on a few rollercoasters- got some shopping which they took back to the car. they grabbed a few things to eat and went for a swim. there was everything you could think of there. 

they were still at the festival, they spent the past couple of hours on the beach. Now it was getting a little darker and a little colder.  they headed back towards the main area to see a stage with lights everywhere. 

and people sitting on the ground with blankets under them. taehyung and jungkook stood by the back watching and waiting for something to start

"what is this part?" jungkook said 

"they do this when people can go up either individually or in pears or groups to sing and they spin a wheel and you have to sing the song and everyone dances and sings" taehyung said

jungkook nodded and watched as it started and a few people went up and sung and everyone was dancing with their friends, family and strangers. It looked so cool.

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